Help! Need urgent advice

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Post by PsyGuy »


Its only poor management if leadership doesnt accomplish what ownership wants, and by your own admission
"It appears this is actually the school's strategy: lure teachers in, then get them out so that they don't have to pay benefits that are promised at the end of the two year contract",
and it seems to be working. Promise them whatever they need to, to get them on the plane, then give them the real offer, and if they walk, they walk, and the IS is out nothing, meanwhile your stuck with all the wasted time, costs, and resources and few if any options. Many ITs would take what they are offered, because they need the coin. Its exactly what you did, and it worked out for them. As long as there is "fresh meat" coming in, what does it matter what some IT thinks of what there management strategy is or their attrition rates, they dont care, because if they did they would change, and they arent changing. They got out of you what they wanted, and you arent worth keeping around.
Your frustration is entirely justified, but saying they are poorly managed isnt true because your unhappy, they are accomplishing exactly what they want, and in this case it means treating ITs like resources to be used up and discarded, thats not a bad startegy for them, just for you.

This is why evil in the IE world wins, good insists on playing fair.
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Re: Help! Need urgent advice

Post by expatscot »

@smile2017 - have you posted that review yet?
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Re: Help! Need urgent advice

Post by smile2017 »

Review has finally been published as of 8/29, but parts of it have been censored/omitted by moderators of this site.

So that's nice...

The majority of us are working in schools with limited HR departments/policies, in cities and countries without union protection or local labor law protection and we can't even rely on the accuracy of ISR school reviews.

Surely there's got to be a better way...
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Joined: Wed Oct 12, 2011 9:51 am
Location: Northern Europe


Post by PsyGuy »


What exactly do you suspect them to do? There is one ISR and a whole lot of ISs with lawyers. Editing your post for readability and publication reduces their exposure, that if the ISs lawyers come out of the woodwork ISR will have to defend.
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