Woman writing a review of an international school

Colombo International School

Review 1)
Academic integrity of Colombo International School
Effectiveness of administration at Colombo International School
Academic and disciplinary support provided at Colombo International School
Director's involvement in academics at Colombo International School
Fair and equitable treatment by board and director at Colombo International School
Colombo International School has adequate educational materials on hand
Attitude of local community towards foreigners at Colombo International School
Cost of living in relation to salary at Colombo International School
Satisfaction with housing at Colombo International School
Community offers a variety of activities at Colombo International School
Availability and quality of local health care at Colombo International School
Satisfaction with school health insurance policy at Colombo International School
Family friendly / child friendly school and community at Colombo International School
Assistance with visas, shipping and air travel at Colombo International School
Extra curricular load is reasonable at Colombo International School
Security and personal safety at Colombo International School

Colombo International School (CIS) gets its students into the world’s best universities...

Colombo International School has 1500 students K-13 too many for the site but with record exam results it even has a waiting list.

The staffroom at Colombo International School is not air conditioned so...

The housing allowance is poor at Colombo International School...

In the first year at Colombo International School expat staff get no sick pay when we asked about this... 

Colombo International School’s a great adventure but it means lowering your expectations...

My last tip for working at Colombo International School is whatever position of responsibility you are offered... 

Most of the locals only work here in order to say they work at Colombo International School and can charge more for their private tuition classes in the afternoon and weekends...

The pay is low, the teaching load is low, and the sun is hot with no AC in at 
Colombo International School...

It's a real exam factory: students get great results and go to the world's best universities, but the board will blame you if a child does badly--it will be your fault at 
Colombo International School...

International Schools Review

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