Some questions about Teach-Now for those in the know

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Some questions about Teach-Now for those in the know

Post by al295801 »

Hi all,

I just joined this forum specifically because I am researching the Teach-Now program and there seem to be a lot of people who know a lot about it who have posted in other threads.

I am from the US, living in Turkey and teaching English. I have a BA and a TEFl but I want to get a US State certification so that I am eligible for more prestigious jobs in the future teaching abroad, and so that I have the possibility to teach if and when I return to the US. I am also very interested in getting an MEd.

I have been reading a lot and chatting with the folks over at the Teach-Now website, but I have a couple of questions for those who would be a bit more candid and honest.

Firstly, what about their MEd? While of course having a brick-and-mortar school MEd is the best and this MEd is a bit iffy because it is not currently accredited, I am still considering it. Why? Well, where else will I be able to obtain an MEd for $6,000? And after completing the certification part of their program I will already be familiar with the platform and the methods so it will be much easier than switching to a different MEd program after that. I see from their website that they currently have an "Accreditation Possible" status. Who has any information on the likelihood of that turning into a Accreditation in the future? And if their accreditation is approved, that would mean I would retroactively have an MEd from an accredited program, correct?

The truth is I will most likely continue teaching overseas for the next five years at least, and I know most schools abroad are much more interested in seeing what experience you have than where the degrees you have are from (but, at the same time, the degrees and certificates are also necessary to get a foot in the door).

Can anyone talk me OUT of doing the MEd part of the program?

Question #2: The two people that I chatted with over at Teach-Now seem to think that the school I teach in will be fine for my teaching component, but they also didn't ask many questions. I noticed on this website everyone says you need a "Qualifying IS". But I don't work in an International School, I work in a private Armenian school in Istanbul. They are of course accredited by the Turkish Ministry of Education but their curriculum is in Armenian and Turkish. However, I am a full-time teacher of record at that school and they are willing to help me with whatever I need. I don't have an on-site mentor (I have more experience than the other English teachers actually) so I will have to have a virtual mentor through the Teach-Now program.

Does anyone see why this arrangement WOULDN'T be appropriate?

I really appreciate any and all feedback.

Thanks so much.
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Post by PsyGuy »

The Teach Now Masters isnt a Masters degree its a piece of paper that reads Masters Degree. You can buy much cheaper pieces of paper for far less than $6K.
The accreditation that Teach Now is applying for isnt the same accreditation as a regional accreditation agency (such as WASC) that a University or College will undergo. In general an institution as a whole is regional accredited and then individual departments and divisions (such as teaching, business, counseling) will have a professional accreditation such as CAEP (the accreditation that Teach Now is seeking). Usually programs like Teach Now enter into agreements with university and their departments to offer programs under the auspice of the universities accreditation, and thats what Teach Now use to have (University of the Pacific).

The problem with this is that Teach Now is essentially applying for an accreditation that has nothing to do with with the academic quality of its Masters program. The objective of CAEP is to determine if the program provided in educator preparation meets standards of competence for entry level educators. The CAEP accreditation would be appropriate recognition for its certification program, but has little or no validity for the academic standards of a graduate/masters program.
Your transcripts nor degree would be accepted by another university or college, you would likely also have validity issues with other agencies. CA would not recognize your Teach Now Masters for a CLEAR credential. Even on the face of their degree, there isnt going to be "University" on your degree its going to say the "Educator School of Education".
I can understand the attraction of the program, yes its twice as much in cost but its only 3 months longer than the certification program, thats effectively a summer.

There is a scenario where it would be a benefit. DC will recognize the Teach Now Masters and if you take the ETS SLS exam and 2 years of teaching experience you would then be eligible for a DC administrator credential. From that POV its a dual teaching/leadership program in a year and provides a piece of paper that says Masters of Education for $11K/$12K that would be cost efficient, especially if that was the limit of your ambitions.

