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Post by suddenpaws »

OK, so I have searched and searched, and can find no information about the schools in Cameroon, or anything from anyone who has taught or lived there. Can anyone enlighten me? What is Cameroon like? What are the schools like? Any comments would be appreciated! Thank you! :D
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Post by PsyGuy »

Try the American School of Douala, and the American School of Yaounde.

Seriously, though there arent any reviews or any real information because 1) They have a very small school "presence. 2) No one really wants to work in Africa.
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working in Africa

Post by overseasvet2 »

PsyGuy - I think your comments would serve people better if you restricted them to your own experiences. I know an administrator in sub-Saharan Africa who says they get inundated with applications as soon as a position is posted because SO many people want to work in Africa. I know people who were extremely happy with their positions and lives in Ethiopia, Sudan, Egypt, Morocco, Angola, Senegal and Zimbabwe. They are all recent experiences and each country represents a different person. It's all about the type of experience you are looking for. I'm starting to think if there are no reviews on this site then all is well. People rarely post a "I love this place" review.
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Post by PsyGuy »

I do focus my posts on my own experience. Im sure "a lot" of applications to your friend would look a lot fewer to many other schools application stacks. I just dont hear a lot of people wanting to live in Africa. The reality is you never hear a school bragging about how few applications they get. Sorry, but in my experience Africa isnt on the top of too many peoples work list.

Yes no review on ISR is about as good a review as a school gets.
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Post by overseasvet2 »

PsyGuy - Can't you see the difference between "I don't know many people who are interested in Africa" VS "Noone really wants to go to Africa" ? The first is true and is based on your experiences. The second is clearly not true and too broad a generalization. You have a lot to offer to this forum but for those new to int'l teaching, it would be best if you did not present yourself as the expert of it all. You claim you do not do this but you do present yourself as such through your tone and choice of phrasing.

You'll probably post after this with a long entry about how why you choose the words you do - probaby about the economy of words and how your iPad won't let you use proper punctuation or some such thing. Go for it. Your need to write a rebuttal to everything and answer every persons' question is mildly amusing and keeps the boards full.
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Post by Android »

Overseasvet2: Wonderful reply. I was JUST about to compare the difference between " I don't want to work in Africa ever " to " No one wants to work in Africa ".
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Post by Rutabaga »

Having previously worked in Africa, I would like to add that a large number of the teachers at my school were there because they wanted to be in Africa, not because there was no one else for them to go. Yes, maybe not everyone wants to go to Africa, but for some of us, it is a choice destination. Depends on what you are looking for.
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Fair enough

Post by PsyGuy »

My apologies, I stand corrected, your right my original response was presumptuous.
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Post by suddenpaws »

Thank you all for your comments. I, too, am drawn to Africa, though I have no idea why! I guess am looking for a place where I can feel like I make a difference and can enjoy my school experience, as my recent experiences here in SE Asia have been less than inspiring. I would love to go north to Egypt, Morocco, Tunisia, etc, but have concerns about the situation there at present. There are some jobs in Egypt that look interesting, but just how safe it would be is the big question!
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Post by DCgirl »

Africa was my first choice-several different countries/schools were very appealing (and I've spent lots of time in Africa but not the Cameroon). I ended up in Hong Kong, which is also great.
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Post by MamfeMan »

I taught at the American School of Douala for two years. I am now teaching in Tanzania. Africa is awesome and I would say all of the teachers I work with are doing so because they want to live and work in Africa. That being said, it can be very challenging living in a town like Douala: it is frenetic, hot, smelly and worse for wear. It is certainly a two year and out posting, but that is generally understood. The school was very small and intimate, and it made for a nice atmosphere. Cameroon is a gorgeous country and the people are amazing. Yaounde is probably a better school and the town is nicer than Douala. I was also there in the Peace Corps ten years before moving back, so it is a place that holds a soft spot in my heart.
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