Using Schrole

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Using Schrole

Post by bing1980 »

Hey guys,

I just have a question regarding schrole. I registered on there and have everything set up and am wondering if anyone can tell me how to add schools to my watch list? ( I guess this is what you would call it )

Reason why I'm asking is because I was visiting some school websites to look at how/when to apply for later this year and IS Bangkok uses schrole. On their page there was a link directing me to schrole, it asked if I wanted to add potential positions of interest for the future with ISB and they wanted a philosophy statement as well for ISB.

I had no idea about schrole doing this. I tried to find ISB on schrole without the link and could not.

I'm wondering if anyone could tell me what I'm missing? Is there a way to see all the school available on schrole? If I'm doing what I think is correct, ISB does not show up when I search.

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Post by PsyGuy »

You arent missing anything this is intentionally how Schrole is designed. Its a third . application management system for ISs, that dont want the cost and expense of implementing a full HR solution in house. Its not a job bank for candidates, but a tool for ISs who have minimal recruiting needs, in which its cheaper to outsource for a few vacancies.
Schrole isnt interested in you seeing all of their ISs or offering you unfettered access to their ISs, they provide a technology application system for various ISs that is available only when an IS has a specific vacancy.

However, commerce being what it is, if you register as a Premium candidate ($75AUS), the features you are interested in (searching from within Schrole, etc..) would become available to you. Otherwise you have to access the Schrole application from an advertising ISs web portal, which they activate when they have vacancies available.

Schrole is SA lite from the client (ISs) perspective. SA charges a placement fee for each hire between $1500-$2500, in addition ISs must attend a recruiting event or pay a $500 fee. Schrole uses an annual subscription service based on the size of the IS, one fee allows you to post all the vacancies you want. This is ideal for ISs that have a lot of social desirability and can take advantage of external pathways that direct traffic to the IS site. This is mostly the well established upper tier ISs. These ISs can spend huge amounts of resources on HR processing even when there arent any vacancies. The number of cold applicants and unqualified applicants can be daunting and resource intensive.
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Re: Using Schrole

Post by Yantantether »

This is your best and most pertinent post to date. Pat on the back reward!
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Re: Using Schrole

Post by pencil »

Dear PsyGuy and all..Regarding Schrole:
I've read all the previous threads. Is this what you are saying?...

Good schools don't have openings very often. When they do, they may use Schrole to help weed out all the hundreds of candidates they would have to mine through on a site such as SA or ISS. I haven't looked for an international position since 2013. Three years ago I don't remember Schrole being on my radar at all. Schrole is new to me. I have taught for 14 years; 2 of those was with an IB International World School. I am currently a SA candidate and have been given permission to attend the London Fair. I am curious if you think it would be advantageous for me also to become a premium member of Schrole, based on my experience.
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Re: Using Schrole

Post by Yantantether »

Good schools may or may not have (many/some) openings depending on their recruitment cycle. Schrole is used by 'some' schools for recruiting (usually not the less desirable schools), often in addition to SA etc. My feeling is that joining Schrole would not be a bad thing as some openings with some schools need to follow the Schrole route. That said, the basic subscription would afford you that (free I think?) without the premium service .

Good luck
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Re: Using Schrole

Post by pencil »

Thank you very much for your response, Yantantether.
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Post by PsyGuy »


In general the higher tier an IS is the lessor its recruiting needs. Elite tier ISs can skip a year or two without having any vacancies, and when they do have vacancies they are generally only a few.

Schrole is not a jobs database its not a recruiting tool to publish vacancies and solicit applications. Its an applications management tool for ISs with limited recruiting needs who do not want to incur the expense of deploying their own proprietary application system. Its a means for them to organize and manage the applications for a few vacancies each year without having to maintain the software and organization of applications. These are ISs that have a couple vacancies, want to be able to compare them, create a shortlist, interview and then appoint. When they are done they want all the clutter to go away. They arent interested in maintaining records, or privacy or data security issues or organizing them for storage.

Schrole didnt exist until 2013.

I wouldnt recommend it. You can create a Schrole profile and apply to Schrole vacancies for free directly from there ISs employment HR portal. Its worth it to create the free profile, as more ISs are recognizing they have limited application management needs, but I wouldnt register for premium membership if youre already a candidate with SA or ISS.
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Re: Using Schrole

Post by pencil »


Thank you for your keen advise. Doing it now. :)
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