Aquatics Directors

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Aquatics Directors

Post by Smurf »


I am considering switching career paths to become an Aquatics director and hoped to seek out collective wisdom. Without wanting to 'out' myself publicly, I believe I have the necessary background and qualifications so that is not what I need to know.

My question is how common are the positions and how intense is the competition? I've heard mixed things ranging from the number of quality candidates being sparse through to it's a tough gig to get into.

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Re: Aquatics Directors

Post by Teach1010 »

I would be interested in hearing about this topic as well. I might guess that many of the people who are the most experienced/qualified in aquatics are not necessarily teachers. If an IS expects its aquatics director to also teach (or at least have a teaching license) that might eliminate a lot of the potential candidates.
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Re: Aquatics Directors

Post by vandsmith »

i didn't even know this was a thing.

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Re: Aquatics Directors

Post by Nomads »

Few schools have this position. They are generally larger schools in Asia or Europe. Given the limited number of positions, the people tend to stay in place for a long time. As you noted, when there is an opening, there will be a limited pool of candidates.

The Aquatics Directors I have known are generally certified PE teachers with extensive experience as a swim coach.
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Re: Aquatics Directors

Post by Walter »

Re Aquatics Directors - "a limited pool of candidates..." Very good, Nomads.
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Re: Aquatics Directors

Post by Dredge »

I would guess that if that position exists at a school, it would be filled by a local hire.
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Re: Aquatics Directors

Post by wrldtrvlr123 »

I only of one for sure: ISBeijing. Hired from the states. PE teacher with background in coaching directing swimming programs from what I recall.
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Re: Aquatics Directors

Post by shadowjack »

Aqautics directors are either spouses of teachers or overseas. Rarely are they local hires. They bring specific skill sets - they need to be familiar with both mechanical issues centered on the pool, programme design, skills development and scaffolding, competitive coaching, motivational strategies and more.

Rarely will you find a local hire with those abilities. Not impossible, but in my experience the aquatic director has not been a local.
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Post by PsyGuy »

Aquatics Directors (AQD) are generally OSH hires not LH.

They are rare vacancies, around 1 or 2 a year if any. It tends to be a career appointment, there isnt a lot of mobility among AQDs. The vacancy typically appears when an IS builds/adds a pool to their aquatic complex, and then the AQD generally remains until they retire out. There are ISs that have pools that do not have an AQD, the aquatic program becomes another tasking responsibility of the AD and aquatics activities are generally limited to ASPs that are assigned or organized by an IT on the PHE faculty. Some ISs dont maintain their pool over the academic year due to cost.

Being and AQD is not like being an AD. Its much less a leadership role and essentially an IT instructional role. You would be required to have an educator credential at a minimum and various aquatic and swimming certifications as well. Swimming is an alternative PHE activity that gives the regular PHE IT an extra prep period while the students are at the pool. You typically have a class once a week scheduled during a studio block schedule, depending on the location of the aquatic facility. In addition you will have pool/swimming as an ASP if its available. You may also find yourself teaching various first aid and CPR classes as well.

Its not like being the AQD at a natatorium or municipal/private aquatic facility. You dont have the cadre of lifeguards and swim instructors to supervise. You may likely have one maybe two lifeguards. The expectation is that any and all swim instruction will be conducted by the AQD. You generally report to the AD or PHE HOD, or AP/VP/DP as any IT would.

In general you need to be a PHE IT with a full credential with extensive experience in coaching swimming and other aquatic sports. Diving is very popular within competitive IS swim programs, so a AQD needs to be competent to teach diving as well and not just starting entry from a block. There is less a demand on sync, and polo is more common at BSs.
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