Yes, if they are accredited in the future being accreditation eligible would apply full accreditation retroactively. Its not going to matter much as discussed above the accreditation they are seeking isnt really applicable in terms of the Masters degree.

In general my advise is that an advance degree should do more for you than just provide a salary increase or a Masters. It should provide you something more such as an administrative, counselor, librarian credential, or something like an IBO T&L certificate, etc..

You cant have a virtual mentor, someone at your DS likely in leadership will have to sign off on your completion and recommendation. Will they actually approve your current placement, maybe. My experience has been that Teach Now and Teach Ready assume ITs are at elite embassy ISs and thats where they are working overseas. You should also understand that the reps you talk to BEFORE you apply, enroll,a nd pay are essentially in sales.
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Re: Some questions about Teach-Now for those in the know

Post by al295801 »

Thanks PsyGuy for your response.

So perhaps the MEd option is not the best idea, but the state certification would also be quite useful for me in itself.

I definitely understand the idea that an MEd should provide you with a lot of experience/train you for something higher than simply to be a teacher etc. For my part I am not particularly interested in admin positions, although I generally find myself pushed into leadership/admin duties because employers find me efficient, capable, and good at working with other teachers, so they want to take advantage of those things. My interest in an MEd at this point is simply to get interviews at better schools.

Can you think of a better course for me to take than Teach-Now? I haven't got a lot of funds to work with and going back to the US is not an option for me right now.

And one more question about Teach-Now - wouldn't I be able to get my teaching position approved by Teach-Now BEFORE I commit to it and pay them anything? I mean there's no way I would pay the tuition without knowing for sure my set-up would be appropriate. I just don't know exactly what the requirements are. I know one of the employees I chatted with had done the certification program while working in Ivory Coast at a school with a French curriculum. But I don't know how they evaluate the school.

And yes, I am fully aware that the people in the live chat at Teach-Now are trying to sell me the program... that's why I came here for help! :)
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Re: Some questions about Teach-Now for those in the know

Post by al295801 »

Ah, and sorry one more thing as you had said that I can't have a virtual mentor... Teach-Now actually states on the website and the representatives I spoke with confirmed that if there is no suitable mentor present they will appoint one for you. You will record your lessons and your mentor will review and give feedback.

As far as someone in admin at my school signing off on whatever needs signed off on, they are more than willing to do that.

Is what they are saying over at Teach-Now about the remote/virtual mentor actually not true?

Thanks for the help, really!
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Re: Some questions about Teach-Now for those in the know

Post by Dredge »

There are some Middle Eastern countries that won't recognise online degrees, either. I don't know if that is going to be a trend for the future. I doubt it.
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Re: Some questions about Teach-Now for those in the know

Post by al295801 »

I'm now thinking just to do the Teach-Now credential program, not the MEd. After PsyGuy's advice I decided that would be the better route. That's if I can confirm with them that the school where I work will be approved for the student teaching component, and that some sort of mentor arrangement can happen where I am currently employed.

For MEd I will most likely be looking at online again, but there are lots of online degree programs that are offered through regular universities, and those degrees don't say anything about the degree being an online degree.

Of course, the more observant HR person will notice that the degree was received while also residing and working overseas and put two and two together. This is or course a possibility, but actually my intentions aren't to work at the most prestigious schools or even super competitive ones. In Istanbul I don't really need any of these qualifications - I don't want to switch schools, and it's a very small teacher community (albeit a very big city) - your reputation and your contacts are much more important, and the government doesn't require the advanced degree or state certification for work visas. Some of the more prestigious schools here SAY they only accept teachers with advanced qualifications, but in fact if you know the right people and have the right timing you can get the job without.

BUT, in maybe two years my Turkish partner and I are thinking of relocating to SE Asia and then possibly back to the States. It's in preparation for those next steps that I want the paperwork. And I mostly just want the paperwork for the foot-in-the-door. Once I'm in the door I work my ass off - I've felt short on opportunities to grow, expand and advance my career.

