The Lincoln School Nepal

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The Lincoln School Nepal

Post by ChoirGuy »

This is an American school on the Dept of State website. Does anyone know anything about the school? I've checked out the website, and I must admit, Nepal has always been a mystery to me. There are approximately 350 students, K-12; and they are looking for a MS/HS Music teacher.

Does this school have any reputation whatsoever? There's nothing in the ISR reviews section, but any information would be great. Anyone?
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No reviews?

Post by overseasvet2 »

Lincoln has been around a very long time and I find it very odd that there are no reviews on ISR. I'm sure I've read reviews at least about the recently departed head of school. The board let him go in January - not sure of details but does raise red flags. If you google the school, you can find board minutes with reports from a "Education Committee". It's another red flag that the board is involving itself in day to day operations.

Nepal is not an easy country in which to live but is terribly exotic and the people gentle and friendly. The school has generators because power does go out from time to time. The traffic in Kathmandu can be horrendous; I know nothing about the school's housing in relationship to the school's location. Friends lived there about 10 years ago and loved it - they stayed 6 years.

This may not be the best time in the school's history to go there but on the other hand, maybe it's the start of better days.
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Post by ChoirGuy »

Thanks overseasvet2...I think the living wouldn't be horrible for us...we're a simple family...
But the fact that there are only 350 or so students from K-12 might be tough for our daughters...AND, if I were to take a post here, would it be difficult to convince another "bigger" American school to take me on?(I'm assuming the answer to this is a resounding, "YES!")
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Lincoln School

Post by scribe »

This school has long had a solid reputation, with teachers often choosing to stay multiple contracts like the friends you mention. The school population is small, meaning you will have multiple levels or preps, but your class loads will likely be small. The population used to be pretty international despite its small size, with a fair amount of Americans, not sure if it still is. The data the recruiting agencies have should let you know the breakdown in student population if that's a concern for children making friends. I can't imagine that teaching there would "hurt" your chances at any other school - unless you do poorly there or break contract. Having taught at some posts others might consider "hardship" has often opened doors for us rather than the opposite.
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Post by PsyGuy »

Difficult or hardship posts often go a long way toward proving your ability to handle a new culture, especially when the external support is very minimal. That said the school has a very strong reputation, and i cant imagine one of the elite schools in more metro/cosmo cities thinking it a negative taking a position there. Lastly, as you know by now there isnt that big a pool of choir vacancies, and there just going to get fewer and fewer.
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Post by ChoirGuy »

Thanks to all for the information...I've sent them a letter of application (over the weekend), so will wait to see if they are interested. Am still in the running with some "good" schools, but this is one of the few American schools left on the list...
For those of you who know or actually work in the Middle East, will more posts be coming up in early March? Or is it basically over at this point? Thanks.
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Not really

Post by PsyGuy »

The middle east always seems to be hiring (at least to some degree), of course music/choir positions arent the most in demand, and if your solely focused on "the american" school they tend to close up hiring sooner rather then later.
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