referee/reference checks - is it in the bag?

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referee/reference checks - is it in the bag?

Post by redselig »

Just had an interview with a school that went really smoothly. Interviewer said he would contact my referees. Sure enough, he sends out a reference check to all three of my referees listed. I'm confident that my referees only have positive things to say. Wondering if it was standard procedure to check referees only if seriously interested or am I competing with a number of select candidates which will eventually be whittled down to one? I'm concerned because I don't want my referees to be burdened by having to fill out a number of these reference checks if I choose to apply to other schools....
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Post by durianfan »

Who knows? It sounds like you have made the short list at least. However I applied to a school in Japan and they contacted my referees before the interview. All schools are different. Some don't even contact referees.
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Post by Dredge »

The school that I will be working for next year contacted my references before the interview. The nice thing about that was they told me they contacted them right when I sat down for the interview. It took the edge off a bit because I already knew they liked me and wouldn't be Interviewing me if they didn't.
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Post by redselig »

Thanks for your reply durianfan. I'm new to international teaching and I would like to think that schools send two page word docs for my referees to fill out because I am a serious contender for the position. I'm sure my referees wouldn't appreciate having to fill something out everytime a school expresses interest.
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Post by shopgirl »

I have had quite a lot of job hunting experience and in my experience, schools contact the references only if they are very interested in you. However, I think that your references should be prepared to receive a few phone calls or to fill out a few forms - they are a nuisance but if they agreed to be your reference I'd assume that they were prepared to do that.

I am currently looking for a job overseas again (I'm a bit of a nomad and love going overseas) and I've got about five people who have agreed to be my reference. I haven't put all of their names down obviously but I warned them of the possible phone calls and forms. But I am going to give a proper thank you with a gift or something because it is something extra that they've agreed to do as a friend.
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Post by Roundtrip »

I taught in a school in Austria. During the school year, when I felt comfortable doing so, I asked my Headmaster who he had contacted as my references. He shocked me by stating he had never called my references. It turned out to be a fabulous year. Huhh?
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