Creating fake references

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Creating fake references

Post by h1275 »


I was thinking of boosting my work experience up a bit, maybe giving myself that admin promotion that would allow me to sit at the ranks of those who do nothing but earn 3x what the teachers do.

My thoughts were, given I'm bored of my current job, and I'll be bailing on them within the next month (just as soon as payday hits), I obviously can't use them as a reference. I generally can't handle 2 years in one place, since around 6 months- 1 year seems plenty for me to have seen the place, banged a few of the locals, and then I find I want to leave for pastures new.

It's getting to the point though that continually ghosting all the jobs I've had is getting to be problematic since my CV has huge gaps in it now. I was thinking about creating a school website using a cheap web host provider, add a few generic images of a school building, teachers on the staff etc - make it look to anyone like it's a legit school. Not an international school probably since that's too easy to get busted, but some bilingual school in the depths of China or India or some other place hardly anyone would have heard of.

I'll then get a business email account through that webhost, which looks like a proper school business email address. I then put that email address down as my 'reference' and say it's the principal of the school, maybe add a few other references like my head of department, grade leader, whatever. I can then put that I worked there for all the years I've been bouncing around the world, maybe even get credited for years of experience too.

This would mainly be targeted at lower third tier schools and other bilingual schools that aren't real internationals, since tbh I wouldn't want to work at a first tier place with high standards anyway (and I'd be more likely to get caught if applying to those I think). It would also allow me to maybe say I was a department head or whatever after a few more years, and I might be able to swing that into a cushy admin job where all I need to do is watch youtube all day like every single admin I've ever actually observed does.

Is this a good idea? Would free me from this confidential references BS that the agencies seem to have, and I could always make sure my references were perfect, get credited for my years of experience that I have actually taught etc. It's a trivial matter to design a decent looking website for me, could do that in a few days, and the costs aren't that high for hosting either.
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Re: Creating fake references

Post by sid »

I just snorted my soda out my nose.
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Re: Creating fake references

Post by Heliotrope »

h1275 wrote:
> Is this a good idea?

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Re: Creating fake references

Post by wrldtrvlr123 »

What could go wrong?
fine dude
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Re: Creating fake references

Post by fine dude »

Ask yourself if you like your kids being taught by a guy recruited using your fake method. As my old man said, "don't trust a guy who begins a sentence with 'to be honest (tbh)." Recently, a police complaint was filed in Poland against a guy who did a runner as he fled his school swindling a large sum. He employed methods similar to yours. Feel sorry for his wife and kids.
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Re: Creating fake references

Post by h1275 »

Can anyone explain precisely why this wouldn't work? Yes, you might get caught, in which case you're in no worse position than you started anyway (i.e. no job). If I don't do this these gaps in my resume keep getting bigger and bigger, despite me actually accumulating teaching experience during that time. I find 2 years in one place to be way too much, after 1 year tops I'm ready to move on to sample a new country and a different variety of women.

fine dude wrote:
> Ask yourself if you like your kids being taught by a guy recruited using your fake
> method.

No, but given that this would mainly be employed against third tier internationals/upper end bilingual schools, the phrase 'pay peanuts, get monkeys' applies. And in any case, I'm not about to proritise random unknown people's wants above my own.
fine dude
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Re: Creating fake references

Post by fine dude »

The pay is reflective of the local economy and tuition. Why not improve your credentials, get real experience and take the legal route like we all do? I'm sure your attitude tells me you want to find it the hard way. Ask your family or parents what they think of your strategy. They might give you a more convincing answer.
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Re: Creating fake references

Post by h1275 »

fine dude wrote:
> The pay is reflective of the local economy and tuition. Why not improve
> your credentials, get real experience and take the legal route like we all
> do? I'm sure your attitude tells me you want to find it the hard way. Ask
> your family or parents what they think of your strategy. They might give
> you a more convincing answer.

