Search Associates Shrinking?

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Search Associates Shrinking?

Post by blinky »

I know there is a thread on something similar to this, but my question is just about Search.
Anybody else notice that the schools on Search seem to be declining? I never registered for any fairs this year, but I did sign up to keep my options open. I'm kind of disappointed that I did, quite frankly. A number of the good schools on the site are either off completely, or also on TIE, Schrolle or TES. Most of the schools aren't even on par with the TIE online schools anymore. Schools in the Middle East are on there with packages for 23 K a year? Who in the hell in their right mind- as a Westerner- would do this? You're paying 225 dollars for a membership and a couple grand on flights and hotels for a fair so you can go live in Kuwait for 12 bucks an hour and a studio apartment in sandbox? Are people this desperate? You could literally make more money working 50 hours a week minimum wage in most places. A part-time job at KFC and another at McDonalds could garner more money and benefits than teaching in some schools in the Middle East? You would not think this way, but the numbers are clear.

I've had a few schools contact me, but I was not interested in any of them whatsoever. Perhaps this is a famine year? What do you long timers think? Where do you think recruiting is going?

Other than job fairs, I don't really see the value in this site anymore. I know a few teachers who have been applying to schools with a note that they will be visiting the city soon and would be willing to visit the school. One of these guys just landed a great job in Hong Kong with this approach. In fact, he said he doesn't attend fairs anymore. He likes to visit the school to really know what he is getting into. Schools also go for this because they get to see him interact with staff and students. He's gotten his last two jobs this way. I'm thinking of going this route next year, when I'm more serious about moving on.
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Re: Search Associates Shrinking?

Post by wrldtrvlr123 »

I haven't been active with Search for a few years now. Thankfully I haven't had any need beyond curiosity. I looked into reactivating just as a kind of hobby and to keep my finger on the pulse of the int'l school market but they wanted us to jump though quite a few hoops AND pay membership fees for my wife and I, which was kind of hard to justify in the end.

It would be interesting to hear from anyone with the actual numbers for schools over the last few years for Search and/or the specific schools that have left. One of the biggest draws for them (beyond the fairs) is the school database which is obviously not very useful if they are indeed bleeding schools. Maybe one of their mouthpieces will pay us a visit, as they sometimes do.

As for low paying schools in the ME, I can't imagine how they get their teachers. Although saying that, it works out for some people, in some situations. Our first gigs were in Egypt and although we took major pay cuts in base salary to move overseas, we still were able to live better and save more than when we were both teaching in the states. So I guess it could make sense for some people.

The dropping into visit schools must work for some people I guess but I'm not sure you can count on it as a regular recruiting method. Many of the better schools can be a bit elitist and may or may not be interested in having random job hunters dropping by for (and/or trying to arrange) a tour. Doesn't hurt to try I suppose.
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Re: Search Associates Shrinking?

Post by aburr »

I don't know if they are indeed shrinking, in terms of numbers of schools registered, but as far as I can tell they still have most of the top schools in Asia, Europe, and Africa. I'm not too familiar honestly with South America, but you can see which schools are registered with Search here:

I'll say this, I got my job I am starting in July and my current job with Search. I love Search! If it weren't for them, I would probably still be slaving away in the States. Thanks John and Susan Ritter! :)

...and no, I am NOT a spokesperson or anything like that for them. Just a normal IE like the rest of us.
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Re: Search Associates Shrinking?

Post by senator »

You ask :
"As for low paying schools in the ME, I can't imagine how they get their teachers."

Then you answer your own question:

"Although saying that, it works out for some people, in some situations. Our first gigs were in Egypt and although we took major pay cuts in base salary to move overseas"

Shitty, low paying schools ALWAYS get teachers because too many people like you will settle for anything just to get overseas - so they can be "Worldtravelers".

Hell, you're one of the few dummies who still argue against staying away from a country as polluted as China.

Which makes your opinion suspect. You're just another teacher who defends IE with the same tired line: "it's still better than the U.S."
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Re: Search Associates Shrinking?

Post by blinky »


I appreciate that you have an axe to grind with WT, but why hijack my thread, dude? I'm looking for real answers here. And now that you've decided to go after WT, this thread will descend into just another sh**t talking, waste of time. I took some time to write that, and now I won't get an answer or experiences. Go get your own thread.

That being said, has anyone else noticed Search's Decline? I just don't see how it's worth it, aside from maybe the Bangkok fair if you already live in South East Asia.
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Post by PsyGuy »

Unicorn vs. Gnome Battle!!!!!
Helen Back
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Re: Search Associates Shrinking?

Post by Helen Back »

Can't tell you about the number of schools, but my experience of reopening my Search account was the same as WTs. There were too many hoops to jump through and in the end I didn't bother.
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Re: Search Associates Shrinking?

