High schools SA

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Post by PsyGuy »


You just need to book a ticket and leave for somewhere. If you go to the ME or China you will find tutoring or ESOL work alot easier being local.
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Post by interteach »

PsyGuy/Dave's advice is potentially toxic. You don't want to be stuck in the ME or China looking for a job w/o a work permit, given the likelihood that you'll be taken for a ride getting the
right visa.

Istanbul is a much better option.
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Post by dimnds »

I would have no funds to last in a hotel..trying to find work that way...
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Post by PsyGuy »

You dont want to be stuck living in your car or in a box either. My advice isnt the ideal situation, but my impression was that you had to be out of your apartment by 1-August, you had a very limited pool of funds such that it was either airfare or car registration. Given those options you have better employment prospects going somewhere even on a tourist visa and finding work once on the ground and getting a work visa once your there. Is it ideal, no, not at all, but living in the back seat of your car, you cant drive is even less ideal.

My advice is really nothing different then many back packers do. You get somewhere and then just work your way around. Go to a place with a low cost of living and even a bottom ESOL salary of $6K RMB or its equivilent and you can live off that, especially if the school provides you housing.

I wouldnt stay in a hotel. Id look at a hostel or going to Japan and staying perhaps with your son. It wouldnt be long either youd probably find an ESOL job in a couple weeks.

Your not going to give up anything, your not qualified as an IT, you have no qualification or relevant K-12 experience, so ESOL and your past SK experience is going to serve you best in that capacity until your more financially secure.

My best options for your situation is Japan (you have a son there), Thailand (cheap, lots of local jobs, and laxed visa regulations) or Vietnam (right next to Thailand and the market there isnt very selective, also low cost of living).
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Post by dimnds »

I substitute taught for 4 years in public schools.
Taught chemistry labs for a year at a university and 2 labs for a semester at a community college.

several years in SK and a semester in Russia. Ya..the TEFL is an online..cert

talked to my son..he said i can come there..but have to get a rt or have another destination to go forward

However, two schools ...both colleges are interested and have up to 65 for age limit..so...will c

also...about the landlord..found out he has to give 30 days in writing...i have an agmt that says...30 days notice...that is the law in most states if you pay monthly...

plus..being over 59 ...i qualify for even another 30 days per the law...and he has to say this on a 30 day notice..

he cant give me one until Wed..so he ll just have to accept that...

and found out that i can pay a buck for the five days in NV..called my state UT and they say..if ur registration expires..u go to the local dmv and pay for the permit..and it is a buck for five days..then
i can get a 15 day drive away...after the time i need..can keep paying the buck for five days ...

per dmv
and then the car can go in a storage unit and i can go!

so think i have a handle on this...hopefully

keep your fingers crossed.....
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Post by PsyGuy »


I beleive I wrote about this before, but to reiterate, in relation to IE (International Education):

Subbing = Zero

University/Community College Chemistry Lab = Zero

ESOL in CIS (Russia) = Zero

ESOL in S. Korea = Zero

TEFL (Online Certificate) = Zero

You dont really HAVE to have a RT ticket for Japan, just explain your visiting your son who works in Japan and you will be moving onward when youve discussed where you two will be traveling when the mid year break (in September) gets closer. This assumes your even asked and if your really paranoid about it just get a cheap Tokyo->Seoul one way ticket.

Yes he has to give 30 days notice, but you have to pay rent for that month, or he may be able to evict you much sooner then 30 days. My understanding was you really didnt have those funds.

If your planing on leaving soon anyway, Id start looking at a dealership that will give you a cash offer. You drive the car in they cut you a check and you leave. CarMax is one such dealership and they are located across the country.
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Post by dimnds »

glad to know the last ten years = zero

Drive through hell and back to go and claim a child's body, use every available resource and savings you have to do it, pay rent and bills and try to maintain some sense of equilibrium..
while you drive 2k miles ...knowing that the only reason you are doing it is to bring yourself the worst grief imaginable..

then go thru your child's things, wait for his personal effects to be returned to you....remember lovingly all the letters you wrote him and read them again...look at the things he held dear ..and hold them in your hand...close up the trunk...take the flag they gave you...keep it in his flight bag for the return drive 2k miles back to where you live..

drive thru tornadoes while you sit on a highway and your car rocks and parts of your car...blow off the sides..and you wish it was your car going up in the funnels...

spend 10 days in a state in hotels because the governor says it is not safe to drive and the highway was closed...watch trucks flip, trees get torn in half..etc etc

then go through another tornado and heavy rains and dry lightning in another city..

and then you try to comfort the one son you have left who cannot come to the states due to having no funds due to his brother dying at such an inopportune time and you didn t earn enough money the month before..only 11 days and you

as a mother you listen to him weep on the phone .and you both break down in such a state ..never know if you will recover...and i still do not

to this day..know how i am getting through it when i wake up

and..it is only because i have the son in japan..that i feel that i must keep going for his sake..because
he would never recover if i didn t.

then and only then psyguy
can you tell a person..from the high perch you sit on..

the things that you say in your previous post..

hopefully..you and yours will never ever know the pain we are feeling...the overwhelming sense of loss ..and i mean that from the inside out.

i am hurting and your words should not have been put down in a public forum..

so...that being said..

i think i will refrain from visiting this forum too often...
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Post by IAMBOG »

PsyGuy annoys the hell out of me, but I have looked through his last two emails and he is offering constructive and objective advice. He has a 'unique' way of saying things sometimes, that presses people's buttons, but ultimately what he offered here is sound advice.

I know you are going through a terrible time, but you need to separate the objective from the subjective. You sound absolutely on the edge and that will come through at interviews. If you bring up your son's death it will simply lessen your chances of getting a job, as they will feel you are using them as some sort of escape. A school needs stability and, frankly, you don't sound stable.

You are also applying for jobs for which you are not qualified. International schools require a K-12 teaching certificate. There are bottom scraping schools that may bend (or pay 10,000RMB a month), but they are probably places you wouldn't want to be. Why are you not clearly focussed on the ESL market?

I wish you well and I hope it turns out the way you want to, but your last post looks like a cry for counselling, not a cry for a job.
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cry for help

Post by dimnds »


It was a cry for compassion!

unless you have been through it ..you wouldn t know

and FYI

i am very upbeat when the schools call..and recruiters..my voice does not waiver...I do not give the info about my son...that would hold me back.

i provide the docs they request and age and they e mail me to schedule a skype interview...

what kind of teachers are you ..if you cannot show compassion?

show ..not ..tell...
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Post by PsyGuy »


Please accept my deepest apologies, It was not my place to offend, but having done so I hope you can find the compassion to forgive me.

I do not know what the loss you experienced in giving ones child in the service of ones country. I have never had the courage to love anyone more then myself, and such a failing of character is not a weight you should bare.

I am very sorry for the death of your son and know that your son having grown into the man you can be proud of, under your upbringing, his loss from this world is a sorrow for us all.
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Post by shadowjack »


Please contact King Saud Bin Abdulaziz university in Riyadh, Saudi Arabia.

It is a National Guard email.

If you could post your email (maybe in 3 posts so that it won't get found out), or provide a Skype handle (create a new one-off account just for this), I can give you the email contact of the lady who does first response.

I am not guaranteeing anything, but you are below the age limit and, seeing your story for the first time, I would like to point you in a direction that might possibly work (but not in the immediate next-few-weeks future, I will honestly say).

I will watch this thread and proceed accordingly (email or skype).

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Post by shadowjack »

Your age might be against you. I thought you were 59, but just saw your posting on another thread. Usually 60 is the cut off, but sometimes they go higher.

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