I have the teaching credentials, my experience is just as real as anyone elses insofar as I stood in a classroom and taught stuff. But 2 years in one place is totally absurd, and life is too short to remain locked in one place when there's so much else to see and do, so I end up bailing on these places after a suitable payday or holiday period.

Now I've been doing this for a few years already but that gap is starting to get too big to be waved away. There's only so much you can bullshit about you were traveling or attending to sick relatives.
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Re: Creating fake references

Post by vandsmith »

i get that you're bitter and resent admin (don't we all) but this might be one of the worst things i've read in the IE sphere.

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Re: Creating fake references

Post by Heliotrope »

Even though this is likely not a real problem from an actual teacher, I'd still like to convey how much I dislike everything you write about yourself.

On the off chance you're serious: if two years is too long for you to teach at a single school, then you shouldn't be in education but should think about changing careers. And if two years is too long for you to live in one city/country and you're not really exploring the cities/countries you live in properly. And very few major cities will have too few women to occupy even the biggest 'player' for two years. Just use your many holiday breaks to travel and get your fix for a change of scenery then.

Complaining about gaps in your resume when you yourself are responsible for them will illicit very little to no sympathy, none from me at least. It sounds like you get what you deserve.
You can easily list all your teaching experience, but then will have to explain why you bailed after one year. It's either or.

Sadly you're most likely the type of person that will discard criticism without a second thought instead of using it to better yourself. You probably think there's nothing wrong with you anyway.

I hope you'll never teach my kids, or anyone's kids for that matter.

Re: Creating fake references

Post by Illiane_Blues »

Troll alert!
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Re: Creating fake references

Post by secondplace »

See, I knew @psyguy could write with decent spelling and punctuation if he put his mind to it...
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Re: Creating fake references

Post by wrldtrvlr123 »

Yes, I would agree this sounds more like a wind up than a legitimate post asking for advice (not that there are not people like this or worse out there).

If legit (or at least real) then it sounds like you are way past asking if something is a good idea before making and acting on a decision. You've made choices (allegedly) and wish to continue making the same ones in the future to continue your lifestyle (such as it is, allegedly).Your are experiencing the consequences of your choice and hopefully you will continue to do so.

In your case, your are right, the worse that could happen would not leave you much worse off than you are now.

Good luck to you (and to the people who have to deal with you in the future).
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Re: Creating fake references

Post by h1275 »


I can't change careers since this is really the only job you can get that allows you to travel overseas with ease. Plus, would take too long to retrain and I've no desire to do so anyway, since it's a pretty easy job all in all, and in most places you get to salarymog the locals and bang their women.

It's not about running out of women, but the same type gets boring after a while. Let's say you teach in Korea, but then you want a different look, and so go to Poland, and then you fancy something else, so go to South America - that's the type of difference I'm talking about.

I can't really list my teaching experience because then if they contact the school, the school will probably say I quit without any notice and give me a bad reference. That's what I'm trying to avoid.


It's more a preemptive strike against future possible consequences. So far I've been able to bounce around among the third tier quite easily but I've been able to play off either that I was newly graduated, or that I was attending to sick relatives, or on a gap year, or doing private tutoring etc. This all becomes a bit unsustainable when it's several years since you graduated from your ITT course, and major red flags start to show at that point.

Plus, I don't really want to be on step 1 of the scale forever, it'd be cool if I could get credit for all my years, start of higher, then one day promote myself to the ranks of the lazy incompetents who make up the admin team of every school around the globe, then I too could get paid 3x more than the teachers for doing nothing except holding pointless meetings and shuffling paper round on my desk.
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Re: Creating fake references

Post by interteach »

Even tier 3 schools have people who hire and do their due diligence.

As a recruiter, if I have never heard from your school I'm certainly going to look at the website. And I'm pretty good at figuring out what's legit and what's a sham. And if the school isn't accredited, you're out of luck. And if you falsely claim accreditation, you're in legal trouble that can go as far as Interpol.

I'm also going to to ask around if I don't know the school. You won't get far.

It's also just wrong. And it will backfire. Maybe not at the first job, but at some point.