What I don't want is to end up in SE Asia at a shit school that doesn't pay very well, as the idea for going to SE Asia is actually to save money as Istanbul is a bit hard in that regard. In SE Asia I don't have a reputation or contacts so I'm going to have to show some paperwork if I want to land a decent job.

And then there's the States - I really don't want to end up coming back to the US facing an M Ed and licensure program that will set me back two years and $50,000.

And definitely NOT interested in teaching in the Middle East - Turkey is as far into the region as I'm willing to dip my toes at this point :).
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Post by PsyGuy »


Yes, the state certification programs have high utility, the Masters programs, no.

Actually M.Ed programs dont provide you with a lot of experience in much of anything. If your goal of the Masters is to maximize your marketability, than the program should still provide more than a Masters. If your only interested in better opportunities do an IB T&L certificate and Masters. It will still be more than just a Masters.

An option is Teach Ready out of Florida. You already have teaching experience, the Teach Ready program is only 5 days of field work, you will get a handful of graduate credits that are actually worth something, and the Teach Ready program is self paced as opposed to the cohort model of Teach Now. The only issue is again, if they will accept your current DS. The costs of Teach Now and Teach Ready are about the same.

An alternative would be to look into CT (Connecticut) if you ahve 2 years of acceptable experience you can take the PRAXIS exams and they will issue you an initial credential that with renewals would be valid for 18 years. Thats just an application and a day of testing, and it would cost you a couple hundred.

You would think that you would but there are a number of issues where candidates enroll in the program, start the observations and then before the clinical practice their previously approved placement is no longer acceptable, needs to be changed, or you only get a partial refund.

Acceptable ISs have to be accredited, and that generally means by a western regulatory authority, of course there are cracks. One IT did their field experience at a ES, that was accepted because it shared a similar address with an actual IS next door.

The issue of the virtual mentor is about definition of terms. Sure you could do a lot more work doing what is essentially a digital portfolio (and you can use it to add utility when recruiting), but absolutely someone at the IS/DS will need to be your site evaluator who will sign off on your practicum. It would just be easier to have that person as your mentor, even if they are in leadership. The virtual mentor option is just a portfolio that your course tutor will be able to pick apart.

It is unusual for a tertiary institution to put "online" on the actual degree, its usually the transcript if anything that says the program is online, or with a little research a recruiter can figure out if a degree is online or F2F.
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Re: Some questions about Teach-Now for those in the know

Post by al295801 »

Okay, so let's pretend that my current job is actually NOT acceptable to TeachNow or Teacher Ready. I don't know if they would accept it or not but just in case...

I don't want to leave my school for the next couple of years because i am happy here, but at the same time I really want to be using the next couple of years to develop myself and make my resume more attractive, while at the same time keeping the budget for that around $10,000 and manageable while already teaching full-time.

What would be your suggestion in that case? What is the best step for me to take?

I am already taking full advantage of my current position, doing recruitment, hiring and mentoring of other teachers at my school, curriculum and materials development etc.

I want to further my education/credentials in the most useful way possible given the fact that I am currently located in Turkey 11 months/year.
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Re: Some questions about Teach-Now for those in the know

Post by al295801 »

For example, there is a local teacher-training program that offers and MA in TESOL, but I am not sure that having an MA from a school in Turkey is actually LESS useful than an online degree from a proper US school.

I want the best option that I can afford
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Re: Some questions about Teach-Now for those in the know

Post by al295801 »

Continuing in my research, and again chatting with a guy at Teach-Now. He says people complete their teaching in language schools even.

Is it true? He says he did his teaching for the program at a public college in Taiwan.

I'm practically begging for a list of criteria that need to be be met by the school in order for it to be an accepted place to complete the teaching component. Apparently there isn't one, and all different kinds of schools can work.

