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Post by wrldtrvlr123 »

[quote="hallier"]I think that a lot of what PsyGuy writes is helpful (those cost of living threads, for eg) and he certainly generates a lot of interest on this forum.

However, it is very important that those folks who were asking him for advice based on his assertion that he is an IB coordinator and junior admin in Denmark now know that this is not true.

For that reason, the fact that this has become the most read thread in the forum's history is a good thing.

Of course, PsyGuy will no doubt insist that he IS an junior admin etc and that he WAS at Search Sydney and the posters, incl. the relevant Search Associate, are WRONG about the layout of the hotel etc.

For those Monty Python fans out there, you might want to have another look at the Black Knight sketch in the Monty Python and the Holy Grail movie.

For those who have been following this thread, have a look at it. I think you'll find it amusing and sort of relevant. Here is one link: ----://www.youtube.com/watch?v=mjEcj8KpuJw. It's the last 2 minutes or so that this whole thread brought to my mind.[/quote]

I won't touch the whole was he or wasn't he at Search Sydney (since I have no clue about any of that).

For the sake of argument though, don't you think that it is entirely possible that a Search member could take a job without it being reflected on their Search file?

Also, couldn't someone be cagey about certain details of the job to protect their anonymity, which could explain why you coudn't find them by searching the IBO site?

I have no great investment in Psyguy actually having the job/jobs he claims to have/have had. I do know that things (including Search files/websites) are not always completely as they seem. Based on that evidence, I would hesitate to be absolutely as convinced as you are, that he is lying about all of the things you say is.

But that's just my personal opinion. FWW.
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Post by hallier »

[i]“Also, couldn't someone be cagey about certain details of the job to protect their anonymity, which could explain why you coudn't find them by searching the IBO site?â€
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Post by liketotravel »

I wish I had The Holy Hand Grenade of Antioch to end his thread :).
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Post by PsyGuy »

I posted (and cited that post in this thread) a while back asking for help, because even i didnt understand why they were sending us to Sydney (and i really still dont, we have 2 definite vacancies at this point). Ive been told that really June is just too late to "start" any type of recruiting effort and expect to get good candidates.

So when i was leaving italy for here, I realized that the "pool of anonymity" was going to shrink and shrink a lot. When your a teacher its pretty easy to conceal yourself in the numbers. Even a moderate sized school is easily going to have a 100 or more staff. So even 5 or 6 schools in a city creates a pretty sizable pool of which you could be anyone.

Being an admin changes those numbers a great deal. A moderate sized school only has a handful of administrators. We have 6 (not counting the counselor and librarian), so when you take those kinds of numbers (single digits vs triple digits) for the same 5 or 6 schools and you get a "pool of anonymity" amounting to a couple dozen. Thats a lot more difficult to hide in, add any description of what you do at a certain school and that pool gets even smaller. You cant really expect to remain anonymous under those conditions, you just cant hide in a fishbowl.

That creates a dilemma, especially in a forum such as this (you cant reconcile the credibility of anonymous sources). Readers deserve context and background on the source of where information is coming from. On the other side of that argument is the source wanting to maintain their anonymity, and with such a small sub group you cant really say anything about who you are, what you do or where you are, without easily revealing your identity.

I cant say i made the right or the best choice, i cant even say there arent better choices out there, but I choose to obfuscate my identity, because like mostly everyone on this forum I value the anonymity. I and many people on this forum would not be able to participate on this forum, or even this site (such as the ISR reviews section) if it were not anonymous. Id lose my job, and would probably never find a job again. If you had to post and submit reviews under your own identity, recruiters would just check to see if youd ever said anything negative about a school, or were just simply a contributor. The sharing of information would just vanish.

It might be hard for us to remember, especially when interacting with long time personalities and veterans but when we participate in an anonymous forum, we are inherently accepting some level of deception not just from others but in our selves. With few exception when we join, and then contribute and consume information on this forum, we are not doing so under our own and actual names, but under personas, avatars, pen names, cover identities, call them what you will, but we fabricated them and constructed the backgrounds for them. We all (mostly) stepped into this community telling a lie, to conceal who we really are, because we needed too.
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Post by PsyGuy »

YIPPY, Oh my gosh like attention from my arch nemeses again, your really going to spoil me. "Carefully crafted" oh gosh thats going to make a sticky spot.
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Post by bigfatgit »

For a moment, I thought were going to be told the truth and get an apology

Oh, well; we live in hope
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Post by PsyGuy »

Sorry, there nothing to apologies for, and I really do like my anonymity.

Postal Script: (hope you won another bet).
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Post by bigfatgit »

I refuse to believe that you are a teacher

It is "apologise" in proper English; coming from French words through both Latin and Greek words ("apologize" in the American version as formed from the original Greek via Latin) and there is no such thing as a "postal script". It is post script from Mediaeval Latin (post scriptum - from the neuter past participle of "postscribere")

Between this and your normal shocking grammar, I can only assume that you are currently in about grade 5
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Post by PsyGuy »

My iPad thinks it can read my mind and type better then I can.

Your very correct, but I used "postal script" purposely.
Postal Script is a historical reference referring to the margin message in a telegram, often used for giving delivery instructions, it was considered text that was free of charge and not used when calculating the cost (which was charged per word).
The use became popular in international and inter regional communications, when one telegrapher would hand a message off to another and so forth, often crossing more then one telegraph provider. Using postal script was a means of relaying extra text, at a lower competitive cost.
Thats how my professor once described it.

Postal Script: Belief generally has little effect on reality. The "force" doesnt work like it does in Star Wars, natural laws are pretty immutable to ones will.

Post Script: You realize then that your arguing with a 5th grader?
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Post by missy »

I think the moderator of the ISR website should just delete this entire post.

It is useless back and forth banter and does not make ISR look very good or reputable (or professional for that matter).

Of course I realize this is just my opinion and that I could be totally wrong.
Perhaps this discussion is of great value to others ?
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Post by wrldtrvlr123 »

[quote="missy"]I think the moderator of the ISR website should just delete this entire post.

It is useless back and forth banter and does not make ISR look very good or reputable (or professional for that matter).

Of course I realize this is just my opinion and that I could be totally wrong.
Perhaps this discussion is of great value to others ?[/quote]
Great value? Well, only in the sense that it is free, and mildly amusing.
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Post by PsyGuy »

That and Rhaegar wouldnt have the honor of having the most viewed post on ISR.
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Re: Honor

Post by wrldtrvlr123 »

[quote="PsyGuy"]That and Rhaegar wouldnt have the honor of having the most viewed post on ISR.[/quote]


Wow! Weren't there some more posts after this one? Looks like the censors have been busy.
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Post by BocaJrs »

[quote= wrldtrvlr123]Wow! Weren't there some more posts after this one? Looks like the censors have been busy.[quote]

You're right....looks like the admins aren't fans of Jersey Shore. (thank goodness ;)
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