questions on licensure and advice on IT

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Re: questions on licensure and advice on IT

Post by BocaNY »


Thanks for the clarification.

The University I went and the program is NCATE accredited. I thought it was the same thing, I guess not. Looks like the MA is the best to do or go back and pay to do teach now. :/
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Post by PsyGuy »


Nope, not even close. NCATE (National Council for Accreditation of Teacher Education) is a professional program accrediting organization. They offer a higher level of institutional accreditation specific to various professions above regional accreditation (such as WASC), they have nothing to do with the regulatory authority in a given state in regards to the issuance and award of professional educator credentials. An ITT/EPP program is authorization by the regulating authority to prepare and train professional educators and make recommendations for credentialing and licensure.

Depends how important primary is to you. MA requires 40 hours of seminars or coursework to obtain primary/elementary certification (about one 3 credit course), in addition you would have to take 3 additional tests (this is in addition to the communications and literacy test). As opposed to the requirements for UT, which would be one exam, and no seminars.
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Re: questions on licensure and advice on IT

Post by BocaNY »


Thanks for the info. I really do prefer middle school to high school. I don't mind taking the tests but I get the feeling that the seminars/course work I would need I did in my masters program. When I asked a friend about her EPP , it was the same course work that I had to do.

Looks like I'll be researching both MA and Utah this weekend.
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Post by PsyGuy »


Its possible you have the credits, you can always apply, and see if they accept what you have. Even if they do however, its still the time and the coin of taking 2 addition tests above and beyond what youd need for UT. It really depends what you want to do afterwards; if all your looking for is a credential that once you have it you can forget about as far as PD, etc. and you have no aspirations or plans of doing anything else with it, than the MA credential is far less maintenance than the UT credential, and the extra exams are worth it. If the plan is too navigate the credential to another state to standardize it such as HI, than the UT credential is going to be the better deal (since HI accepts the Praxis) and you will be transitioning the credential at or around the time youd need to renew the UT credential.
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Re: questions on licensure and advice on IT

Post by BocaNY »


I would like to have the credential to be a standard one at some point and not just an initial credential. I'll look more into the UT one. Thanks for all your help and insight.
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Post by PsyGuy »


Then your best options after that will be either the NJ Standard credential (advance grade) after two years of experience or the HI Standard credential (professional grade) after three years of experience.
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Re: questions on licensure and advice on IT

Post by BocaNY »


Good to know. I just got a program verification form that I had sent to my University weeks ago. On the form they wrote that it does lead to state certification but on a course by course evaluation and crossed out the word "approve" on approved preparation program. Not really sure what to make of it. Should I try to proceed with the DC route or just go for the Utah?
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Post by PsyGuy »


It appears your Uni is attempting to save face. They are not an approved EPP/ITT program, or they have an EPP/ITT program that is a separate program pathway/track at their Uni and you were not a part of it, but you took many if not all of the same courses that would be required as a student candidate on the certification track (hence the course by course evaluation language). They are indicating that they themselves either can not or will not recommend you to the state regulating authority for a credential.

Is it worth it, well it will cost USD$50 and about a month to find out. DC, did away with a lot of its transcript - route that was useful to a lot of OS trained ITs, particularly the ones that had a PGCE or a PGCEi. I would apply for the UT ATP license first, and then apply for the DC standard credential, its just going to paint a more complete picture having an extra reason to say yes and grant you the standard credential. You have the course work, have a license, and the two years experience, which is more than having coursework and experience alone. The risk you run is that you get the wrong evaluator, who looks at the program form and scratches their head not knowing what to make of it, then looks at your experience, and sees its all OS and at a BS and then look at your UT credential and realize that you only took an exam to get it. They could then deny the application entirely, or grant you an initial credential. Its really a coin flip, if your Uni had just completed the program verification and marked approved that would be a different position.
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