PYP school experiences.

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PYP school experiences.

Post by BobbyBamboo »

Wondering if people would share their good PYP school experiences i.e. which school, was it because the PYP coordinator was good, the staff knew and understood the program, other factors etc?

I fully understand that the PYP doesn't make a school good, however I am currently in an international PYP school, like the program and want to stay teaching in it. I'm looking to move on from my current school in future and would like to hear about other peoples experiences. I'd like to stay in Asia, however I'm open on where I go.
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Post by missy »

Bobby Bamboo-

Care to share your expriences with PYP ?
How do you teach and assess students under the PYP ?
How long are PYP report cards ?
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Post by PsyGuy »

The last two schools (my current one included) had great PYP programs. they were the strongest part of the overall school curriculum. In both schools the success of the programs, rested almost entirely on having experienced veteran PYP trained teachers, who simply had been doing it for years. Neither school hired very many (one maybe 2 tops) new inexperienced PYP teachers, and when my previous school hired 2 new PYP teachers, those two teachers co taught a single classroom, and were heavily mentored.

I have been in schools that have "under developed" PYP programs, they arent bad so much as they just resemble american/european classrooms. Integrated learning isnt a foreign concept outside of PYP, but its not an all encompassing approach either.

PYP coordinators, really dont have anything too do classroom/curriculum wise as long as they have strong teachers. PYP really requires organization, and thinking many moves in advance.
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Post by Traveller1 »

Hi Bobby

Philosophically the PYP is great and it sounds like you've had a positive introduction to it. This isn't the experience of a number of people and so unfortunately it also gets bashed a bit.

I had the unfortunate experience of starting at a PYP school the year that they were due to be re-assessed or what ever they call it. I forget. We also had an inexperienced Primary Principal who had his own unique take on what the PYP was and he was determined to make sure we got a glowing report. As a result, at the beginning of one staff meeting we were handed the Self Study, with all the boxes were checked. We were asked to confirm that the checks were in the correct boxes. We really did look like a shiny school.

The Principal's goal was to complete the Self Study in one staff meeting. Eventually he got it finished in two. We were also told that only parts of the Self Study concerned us, the teachers. The parts about looking at the whole school (I forget the specifics) were for other people to comment on. Best of all, when the school 'report' (again I forget what it was called) was sent back to us, none of the staff got to see it.

This great man went on to the International School of Helsinki, and you can read reviews about him there. He is now well ensconced in Geneva with the IB as one of their PYP managers.
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Post by BobbyBamboo »

My current school has only been authorised for a few years and only has a couple of PYP 'veterans' in it who really know their stuff. Most of the staff, myself included, the admin and owners are fairly new to PYP. This does cause a few issues. Inquiry learning isn't foreign to me as my previous school was inquiry based, just not PYP. I feel like the PYP is under developed at my current school and that I am also left to work it out for myself in many ways, which can be both a good and bad thing.

Going to PYP PD in Asia I have heard from other teachers who have been very happy with their PYP experience at their schools where the program is more developed. These schools were UWC Singapore, Australian International Singapore, ISHCMC Vietnam and ESF Discovery College HK.
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