Question about Verification of Teaching Credentials

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Question about Verification of Teaching Credentials

Post by ZeroK »

Hello Everyone,

I browsed a ton of forums about this, but couldn't find exact advice about my situation and the details of teaching experience verification. @PsyGuy, I greatly appreciate all of the advice you've given over the years--your knowledge about the certification system is amazing. I'm hoping you or others might be able to give me some advice about my situation.

My situation:

US Citizen with BA in English Lit. I've been teaching for 6 years in the same public high school (Gymnasium, highly respected public school) in Europe. The school has a national and IB program, and I teach English (it's English literature, but it is English to non-native speakers) and TOK in IB. I don't have a teaching certification.

My goal is to get the best possible certification for my situation in the US and hopefully QTS as well.

Traveling to the US or taking any exams in Europe is no problem.

First question: with my experience, would I qualify for CT or Hawaii, or would my experience not count, because it could be considered ESOL? I don't know how the verification process works. I've looked at the forms for CT and HI, but they look really basic, and I think my experience could, in some way, be seen as properly teaching English Lit. Technically though, my job title is foreign language teacher and TOK teacher, and I also taught IB Language B (English). Ideally, I would like to get certified in English literature, because I really don't actually teach ESOL. Although in a pinch, I could study up to try to pass an ESOL exam.

I have thought about the following options:

If experience isn't counted: MA or UT
If experience is counted: CT>HI>QTS

Any advice would be greatly appreciated. I'd hate to see my experience not be recognized, but I might have to accept that.
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Post by PsyGuy »

In response to your inquiry:

1) You are not qualified for a HI credential, you must have completed an EPP/ITT program.

2) You may qualify for CT, at least the entry grade (initial) credential, your experience would certainly be acceptable but they are likely to look at your transcript and see you have little if any academic background in professional education but you do teach within your academic competencies. Its a better option than Hawaii.

3) The focus being non-native English Speakers or being considered ESOL is not relevant. Both states issue ESOL credentials for suitable applicants. HI requires an EPP/ITT program and nothing mitigates that. CT is close, close enough it might be worth applying.

4) MA has the benefit that the credential wouldnt expire as longa s you didnt teach in MA. However it has recognition issues and youd have to travel to the US to take th exams, etc.

5) UT has the benefit that you can complete the PRAXIS overseas, and do not need to extensively travel to obtain the credential. It has recognition issues, but less then others, though is practically assured you would receive it.

I would start with the UT credential, you are only interested in a single subject credential and assuming you complete the requirements issuance is almost assured. You can take the PRAXIS locally and the expenses are minimal. Obtaining the UT credential does not preclude you from pursuing other credentials. After obtaining the UT credential I would consider trying to apply for the CT credential as the UT credential and your experience presents a stronger application. The other option would be to apply for the MS (Mississippi) 5 year reciprocity credential (professional grade). MS only requires a valid certificate not a EPP/ITT program.
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Re: Question about Verification of Teaching Credentials

Post by ZeroK »

Thanks so much, @psyguy for your reply! Yes, I'm going to go for Utah. One issue where I need to correct you though: it could be problematic that I've been teaching to non-native speakers. I would like to get certified in English Lit (Praxis exam 5039), which is accepted in both UT and CT for the English teacher credential. But, what I'm afraid of, is that when I go to apply for CT, they would rather see the ESOL praxis (Praxis exam 5362), because I've been teaching to non-native speakers. UT, incidentally, doesn't even include the ESOL praxis exam as one of their accepted exams. Do you think I should also take the ESOL praxis for CT? But then I would be certified as an ESOL in CT and might not be able to teach Language A English IB.
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Post by PsyGuy »


Teaching non-native English speaking students is not an issue, its not addressed on any of the forms for CT, and there is no experience requirement for UT.
You cant be certified in ESOL through the UT APT pathway.
Your academic preparation is in literature, your UT certificate will be in literature, you passed the PRAXIS literature exam, apply for the CT literature credential, you want the pieces to match the picture and there is no place to specify that youve been teaching non-native speakers.
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Re: Question about Verification of Teaching Credentials

Post by ZeroK »

Thanks, @psyguy for that clarification. I agree, although I question how CT evaluates foreign experience. The form is so basic that it seems strange that just a foreign signature and some basic info written would suffice as real evidence for teaching experience. If it's completed in the US, they have means to easily confirm that, but abroad, I'm not so sure. BUT, seeing as it does ask for the institution name, and my teaching experience is at a public school, Gymnasium (albeit with an IB program), isn't it sort of obvious that I'm teaching to non-native speakers? Regardless, I think you're correct in that in my literature teaching, degree, and Praxis will match up.
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Post by PsyGuy »


They dont really evaluate it, they dont have the human capital to do a micro accreditation. They basically check to see if the DS/IS is accredited by someone (including municipal DSs) and just count the experience. They are looking to make sure you didnt teach at some ES with a TESOL certificate or equivalent.

The non-native speaker issue isnt an issue, there are plenty of DTs and ITs that are teaching ESOL in accredited ISs and DSs. Youve taught in a regulated DS the demographics of the students arent of much interest.
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Re: Question about Verification of Teaching Credentials

Post by ZeroK »

@psyguy ok, cool, thanks! Just one other thing -- so with an initial from CT, I would qualify for QTS?
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Post by PsyGuy »


Yes, it would be highly likely. All educators in CT start with the Initial credential, including those who completed an EPP/ITT and field experience.
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