January 2018 start - where?

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January 2018 start - where?

Post by Nomad68 »

Hi, if I wanted/needed an overseas teaching/school admin job in January 2018 (or as close to as possible) which countries/regions should I look at?
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Re: January 2018 start - where?

Post by shadowjack »

South America mate, or Central America.

Or sign up with Tieonline (red seal deal coming next month or so) and get Jobs that need to be filled NOW notices...
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Post by PsyGuy »

Such an open question. Id start by agreeing with @SJ the LCSA has potential. Low comp means everyone who thought they would be living the beach life realizes they are doing the same job they were for a fraction of the coin, and they pull a runner.
The ME especially places like Qatar, Kuwait, and the Kingdom. Fair number of runners need to be replaced mid year.
Parts of Asia especially places like China, where everyone thinks the environmental hazards are manageable and then their kid starts to develop a cough and pull a runner. Smaller rural areas of China where the authenticity gets old fast and you realize there isnt anything to really do. Some of the other hardship parts of Asia such as Myanmar and Vietnam see predictable vacancies mid year as well.
If you have an EU passport being in the region right around the start of the new year you can find local appointment in regions like Spain. Sites like TES are advertising mid year appointments.
AUS/NZ starts their AY in January so if you wanted to do the lead work now that is a possibility.

The higher tier ISs are going to have maternity vacancies mostly mid term so those vacancies are likely temporary, though a broad or generally qualified IT will get first consideration for appropriate vacancies. Another option is International Supply/Relief like IST (www.teachersonthemove.com) but you have to be packed and ready to go and a healthy available credit balance as you often get reimbursed and flights at the last minute can be very expensive. Single ITs are preferred, and kids are practical deal breakers. Many of the vacancies are cover vacancies and a lot of the ISs are those you dont see on the circuit.

For Leadership you are really looking at ESOL, AM or DOS vacancies are what you will find. ISs that need mid term replacements usually appoint internally on an acting basis. Right place right time is often more important than anything else, an IS needs someone now and you can start in days tends to be the priority, so going somewhere for the New Year thats regionally located to where you want to be can create that type of scenario.
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Re: January 2018 start - where?

Post by Nomad68 »

Many thanks for the replies - not a perfect selection of choices but a bad job is better than no job.
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Re: January 2018 start - where?

Post by NeoEagle »

Didn't work out with the whole email thing at your current school? :/
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Re: January 2018 start - where?

Post by Nomad68 »

@NeoEagle - nope, got canned the other day. I was fully expecting it from the nastiness that was flowing from management. I have no regrets about leaving this toxic school and will post a review in due course. The reasons given for my termination would not stand up in Europe - a clear case of unfair, constructive dismissal. It has sharpened our resolve to bank coin asap and get back to countries where we have legal rights and are not so at the whim of abusive managers.
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Re: January 2018 start - where?

Post by NeoEagle »

Bummer man, I hope the new spot will be less taxing on your life!
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Re: January 2018 start - where?

Post by expatscot »

@Nomad68 - sorry to hear that about your other school.

@psyguy is right about mid-year runners, but given your experiences I'd be wary of them - check out the schools thoroughly as there's always a reason someone runs! I'd add Egypt to his list too if you're prepared to consider it - I know of one school which has already had a couple of runners and I'm expecting to hear of more.

There are also the Australian curriculum schools in the far east (Thailand, Singapore, Malaysia, etc.) They are recruiting now too. It may be difficult though to leave these and return to the northern hemisphere timetable.
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Post by PsyGuy »


I would be wary as well but you arent going to have many (or any) options with high expectations.
I would agree with @expatscot in regard to considering Egypt, my list was not inclusive.
The AUS ISs like AUS DSs generally follow the AUS AY calender, and they are recruiting.

Keep us posted on how things go.
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