Being good looking vs ugly

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Re: Being good looking vs ugly

Post by vincentchase »

Does being good looking help you land you a teaching job? Of course it does. Along with giving you super powers in every other facet of life.

It's called the 'halo effect' and the benefits of being good looking are pervasive, and begin early.

Research on elementary-school children shows that adults view aggressive acts as less naughty when performed by an attractive child and that teachers presume good-looking children to be more intelligent than their less-attractive classmates. Yes, you're guilty too.

In one study, good grooming of applicants in a simulated employment interview accounted for more favourable hiring decisions than did job qualifications. Even though the interviewers claimed that appearance played a small role in their choices.

Good looking people are perceived to be kinder, more honest (all con-men and women are good looking) and intelligent.

Being good-looking gets you favourable treatment in the legal system, they're more likely to get help when needed and more persuasive in changing people's opinions.

So what if you're older and past your physical prime? To think that you need to somehow fix the weaknesses brought by your age is a trap – you can’t compete with a 24-year-old at being 24, and you don’t need to. Focus on your strengths instead, because a 24-year-old can’t compete with you at those either. It’s pretty hard for a fresh 24-year-old teacher to convince an interviewer that they're worldly and had their education philosophy shaped by years of experience, but for a 50-year-old with their shit together it’s almost a foregone conclusion.
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Post by PsyGuy »

Research also shows that woman see two major drops in perceived levels of attractiveness at around 20 and again at around 30.
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