Avoid Swiss boarding schools

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Avoid Swiss boarding schools

Post by EyEyEy »

Hi everyone,
Yesterday I talked with an old friend who is also a teacher.
He said he was applying to a Swiss boarding school because he had read on this ISR forum that Swiss boarding schools are good places to work and that teachers there can save a lot of money.
This post is only to tell you that that is NOT TRUE.
I failed to find the post he was referring to so I cant add my warning there as a reply so this post will have to do.

I work in Switzerland myself and know a many teachers at many schools here. The teachers teaching at boarding schools are generally miserable and they save even less than the ones teaching at normal Swiss international schools.
And I am talking about the very fancy boarding schools with the highest tuitions in the world.
You will be happier at the normal international schools and you will save more there than at these boarding schools.

Apologies for the negative nature of the post but dont want to risk decent teachers being exposed to misinformation.
This concludes my rant.
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Re: Avoid Swiss boarding schools

Post by Heliotrope »

I've heard and read the same (the low savings potential plus the experience of working there being very unpleasant) .
Personally I'd avoid any boarding school anywhere, but not saving a dime would be an extra reason to stay clear.

Re: Avoid Swiss boarding schools

Post by Illiane_Blues »

> And I am talking about the very fancy boarding schools with the highest
> tuitions in the world.
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Re: Avoid Swiss boarding schools

Post by leighton1904 »

I have worked in more than one Swiss boarding school. I agree with the original poster - you will not save much money and Switzerland is generally very dull.

You'll probably earn around 6000 CHF, but after deductions, compulsory health insurance, rent, food etc. there will not be that much left over at the end of the month.

Accommodation would be 1500-3000 a month
HEalth insurance minumum of 220 for each family member
Food would cost around 400 for a single person or around 800-1000 for a family.

I had more disposable income in two other Western European countries compared with my spells in Switzerland.

There are more interesting and more financially lucrative countries to work in than Switzerland.

Re: Avoid Swiss boarding schools

Post by Illiane_Blues »

> And I am talking about the very fancy boarding schools with the highest
> tuitions in the world.

I assume you mean Institut Le Tulipey and Institut auf dem Tulipsberg?
Some teachers even lose money working at Swiss boarding schools because they like to travel Europe during breaks.
I wouldn't call Switzerland dull but it depends on what you like. If you like skiing or mountain climbing for example it can be great
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Post by PsyGuy »

Probably I who wrote it, and did so because its ABSOLUTELY TRUE. Switzerland has some of the highest salaries in IE, you can make 6 figures in Switzerland walking in. Ive already had this debate with @Heliotrope, after which being provided with numerous examples from their own source (Numbeo), there wasnt a situation where the cost of living increase was more than the average coin in salary increase.
I am well aware that many ITs are miserable in Switzerland with the quality of life, but the issue isnt quality of life its coin. Im also well aware that there are varying schools of thought that prioritize other factors such as quality of life and saving as popular, mine is salary and coin. Again, Switzerland has some of the highest salaries available in IE.
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Re: Avoid Swiss boarding schools

Post by Heliotrope »

On the one hand we have several teachers that have taught (or are teaching) at Swiss boarding schools or are in-country and personally know teachers that work at these schools, and they're all saying you won't save much or anything at all.
On the other had there's @PsyGuy who claims that they are wrong.
So hard to decide who to trust...
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Re: Avoid Swiss boarding schools

Post by secondplace »

You might earn six figures, but when chicken costs 71% more than the UK, then it doesn't really add up...

Re: Avoid Swiss boarding schools

Post by Illiane_Blues »

Heliotrope & secondplace, there is no point trying to argue with Psyguy. He has his own truth and will never admit he is wrong. He will try to convince you he knows better than those who work or have worked at Swiss boarding schools themselves. He is a troll.
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Re: Avoid Swiss boarding schools

Post by secondplace »

I know.

But I just thought it wouldn't hurt to set the record straight for anyone who might chance across the conversation.
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Re: Avoid Swiss boarding schools

Post by EyEyEy »

For whoever is still considering a job at a Swiss boarding school: contact a teacher currently working there and they will tell you that you won't save and most will tell these are not great schools to teach at even if money is not important to you.
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Re: Avoid Swiss boarding schools

Post by muinteoir »

secondplace wrote:
> I know.
> But I just thought it wouldn't hurt to set the record straight for anyone
> who might chance across the conversation.

As a newcomer here, I find the input from all perspectives most useful in sifting through the wealth of information on this site. Thank you for your contribution, it was not wasted!
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Re: Avoid Swiss boarding schools

Post by whatkatiedid »

I am adding my voice to this. Yes AVOID SWISS BOARDING SCHOOLS. They treat staff very very badly. You will be poorly paid and overworked and at the mercy of capricious business men. There are teachers coming in direct from the UK with decent qualifications/careers/reputations they will blow a hole in those careers by working for one of these Swiss boarding schools. You will not get a reference when you leave.

You will NOT save at a Swiss boarding school. Do not waste your time and effort on these disgusting organizations who charge parents the earth and pay teachers peanuts.

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Re: Avoid Swiss boarding schools

Post by angelica1981 »

whatkatiedid wrote:
> I am adding my voice to this. Yes AVOID SWISS BOARDING SCHOOLS. They treat
> staff very very badly. You will be poorly paid and overworked and at the
> mercy of capricious business men. There are teachers coming in direct from
> the UK with decent qualifications/careers/reputations they will blow a hole
> in those careers by working for one of these Swiss boarding schools. You
> will not get a reference when you leave.
> You will NOT save at a Swiss boarding school. Do not waste your time and
> effort on these disgusting organizations who charge parents the earth and
> pay teachers peanuts.

I agree with everything whatkatiedid has written.

And I tried to PM you, whatkatiedid, but there seems to be no option? Is that because I haven't posted enough? If you could PM me, that would be so great.

Re: Avoid Swiss boarding schools

Post by Rhysboy »

Does this apply to all international schools in Switzerland or just boarding schools?
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