Explain gaps in employment on CV?

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Explain gaps in employment on CV?

Post by twostars »

I have a lot of gaps in employment, or short stints, on my resume. The reasons are all legit and will not be an issue in future (grad school, my now ex-husband getting transferred, maternity, etc.), I even have references from these schools. I commonly get asked about this in interviews, but I imagine this might mean I don't even make it to the interview in some cases. Should I include some kind of explanation about this on my CV? If so, how? All the info is in my Search profile, but I get the impression Heads don't read that very carefully.
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Post by PsyGuy »

The only way to do it on a resume is to list the gaps as line items like you would any other part of your work history. That takes up a lot of space. You can put it in your cover letter or intro email, but Id keep it brief and isnt likely to get read though until a recruiter is prepping for an interview (assuming they prep).
None of those are great solutions though because the resume is supposed to "sell you", its not the place to include explanations.
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Re: Explain gaps in employment on CV?

Post by wrldtrvlr123 »

I've seen/heard of gaps being addressed both ways. If you have the time, try playing around with your CV and see what a timeline would look like, how much space it would take up etc. If you like the look of it, consider using it.
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