Woman writing a review of an international school

Colegio Colombo Britanico

Review 1)
Academic integrity of Colegio Colombo Britanico
Effectiveness of administration at Colegio Colombo Britanico
Academic and disciplinary support provided at Colegio Colombo Britanico
Director's involvement in academics at Colegio Colombo Britanico
Fair and equitable treatment by board and director at Colegio Colombo Britanico
Colegio Colombo Britanico has adequate educational materials on hand
Attitude of local community towards foreigners at Colegio Colombo Britanico
Cost of living in relation to salary at Colegio Colombo Britanico
Satisfaction with housing at Colegio Colombo Britanico
Community offers a variety of activities at Colegio Colombo Britanico
Availability and quality of local health care at Colegio Colombo Britanico
Satisfaction with school health insurance policy at Colegio Colombo Britanico
Family friendly / child friendly school and community at Colegio Colombo Britanico
Assistance with visas, shipping and air travel at Colegio Colombo Britanico
Extra curricular load is reasonable at Colegio Colombo Britanico
Security and personal safety at Colegio Colombo Britanico

The Bach section of Colegio Colombo Britanico Colombia is currently implementing the Middle Years Program as a forerunner to the IB. Since organization is a significant issue at Colegio Colombo Britanico Colombia and there is little professional development for classroom teachers, it simply leads to mounds of paperwork and assessment with little educational value. Please read between the lines - there is NO curriculum at Colegio Colombo Britanico Colombia.

There are significant communication issues at Colegio Colombo Britanico Colombia. It is very confusing to know who handles what. Essentially I figured out that the Department Head Teacher has a bigger desk and has to attend more meetings; the MYP Co-ordinator has an even bigger desk and attends loads more meetings; and the principal had his own office with two desks and calls ALL the shots at Colegio Colombo Britanico Colombia. But this did not stop them all having a unique view of how....

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