Review Your School

Please Rate Each Item on a Scale of 1 - 10. Top Rating = 10

Your review will be posted anonymously unless you expressly tell us otherwise

Your review may not post without a correct web address. We must be able to connect your school to a web site for verification purposes. Please notate if no site exists.
Please add your comments below
Reviews with comments take posting priority

Member-suggested topics to include in your review:
Describe the physical condition of the school. Are teaching resources & budgets adequate for departments & classroom teachers? How organized is the overall curriculum? Is this an IB, AP school, British based, American based or a combination? Is professional development provided? What types of weekend activities are available, including nightlife & cultural things to do? Describe the conditions and availability of housing. Is the surrounding environment and activities best suited for couples, families, singles, or everyone? Do you feel the overall package is adequate?

Conditions of Submission: Before you Submit your Review to ISR, please be certain the contents of your Review are exactly what you intend to share with the International teaching community. Your School Review is anonymous, even to us at ISR. For this reason we are not able to respond to requests to delete, change, or edit Reviews. Submission of a Review is an irreversible action. By clicking the Submit button you Confirm that you AGREE to abide by our Terms of Use. (Your Review will remain intact if you wish to reread the Terms of Use.)