Principal Report Example

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Preview of a Principal Report on International Schools Review

Principal: Jane Doe

Reporting Period: 2020 – 2023

School Name & Country: International School of Someplace

Fair & equitable with all staff
Good listener, easily approachable
Provides disciplinary support
Displays effective leadership
Delegates responsibility well
Demonstrates curriculum knowledge
Fosters positive, supportive climate
Strong ability to relate to kids
Overall Rating

1. Management style

 Jane Doe does not seem to value the experience and expertise of the teachers of the school. She is a top down manager with an authoritarian style of communicating with teachers.

2. Academic & disciplinary support

I think teachers are supported by Jane Doe and the admin as long as it does not affect the school’s profit margins. Over the years a “yes” culture has sprung up among staff, and various social cliques and mistrust contribute to an overly negative faculty ambiance. An excellent example of this is the ongoing lack of a proper staff-room – I believe Jane Doe does not want staff communicating with each other socially and sharing their experiences.

3. Hiring Process

The hiring process is completely opaque. There is no set transparent salary structure of any kind. Jane Doe has what I would call an unhealthy fixation on the appropriateness of staff clothing, among other ‘quirks’. I could not in all honesty recommend anyone with proper qualifications and experience to work for this Principal if they value their teaching and their career.

4. Additional Comments

In my opinion, Jane Doe is a person you work for if you:
1) are desperate to stay in this country or 2) have zero experience or lack proper teaching qualifications. This is not a principal to work for if you value your international teaching career and the confidence you have in doing your job.