Why do you move around?

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Why do you move around?

Post by jschott »

When I taught at a school in Germany, I was intensely happy, believing I had found the life I had always imagined. I had no desire to teach at another school. Yet some of my colleagues seemed to be following a different path, moving from one school to another every two years. I never understood that, for I knew how rare really good environments and schools were, and I knew we weren't likely to find much better out there. But they came and went anyway.

Are you a mover or a stayer? And if you're a mover, why?
fine dude
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Re: Why do you move around?

Post by fine dude »

Depends on your circumstances. If you are a teacher couple, and want to live the high life and end up with a pension and moderate savings, W.Europe is ideal for you.
For those aiming at big savings, low cost of living, and tropical climes, south-east asia seems to be a good fit.
Then there are those who either want to see the world or think the grass is greener on the other side. So, they keep moving until they settle down at their dream school.
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Re: Why do you move around?

Post by chilagringa »

Depends on life circumstances, I guess.

The world is big and wonderful, and I was planning on moving about every 4-5 years. But now I have a significant other where I live, so I might stay here permanently.
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Re: Why do you move around?

Post by marieh »

As chilagringa says, it depends on life circumstances. When I took this contract, I thought I'd be out in 2 years, but the country and school has really grown on me and my bank account has grown significantly as well. However, if my dream job suddenly presented itself to me (or I realised that my mental health was suffering, or I had a change in my relationship status, etc.)...well, it would definitely be time to rethink things.
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Post by PsyGuy »

Mover, I go for the waters and always end up misinformed.
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Re: Why do you move around?

Post by sitka »

Because every city and every school has an expiry date.
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Re: Why do you move around?

Post by chilagringa »

Not necessarily. Unless death or retirement count as an expiry date. I'd be happy where I am until retirement if things work out here in my personal life. Why not? Love my school, love the country, and I have a great social circle.
fine dude
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Re: Why do you move around?

Post by fine dude »

Expiry dates vary from place to place. When pollution levels worsen year after year, some consider moving and others look for fixes. When people don't learn the local language, can't find a partner or save enough, they add an expiry label. What some consider 'expired' could be a retirement destination for others.
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Re: Why do you move around?

Post by sitka »


I'm happy for you, honestly.

However, I've always been of the opinion that nowhere is utopia. Whether that is something related to the country (pollution, cost of living, taxes, safety, infrastructure and traffic, weather), the school (workload, pay, students, administrators) or personal - everywhere has its problem, and eventually the mystery box of another school/region seems more appealing than another year of the same.

That is just me though. I work at a great school full of great teachers and amazing students - but I know that it won't be forever.
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Re: Why do you move around?

Post by chilagringa »

Don't get me wrong - if you'd asked me a year ago what my plan was, it was to move to Asia or the ME after a few years at my current posting. (The lifestyle is great where I am, but the money sucks.)

But, life gets in the way, and I'm okay with that because there are worse places than where I live.
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Re: Why do you move around?

Post by AnotherIT »

Right now I am moving for the right balance between school and country/city.

I loved living in Bahrain but the school I was at was not going to a good long term fit. Very little development. Constant issues with discipline.

Currently I am in Guatemala City. I like my school. Fun students, not the most academically gifted, they are funny, quirky and respectful), I have a wonderful department head and a solid principal. Guatemala on the other hand has been an issue. Been pick pocketed for a cell phone and had my apartment robbed (by members of the security company which was tasked with keeping the bad guys out no less.)

So still looking for the right combination of school and location.

As such, my wife and I keep moving.
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Re: Why do you move around?

Post by Nomad68 »

In my case, I am in the ME and trying to save enough to buy a home and an investment property. The long term view is ideally to return to Europe for the retirement run in a location with a decent pension payout. When I have moved from a job it has been either because of safety concerns, awful management/treatment by admin, or better conditions for my family. The next move for us is going to be for a couple of contract renewals until that last dash back to Europe.
I would say an expiry date can be sprung on you by the school - either you can be replaced by someone cheaper/younger, or perhaps the admin/principal changes and the work environment becomes toxic, or the stability/quality of life in the host country deteriorates.
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