Moving schools frequently +/-

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Moving schools frequently +/-

Post by falloutmike »


So I am in my 4th year teaching and at my 3rd school kinder 1 year, 1 year kinder, 2 years kinder. The first school was alright but wanted to travel more. So moved to a new country and was in a terribly run kindergarten, children were not safe... so I left. Now at my current school for the 2nd year and the one good thing is that it is trying to get IB PYP, but not sure we will pass. Negatives include super high teacher turnover, one professional development opportunity every 2 years (nothing at all in between, we can pay but tough getting the time off or even updated on whats happening, plus terrible salary so its hard to afford). Also my head of administration has anger management issues and I am their stress release... as I get ripped apart by yelling and other terms of verbal abuse... As well as the worst paid school in the city. As well as finding out that my admin is giving false and negative references, which is hard to get around when schools ask for a reference from my current admin.
I missed out on a better school for next year. But two of the better schools (potential dream schools) have met with me loved me and hope something works out for them next year, although they are good schools and don't have much turnover.Now I may have an offer with another school that is 600-1000$ more a month but is another small kindergaten. But we share similar philosophies.
Questions is is it worth having 4 schools with 5 years experience? Should I stay in my completely miserable, depressing environment for the sake of keeping my resume more consistent? Any advice would be super helpful.
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Re: Moving schools frequently +/-

Post by tangchao »

There is another thread here about one year stints at schools. I think you'd better look at that. Needless to say, you are going to have to show some more commitment.
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Post by PsyGuy »

If your current IS gives you a negative reference or would give you a negative reference, and you have an offer at a better school and the opportunity to bury that negative reference underneath a good one, its a no brainier take the offer.
You will likely find it near impossible to find another IS with your sequence of professional experiences and a recent negative reference, the term for that is "unemployable".
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Re: Moving schools frequently +/-

Post by falloutmike »

Any idea how room explain that in my CV the reasons I've left my school.
It was an unsafe work environment at one and now victim of incredibly terrible verbal abuse daily. As well as telling future employees false information? The maybe offer would be a step up and ok for 3 years or so but hoping to get into a better one and also into a primary spot in 2/3 years.
The only reasons I could get two interviews now is I have a connection at those schools.
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Post by PsyGuy »


Briefly, very briefly, it doesnt really matter what you say, the longer the explanation the more the issues are your problem. Professional ITs dont hide the past but they dont dwell on it either. You have limited time in an interview and you dont want to spend it complaining or on criticism. Neither of those two factors focus on you, your talents and skills, and how they can add value to the new IS. The only issue to hit on is that there was no barring misconduct.
All of those issue just sound like whining in all honestly "Unsafe work environment", translates as: "Why are they still in operation then? Maybe your just a whiner and prima donna, instead of flexible and adaptable". "Verbal Abuse" translates as: "You cant handle criticism or direction, maybe you were yelled at because you deserved it." "False Information" translates as: "How do you know its false, admins have to protect sources and some information is not for subordinate release, publication and discussion."

Its still a better offer and an opportunity to bury the negative experience and reference under a good one. What matters is the most recent experience. Your connections may not be available later or a position may not be available.
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Re: Moving schools frequently +/-

Post by jstwatchin »

While I am not the original poster, I AM curious what you, Psy Guy, would thus suggest one does in these types of situations? Continue working in an unsafe work environment and potentially suffer lifelong consequences? Take the verbal abuse, which, no doubt causes additional stress and thus potentially stress related illnesses (which therefore makes this an unsafe environment as well)?

I would think that at least the better schools would be aware that not all schools are created equal...
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Post by PsyGuy »


Each scenario and situation is different with its own set of factors and variables. Admins/Recruiters have a different view of respect and understanding amongst themselves. Many of them identify with the difficulty of an administrator and the issues with managing an IS. They are more likely to identify with the IS and the admin than an IT.
I understand though your forcing a bilateral choice, so I'll give you the answer. You consider what you will do without the job, not what you "would, could, should" do but what your immediate option and alternative right now is. Most ITs in this situation make the mistake of substituting what they will/can do and would they could/would like to do. For most ITs its either go home, or have another job already lined up. You then compare that outcome to the events and stress happening to you, and if the alternative is better you take a walker or a runner, and if its not, you pick a song to play in your mind, do the bauble head and go along and get along, and find a way to self medicate.
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