Receiving credential and job openings in summer

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Receiving credential and job openings in summer

Post by alet3233 »

I will be receiving my teaching credential in June-August depending how paper work goes and I was wondering will there still be some job openings for a newly credentialed teacher or will I have to wait till 2019 openings come up?
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Re: Receiving credential and job openings in summer

Post by chilagringa »

Usually, they only care about you being credentialed by the time teaching starts, so you probably should have applied already. I received three job offers from middling-to-okay international schools the last year of my teacher training program, with the expectation that my credential would go through in the summer.

So... mistakes were made, I guess.
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Post by PsyGuy »

There are always vacancies, but once the Spring peak is over the summer gets very lean, mostly bottom tier ISs in the ME and the LCSA and some in Asia, the last minute vacancy in better ISs does appear but its entirely unpredictable.

You should start looking now though, you dont have any experience but you can list your credential as in progress with your expected issue date. There will be ISs that will take the risk you dont get credentialed by the start of your contract, but without a credential and without experience and only a 1st/UG degree they arent going to be much better that ESs and EAP ISs. The cost however of applying is very close to nil, you have little to lose except some time.
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Re: Receiving credential and job openings in summer

Post by alet3233 »

What are the good websites with job openings that don't require a credential right now? Are there services that will help?
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Post by PsyGuy »


You can apply to SA (a premium agency) as an intern candidate, it will get you the same access to the jobs database as any other candidate, but your likely to be frustrated. The best option is TIE for you, its low cost (USD$39/yr) and anyone can register, you will find a lot of lower tier (and some upper tier) ISs with vacancies year round though the later in the recruitment cycle the more hardship vacancies are the ones you find.
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