IB experience enough for Korea?

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IB experience enough for Korea?

Post by jerpderp »

So, after getting over the 2 year experience hump teaching IB DP after my certification in my non-ideal location, I am now looking at jobs in my ideal location; Korea (Seoul, Incheon, Busan, Jeju). I have a valid teaching license from North America in social studies, but really my experience is really just limited to teaching one of the group 3 IB DP courses for these two years.

I've sent out applications to some of the smaller schools in Korea, but what are my chances with larger schools like Chadwick, Dwight, or places in Jeju like Branksome or the new St. Johnsbury? I've sent out applications to these schools but they seem to take a waaaay longer time to decide than the smaller schools.

I ask because it looks like at this point I have to decide to either go completely all-in with my search attending job fairs (January SA Fair in Bangkok) and surrender any guarantee of resigning another year in IB at my current school OR to just stay another year in IB, building my certifications in guidance/counselling.

I've heard generally that 2 years of IB is better than 2 years of non-IB, but it is enough to get into one of those big schools in Korea?
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Post by PsyGuy »

Yes 2 years is enough but its not very competitive. There is not shortage of supply in social studies ITs. Here are the options I see:


Stay were you are, IB experience is valuable and your likely to get a shot at counselor where you are before you would in an IS, building a strong resume is gold, and you are in the place to do it.


Go to one of the smaller SK ISs, its true you miss every shot you dont take but dont ignore the low hanging fruit either. A small lower tier IS in SK is still in SK.


Relocate to SK, even if you have to teach English, because then if a last minute vacancy opens up you will already be there and wont be under contract. A lot of success in IE can be attributed to timing alone.
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Re: IB experience enough for Korea?

Post by shadowjack »

Branksome just posted a TON of positions on Tieonline.

If you don't apply to those schools you named, you will never know whether you could have had a job, now will you?

Don't let doubt stand in your way!

and keep us posted if it pans out!
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