Ideas for Networking needed

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Ideas for Networking needed

Post by ChemEd »

I am an IB chemistry teacher who has committed to teaching at my current school through June 2020. By the time I finish this contract I will have 19 years of teaching experience (4 years IB, 2 years AP, 6 years international, 2 yrs as dept head). My question is this. Knowing that I will begin searching for a new school in October of 2019, what would be an appropriate way to reach out to schools in Europe in advance? I've had my eye on international schools in Vienna and Barcelona. I don't want to be pushy but I also want to get my name and credentials out there in advance.
Thames Pirate
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Re: Ideas for Networking needed

Post by Thames Pirate »

You could visit. This method works well further out (so now?) to demonstrate an early interest in a specific school. Beyond that all you can do is be what the school needs and have the best resume, interview skills, recs, and timing.
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Re: Ideas for Networking needed

Post by eion_padraig »

I think the easiest way to network is to get along with colleagues and be well-respected for the work you do at the school you're at already. When they head off to work at other schools it's good to keep in touch with people or at least be familiar with where they head off to. Former colleagues who put in a good word for you can do a lot to help you get considered at a new place. Even if they're not at the particular school you want to be at, if they're in the city or country or region, they may have contacts at the schools that you want to target.

Another thing to do is network at conferences and trainings you attend. It's not so easy to target specific schools that way, but you might get lucky. I usually ask people I meet at these events how they like their school and city. Again, if they're from the city, country, or region you're targeting you may learn more about what you're considering. I'd also let them people you talk to know about your possible interest in teaching at certain places.

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Post by PsyGuy »

Start by networking with the ITs at those ISs, send an email to their HOD of Chemistry about doing a science competition then do some virtual classroom discussions with both classes and get to know the IT, so that when you do present your application you can push your IT friend to put in a good word for you and get your application an early look. This can even work at various PD conferences with other ITs, it doesnt have to take much to establish a connection.

Next, find out where the HOS/recruiter is going to do their PD over the year and where they are going to recruit (fair), then go even though you arent recruiting and get some F2F time with them either in an interview or something more casual. The registrations for premium agencies are multi year so your not really spending anything more to start early. PTC conferences are usually over the summer so if your HOS/recruiter is a part of that arranging to bump into them during the summer can give you an advance opportunity to pitch yourself several months before the recruiting season actually happens.

Lastly, you can visit. Its a mix pool of factors, you can do the rogue visit posing as a parent or guardian, or you can do the perspective candidate visit. If you do the first you risk it falling apart if they discover the false pretense. If you do the second than it really only works if the IS has really advance notice of needing a chemistry IT, otherwise they may not even give you the time of day.
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