Help Logging in to Member Area & Forums

Member Area Help


Are you a site member and getting the Payment Page, the Almost Finished Page, Membership Expired Page or Log in Failed Page?

Restart your browser after each and every failed log in attempt. Failure to do so will result in the same results over and over again. To restart your browser simply close it & open it.

STILL CAN’T LOG IN? Most log in problems are due to new members forgetting that they filled out more than one membership form during multiple visits to the website.  Logging in using the data from unfunded memberships takes you directly to the payment page. Please use the link below to get your current log in details. RESTART YOUR BROWSER AND LOG IN.

OFTEN TIMES RENEWING MEMBERS CREATE A NEW LOG IN INSTEAD OF RENEWING THEIR MEMBERSHIP. If you filled out a new membership form you did not renew and you will get the expired screen when trying to log in from the original membership. PLEASE USE THE LINK BELOW TO GET YOUR CURRENT LOG IN DETAILS.

Retrieve Correct Member Area User Name & Password Here
Be sure to Get Both of Them

Forum Help

The ISR web site is comprised of three features; the Members Area, the Open Forum, and the Member Forum. Registering to log in to one site feature does not automatically allow you to log into other site features. You must register to log in at each site feature you wish to log into. YOU MAY REGISTER THE SAME LOG IN AT EACH SITE FEATURE.

If you are an ISR Member your Member log in to the School Review section of the web site will NOT log you into either of our forums. We set it up this way because user names display next to every Forum post & many ISR Members do not want to display the user name associated with their membership.

To register to post to one of our forums, click the “Register” link at the forum of your choice and follow the prompts. At the MEMBER FORUM you will be able to log in immediately and begin posting. The OPEN FORUM requires an email confirmation. Please follow the prompts to avoid delays in your log in being activated to the OPEN FORUM.

Go to Open Forum / Go to Member Forum

Still Need Help?

Click here to continue to Contact us Form.

Please be sure to tell us the user name and password you are using.

Note: The ISR office operates on Pacific Time. Please take this into account when you contact us.