Post by wrldtrvlr123 »

senator wrote:
> Worldtraveler,
> You ask :
> "As for low paying schools in the ME, I can't imagine how they get
> their teachers."
> Then you answer your own question:
> "Although saying that, it works out for some people, in some
> situations. Our first gigs were in Egypt and although we took major pay
> cuts in base salary to move overseas"
> Shitty, low paying schools ALWAYS get teachers because too many people like
> you will settle for anything just to get overseas - so they can be
> "Worldtravelers".
> Hell, you're one of the few dummies who still argue against staying away
> from a country as polluted as China.
> Which makes your opinion suspect. You're just another teacher who defends
> IE with the same tired line: "it's still better than the U.S."
You continue to show yourself to be willfully hard of thinking. You basically have one theme running through virtually all of your posts:
Everything I did was great in int'l teaching but now it sucks and you are all idiots for doing most of the same things that I did (when it was great, but now it sucks).

Except when you are/were thinking about going back into it, then it was OK again.

I'm not sure why you feel the need to stalk me and resort to (less than inspired) name-calling but I will not hijack this thread (or any other with a pointless back and forth) And just to clarify, as a teaching couple we saved $20K a year, lived well and traveled around Egypt vs, saving zero and not being able to afford to travel, go out, etc in our home state. Do you see the difference between that reality and what you claim my position to be? If not, then I cannot help you. Well, I could since I am an awesome SPED teacher but I will save my energy for people who can't help their deficits.

And now back to your regularly scheduled thread...

How bout that Search Associates?
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Re: Search Associates Shrinking?

Post by flipfuntasia »

Hello @blinky,

A colleague mentioned that as well (that the number of schools have declined).

As for the value of the site, for me it was an investment on our part as a teaching couple with dependents. We needed to go through the vetting process to show that we are qualified to teach internationally as non-native English speakers. Though I cannot personally attest to the decline in numbers, we needed SA in order to apply to other ISs we didn't have access to a few years ago. I guess it all boils down to what's the best fit for you.

As much as I want to visit different schools, we cannot afford to take that gamble (unless it's pretty close or I get a personal invite. I know, doubtful).

Btw, we still have access to TIE and TES, but use SA primarily for job hunting. Comparing TIE and SA, SA has the more comprehensive information on-hand, which help us with our application.
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Re: Search Associates Shrinking?

Post by nathan61 »

SEARCH is very worth it for those of us who have used them for years and have a bunch of confidential references with them. That is where you get trapped into using them. Schools like to see those references. Plus it is only $250 dollars to set up an account. That is a really tiny price to pay for a possible leg-up in the recruiting process.

They may be declining, but they are still bigger than their competition (Schroll, and ISS).
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Re: Search Associates Shrinking?

Post by expatscot »

I don't know about Search shrinking, but I've had the feeling there are less jobs around this year. Both my wife & I are registered, but neither of us have had any bites through Search (we both got jobs though!) Admittedly I'm humanities, and we were excluding most of the Middle East, but even just observing them there doesn't seem to be much.
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Re: Search Associates Shrinking?

Post by interteach »

I don't think Search is shrinking but instead the number of mediocre (or worse) international schools is growing. i've also heard that this isn't a good recruiting year as people are staying put. I have only hearsay to back that up. I know that a number of very good school still use Search, but they also use it to hire before the fairs.
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Re: Search Associates Shrinking?

Post by shadowjack »

There are a couple of things to consider.

1. Search IS declining. Perhaps more schools are using alternate routes to hiring. Perhaps.

2. It just isn't your year. You might be recruiting, but there aren't many jobs for YOUR position, and the ones that are for your position are not at the good schools YOU want to go to. I get that. But some years there are lots of jobs in a field, other years there are only a few jobs in a field. I have had friends go and be ecstatic with the choices and options and I have had friends go and find nothing, breaking down in tears over the pressure.

Myself, I am active on search just to see what's out there. You never know when you might want to make a move - and at 250 for 3 years - that is about 80 bucks a year, or about 7 dollars a month, it's a good deal.
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Re: Search Associates Shrinking?

Post by justlooking »

I agree with you, Shadowjack; I would love to know what's out there. We are happy at our current school but would make a move next year if the right opportunity came up. We have archived Search accounts, but I don't know if I'm willing to let my current admin know that I'm interested in looking next year. I would need a recommendation from a current supervisor, wouldn't I, to activate our files again?
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Post by PsyGuy »

SA isnt shrinking its losing ISs to either internal or external application management systems. Thats why when you apply through SA you end up having to apply again through the ISs own application portal. There replacing those ISs with lower tiered ISs.

Fields have different cycles that run through feast and famine, sometimes its your year and sometimes it seems there is nothing.


You would likely need a new reference, depends on your associate. Talk to them and see what they would want after explaining your situation. Otherwise you could use a colleague who is in an HOD or coordinator role, or just a senior IT/DT.
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