Anyone from Teach Now in Hong Kong

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Anyone from Teach Now in Hong Kong

Post by chiliverde »

Hello all,

Has anyone been successfully hired in HK with the DC license the acquired after Teach Now? Anyone who might have been following my posts (so boring I know, but quarantine does crazy things to people) might know that my husband is turning to teaching (French language) using this cert. path. I have quite a bit of experience, so we are trying to chart a path ahead together.

This week I have an interview with my dream school in HK. One of those career changing, once in a lifetime schools. Should this work out, we want to at least know that we can try to get him a teaching placement and that he can apply for jobs in HK. A quick search on the TN cohorts forum shows that some people have faced problems with this, in order to get something called QTS. All my friends in international schools in HK have never heard of QTS - maybe that's just because the school did all the paperwork for them?

Would anything be made easier by the fact that my spouse would be on a dependent visa? A quick search seems to show that dependents in HK are able to work, although perhaps HK makes it so there would be a block on them being hired in a school...

Grateful for any information
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Re: Anyone from Teach Now in Hong Kong

Post by wrldtrvlr123 »

QTS is generally a UK thing. It is apparently their version of teacher certification (more or less). If you do a search on this board, there are many threads about the ins and out of obtaining it. In short (and probably not doing the discussions justice), if you have a "permanent" professional certification from the US (and other countries), you can generally apply for QTS relatively easily. I'm not sure how the TN obtained certification would fit into that but something in the threads (or from PG, the certification expert) might enlighten you.

On another note, I once was offered a position for the big group of english schools in HK without having QTS (I had a FL certification obtained by having a BA in a non-education subject and going the alternative route).

Good luck!
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Re: Anyone from Teach Now in Hong Kong

Post by chiliverde »

Thanks world,

That's reassuring to know it wasn't a barrier to you once. I know things are always changing. I've since done some more research and gotten the more correct terms for Hong Kong (apologies). It comes down to two things, one called Registered Teacher status (RT) and Permitted Teacher status (PT) We are reading things about phasing out PTs and only wanting to hire RTs, and that the Teach Now path potentially isn't accepted as RT. We are also hearing things that there might be a stricter change coming in 2019/2020.

I am an eternal optimist. I always think there is a way to teach somewhere, somehow. Especially if one is on a dependent visa and already legal to work. Picking up things here and there (adult courses, school clubs) to add to your resume. But my husband is worried. Ideally, we'd love to hear from anyone in admin in HK who knows anything about hiring requirements these days, particularly for their foreign language teaching specialists.

It's looking very possible I might have two job offers by the end of the week.

1. Top Tier in HK
2. 2nd Tier in Shanghai, but IB and might offer a student teaching placement for husband.

Much prefer HK to Shanghai, and the school is my dream opportunity. Air quality is a big concern for ourselves and our kids. We would be able to support ourselves without husband needing to work, but of course he wants to launch his career.

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Re: Anyone from Teach Now in Hong Kong

Post by brillo »

if you can get the second school to commit to the teaching placement, I'd go for that. Will set you up very well for the future.
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Post by PsyGuy »

QTS is the professional edu credential for DTs in England.

Your spouse would meet the requirements for a permitted status but likely not for registered status. It doesnt really matter though both let you work legally, permitted status just requires more of an investment by the IS. Neither credential is applicable for non-formal teaching such as language instruction though.
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