Should I be distrusting this...?
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Post by PsyGuy »


You are making this hard. First you need to get a credential, you have viable experience I recommend starting with the CT experiential option.
Second, you said you wanted to stay where you are, but whats going to improve your marketability is moving into an actual IS that has a western curriculum(US/UK/IB), of those IB would be HIGHLY advantageous. Third, you need to move up in your current IS, you werent interested in leadership but you need a role like coordinator or HOD at the least. Fourth, you need to start looking at your spouse and what they bring to the recruiting table, and getting them credentialed and experience, if teaching is anything they are remotely interested in.

In general unless you have an opportunity to study your advance degree at an "Ivy" it doesnt matter where you get your masters degree at, you will still get the increase in salary band.

There are candidates that slip through the cracks, but its a a requirement in DC that EPP/ITT programs conduct field experience at accredited K-12 DSs/ISs. Until you enroll in the program the reps you are talking to are in sales.
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Re: Some questions about Teach-Now for those in the know

Post by al295801 »


I appreciate your thorough research and consideration. As for school requirements, we do not have any except that it serves students somewhere in the Pre-Kindergarten to 12th grade range. (e.g. elementary school, middle school, high school, combinations, etc.)

However, we do require that your mentor:
Have at least three years of outstanding teaching experience at the P-12 school level
Have taught at the level (e.g., elementary or secondary) at which the candidate is seeking certification, and preferably in the same subject field as the candidate.
Be recommended by the school district or school, and
Complete the virtual training provided by TEACH-NOW staff
It sounds like the person you have in mind would be perfect. However, if the person is not available next year, you could look for another suitable person or request a virtual mentor. The biggest difference is the increased amount of recording. With an onsite mentor, you'll be recording your teaching once a week for approximately 15 minutes. With a virtual mentor, you'll need to have week videos of 1-hour in length.

Let me know if you need additional information.

Have a great week!

Michael Herndon
Director of Training &
Certification Officer

TEACH-NOW and the Educatoré School of Education
1701 K Street, NW, Suite 1050
Washington, DC 20006
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Post by PsyGuy »


You can see how your getting incongruent guidance, the K-12 range is not a Taiwan college. Teach Now recently got some new guidance and greater flexibility when they left University of the Pacific. There are still requirements, what does and does not meet the definition of a "school". Your current appointment/DS is likely acceptable as it meets the CAEP definition of a school. Its not going to be acceptable to do your field experience at Larrys Fly by Night IS that is little more than a Hagwon or Eikaiwa that has international and/or school in its name. Still there are incidents of a field work placement being approved and then unapproved.

As for the mentor requirements:
1) Everyone in IE/DE is outstanding if leadership says they are.
2) Doesnt really matter very much, Teach Now doesnt have a huge pool of virtual mentors in every conceivable subject area either.
3) Teach Now still works a lot with US DSs and has a lot of assumptions based on the majority of their experience being in that setting.
4) The virtual training is very easy, you just click through a presentation and affirm you understand.

Regardless someone in leadership will have to sign off as the site evaluator, its part of the cooperation agreement with the DS/IS, and anyone in your DSs leadership can self affirm and approve themselves as your mentor. You cant select a virtual mentor and do your clinical practice in secret without your leaderships approval, if they are approving your placement than they are signing off as the site evaluator.
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Re: Some questions about Teach-Now for those in the know

Post by traveler26 »

I know this is an old post, but maybe someone will see it. What do you mean that in CT you just have to show up and take the test? I'm certified in K-6 Elementary and 7-12 Business in CT and you have to do more than just show up for a test.... you have to complete an educator preparation program and/or coursework for what you're trying to get certified in ( you have to see what you need for that specific area). CT isn't an easy state to get certified in. Here are the guidelines right off their site. ... 1109aw.pdf
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Re: Some questions about Teach-Now for those in the know

Post by traveler26 »

Also, for Teacher Ready in FL, you have to prove residence and a teaching position in the state of FL or they won't issue you the professional certificate. It says this on their website. ... s-dates-3/

So if they don't issue you a teaching certificate, there's not much point to that.
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