What do my chances look like as a new teacher?

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What do my chances look like as a new teacher?

Post by Orangedeer »

Some of you may already know my situation from other places, but I wanted to ask here too since I’m still in a stage where I can decide whether or not searching for an IS is a viable route for me or if I’m wasting time that I could be using to search for teaching opportunities back in the USA.

I am a newly certified teacher living in South Korea. I’ve been here for about 4 and a half years, but three and a half of those were at an academy and don’t count for any experience. The last year, I’ve been teaching at a small (very poorly run) international school teaching middle school ELA with a US Common Core curriculum. No IB or AP. I have homeroom duties and run two extracurricular club activities.

Class sizes are extremely small and dwindling, and I need to move on because the future of this place is not looking bright after this school year, through no fault of my own. I have put so much time and energy into making my little corner of the school better, but the problems are deep issues in the school’s history and there is no turning around for them it seems. I used my time here to finishing my teaching license classes and the practicum portion of the program (through Teach Now, now Moreland University). I’m now certified through Washington DC as a MS ELA teacher and I’ve finished my PRAXIS exams for the high school level as well, so I’ll soon be certified for the whole secondary range of ELA. I also picked up a ton of valuable experience at my school, despite the issues it has. By the end of my time here, I’ll have 1 1/2 years that I can truly count as a form of IS experience, albeit only 6 months of that being after attaining my license. I considered staying another year, but I really don’t like the way it’s looking so I’ve decided on a hard exit no matter what.

I’m in the process of applying for Search Associates and Teacher Horizons, Schrole, and I’m looking at others. I’ve been using TES to apply for some schools, but most seem out of my qualification range or aimed more toward teachers from the UK (I did recently put in a request to gain QTS based on reciprocity with my USA license though).

What do you think my chances are at landing a decent entry level position? I am based in South Korea but I’m looking globally, and I’m pretty much open to moving to any country in the world as long as it’s safe enough. My goal would be a school that will let me get my foot in the door in terms of IB or AP experience. My other option is to return home and try teaching in the USA, but it’s not something I’m really interested in and I’m not at all sure I’d be happy with that decision.

So what do you all think? Do I have a chance?
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Re: What do my chances look like as a new teacher?

Post by sciteach »

You are employable - but there are basically two things holding you back.

(1) What you teach (there is more competition in this subject than others)
(2) Your amount of experience and your ability to get good references

As you are at the start of your teaching journey - you need to ask yourself what you are willing to compromise in. For example - if the laws allow you to travel to China or the ME (your teaching experience may not be enough to get a visa) then this will probably be your biggest option. You might get lucky and score an amazing school in asia or Europe - but set your net far and wide. Stuff often comes up at the last minute as the world game of teacher musical chairs begins again.....
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Re: What do my chances look like as a new teacher?

Post by sid »

Indeed. Cast a wide net, be open to schools and countries that weren’t on your radar, and there is probably something out there for you.
Good luck.
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Post by PsyGuy »

The rule is there is a job for anyone if you will take anything. Looking at the PASS (below for reference) youre essentially an entry level IT. Youre experience is a little light but while an IS wont generally give you credit for ESOL work it does have some value over nothing. Youre in a less of a demand field but ISs need literature ITs.
I would advise staying in IE, as opposed to DE in the US. The main issue is as a DC DT with little experience youre DC credential isnt going to be very portable (and teaching in DC is horribly expensive). As a literature/ELA DT most principals across the country wont give you an interview until your credentialed in hand in that state.
I would also recommend TIE as a jobs source. Wait to see what SA does.
If you want to improve your utility a bit consider adding a middle school social studies endorsement, its not uncommon to find ISs (mainly ASs) at the 6-8 (though mostly 6)year level that a class/form with an IT that teaches maths and science and one that teaches literature and humanities.
You would be more likely to succeed at an IB IS where you could start out in MYP as opposed to an IS with AP and moving into an AP class quickly. Youd probably have to prove yourself with your resume in lower grade classes. The same is true for DIP but IB has the MYP and Pre-AP isnt really a thing.
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