Assumption College - Bangkok

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Assumption College - Bangkok

Post by Karlj »

Im new here, and would like to start off by doing some research into a school Iv applied for...

If anyone knows about Assumption College in Bangkok? I think they are actually moving this year, if so what their new school like?

What are the staff like? Do you work with the Thai teachers?
What are the students like?
How is the management?
Do the Thai admin get involved much?

Any other advice would be highly appreciated.
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Post by Mr.Cake »

I used to work for another of the Assumption Colleges, not this one.

Unless you are unable (lack the qualifications or experience) to find a position in an International school, I would stay well clear of these schools.

If on the other hand you are looking for a Thai school operating within the Thai education system, this school would be at the top end of the pay scale.
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Post by buffalofan »

Money making sweatshop. It is not an international school. It is a Thai school running the Thai educational system, which equals career suicide for a qualified teacher. You'd be nuts to even consider it unless you are some sort of masochist. Run away and don't look back.
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Post by durianfan »

I worked there last year. Which branch of Assumption are you looking at? There are several. I worked for the EP program. I can give you a full report if that's the branch you're looking at. In short, it was a complete nightmare. The institution is run by morons and psychopaths. If you are certified teacher, stay away - even a low third tier international school in Africa would be better than working there.
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Post by Karlj »

It's Assumption College English Program in Bangrak... Iv heard a few things about the place already! Which have sent warning signs.... The assistant head is aparently useless, and does absolutely nothing, I also heard that a Thai teacher working on the Engligh Program got away with touch up one of the students?!?! Is that true?

I'm a qualified teacher in the UK, but don't have experience abroad. So this would be my first stint.... Iv been looking for jobs within British School, but it seems Iv missed the boat. The salary looks tempting, giving its a Thai School, and not an international school.

More info would be great,
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Post by PsyGuy »

Its not really an international school, its a language school. Its definitely third tier. Its basically a paycheck, and for a language school its good money, but that is the ONLY redeeming quality. I would add more but with the previous responses, there isnt anything more to say.
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Post by Mr.Cake »

Reading the post above brought back the memories of the nightmare which is the Assumption College schools... I was actually dismissed after a year's service at one of their schools in a manner which sums them up really...

It was pay day at the end of the month, I checked my bank balance to see if my wages had gone into the bank (well you never know), they had, so I gave in my written formal request to leave (I had gained employment in a IB World School) giving one months notice as per the school's 'employment contract'.

The Brother didn't like that, cheeky foreigner wanting to leave 'his' school, so I was told if I wanted to leave, then go then, same day, no need to stick around for another month. So they broke the 'contract' - for all it's worth, and dismissed me on the spot.

I was warned by other teachers there to just leave and not give notice, because this was likely to happen, but I wanted to do the right thing, but at Assumption schools, the 'right thing' really doesn't mean anything...
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Post by buffalofan »

As nice as Thailand is to live, it is simply not worth it if you have to work at a sweatshop (to call it a 'school' is being way too generous) like this place. If you are set on Thailand for some reason you'd be much better off at a reputable language school - have you considered applying to the British Council?
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Post by durianfan »

To clarify, the EP program of Assumption isn't a language school. I was teaching my subject matter (English), and other teachers were as well (Science, math, health, etc.) and everything is taught in English obviously. There are other parts of Assumption College (the Bell program, for example) that are language-centric. The salary is good (75k baht per month) but it was pretty much just a paycheck for me. I think the fact that I'm a certified teacher with experience worked against me - those who are happiest there have nothing but a degree and maybe a TEFL and have low expectations. I just expected more and grew tired of all of their bullshit lies and illogical educational ideologies.

To the OP - since you are British I would highly recommend the British Council. With a PGCE and a CELTA you'd be making about 60k baht per month. It's a bit late for you to be looking at international schools as most have done their hiring.
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Not really

Post by PsyGuy »

Its a language school masquerading as an international school. Teachers teach content subjects but its a facade for ESL instruction.
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