expired initial certification while waiting for professional

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expired initial certification while waiting for professional

Post by jboeh2 »

My current New York initial certification recently expired. I applied for my professional certification about 6 months ago, yet am missing one 6 hr course on bullying (something that was implemented after my initial certification). I don't plan to return to NY simply to attend this 6 hour course, yet they seem quite set on not giving me my professional certification as a result. My question is will my expired initial certification hinder my chances of landing a new international teaching job (with visa/work permits), as I do not have a current teacher certification. I have about 6 years teaching experience and a masters in education, yet am missing this one component to be granted my professional certification. Very frustrating. I can possibly have my initial extended two years, yet this will come at an extra expense. otherwise, I can do this course when I'm back in the states, yet could be a couple years from now.

Thames Pirate
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Re: expired initial certification while waiting for professi

Post by Thames Pirate »

Yes, it can hurt!

Get the extension, do the course next time you are in the US, and be done with it.
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Re: expired initial certification while waiting for professi

Post by wrldtrvlr123 »

Unfortunately, yes, this could continue to be annoying and possibly job/career limiting for you. Some countries may want you to provide a current/valid teaching certification to obtain a visa. And, every communication you have with every prospective school will involve you either having to explain why your certification has expired or will involve you lying about it on some level when you list/refer to yourself as a certified teacher.

Look into your options. What would it take to extend your NY certification (if possible). What would it take to get certified in another state? There are many threads about the easiest states to get certified in if you already have experience, etc. Do a search and/or maybe PG will give you his informed opinion about the easiest pathway for you.

Alternatively, plan on going back this summer and getting it taken care of. Possibly you could go years without this ever hindering your career/job prospects in any way, but I have my doubts. Maybe others will have different feedback/opinions for you.
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Re: expired initial certification while waiting for professi

Post by eion_padraig »

Some countries (and therefore schools) won't issue visas if you don't have an active credential. My school uses credential w/ Bachelors degree as a column on the pay scale, so one technically doesn't need it but you get paid more if you have it.

I'd look at other states where you may be able to get one quite easily. The only downside is if you try to go back to NY state to teach later, your credential from X state (Arizona, Montana, Mississippi) won't likely transfer back. But if you're overseas for the long haul, it won't matter. I had to do this because my initial credential in the US was pretty much impossible for me to convert to a long term one unless I was working in the state were it was issued.

Good luck.

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Post by PsyGuy »

Yes, not having a current and valid credential will negatively effect your marketability. It will also likely effect your ability to qualify for a visa/work permit in some regions. Essentially you are not a professional educator with an expired credential. It could not be a problem for years, but you will have to explain to every recruiter why you do not have a current credential, and understand that for most ISs this means you are uncredentialed.

How much is your time worth? There are other options but the NYS extension of your initial credential (assuming you have the general PD) is USD$100, at that cost point the differences between transitioning credentials comes down to a few USD. You could save a few USD, but you will have waiting times, and have work you have to do or the cost would be more than the extension. So really what are you looking for, cheapest, fastest or easiest?

To reply appropriately to your inquiry? Whats your credential background do you just have one teaching area or several or many? What credentialing exams have you taken? Is your 6 years of experience recent? Whats your long term goal, is it to eventually complete the requirements for the NYS professional credential? Do you intend to return to the US and NYS?

I disagree with @eion_padraig another states credential will not effect your ability to obtain the professional credential in NYS once you have completed the DASA course (and it is literally 6 contact hours).
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Re: expired initial certification while waiting for professi

Post by jboeh2 »

Thanks for all your replies.

@PsyGuy, I have been teaching the past 6 years, (past 3 1/2 at an international school in East Africa). Problem is that we are running into permit issues here, as the government is not issuing a renewal past 4 years for teachers. So essentially, I need to look for a new job. I am certified in Early Childhood & Childhood (birth - Grades 6) and Special Education (grades 1-6). I definitely want to obtain my professional certifications from NYS. I meet all requirements, just not this 6 hour workshop.

I'd like to live in America eventually, yet not now. We are open to most places (as long as it's not too polluted, which seems to rule out most of Asia). I have 3 dependents though, so know its not going to be an easy search.
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Post by PsyGuy »


Are you a US citizen? What are you looking for cheapest, fastest or easiest? What credentialing exams have you taken?
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Re: expired initial certification while waiting for professi

Post by jboeh2 »


Yes, I am US citizen. I was able to work out a 3 year extension on my initial certifications, given my situation. Cost $150 though (after already paying $300 applying for my professional). I am assuming I won't have to pay those fees again once the DASA workshop is in order.
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Post by PsyGuy »


You would assume incorrectly, they are going to require another fee when you apply again to transition the initial to the professional credential. To NYS, its your responsibility to meet requirements in the allotted time frame.
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Re: expired initial certification while waiting for professi

Post by shadowjack »

Can you take the workshop (a) online? (b) in the summer time?

if yes to A or B, then get on it!

As to cost, the cost of not doing it far outweigh the costs of doing it - and doing ONE course is likely easier than porting your certification somewhere else, when you are not presently certified in your home state to begin with.
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Post by PsyGuy »


The DASA course doent have a full online option. Its available only by approved providers and while there are blended learning options where you complete half of the course online the other half is a F2F. It really is 6 contact hours its either a single one day weekend workshop or two weekday evenings. Its offered by a number of providers that offer it year round on various schedules including the summer.

Depends how you define easier? The full day F2F workshop basically just keeps repeating the key assessment items that the rest of the course you can sit in the back and checkout for the day. Its not exactly cognitively engaging. Compared to that theres a credentialing option that would take maybe a couple hours of work.
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