Freaking out about Bangkok

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Freaking out about Bangkok

Post by elizamina »

I teach AP Chemistry. My husband teaches middle/high school history/social studies, though he's teaching fourth grade this year (it's a small school). We have two years of experience, none of it IB, but we would love to teach in an IB school. We have a son who will be two by the end of the school year. We're currently in China, but we're looking to leave our school at the end of the school year (we don't necessarily have to leave China, but we would like to if possible, and we definitely want to leave Beijing, as the pollution is awful).

We've been given invitations to Search Bangkok in January, which we've accepted, but I'm freaking out about this. We can't afford to fly to the Cambridge fair, as that would cost us at least 4k for the tickets alone. I guess we could fly to San Francisco, but that seems too late in the recruiting cycle. But everyone keeps telling us how insanely competitive Bangkok is, so I feel like we don't stand a chance. I'm afraid we'll spend the time/money to get to Bangkok, only to not get a single interview. We'd really love to get IB jobs, but at this point, I'm so freaked out about next year, that I'll happily accept another AP job if it means we stay employed.

Advice? Thoughts? What should we do?!
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Post by PsyGuy »

I imagine that SF would be as expensive as BOS would be for you, and SF is really late in the season, but you have a MUCH better and stronger probability you'd of getting offers at SF.

BKK with your resumes is going to be frustrating and a disappointment for you. Your just not competitive. I don't think you'd get any offers or even interviews. Considering money seems to be an issue, you'd be better off not going, if you really could use the money you'd spend going to BKK.
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Re: Freaking Out About Bangkok

Post by shadowjack »

With a teaching couple, one versatile in elementary and you in AP chem, you might find something in Bangkok. There are two parts of the issue - one is neither of you have IB experience and many schools won't consider AP as equivalent due to different philosophy and standards. However, there are schools out there that will hire and train the right people.

The second point is that you are only two years into teaching. The top schools want more years of experience than just two and like experience in your home country beyond practicums/internships.

So you can go to the Bangkok fairs and maybe find a position. Chemistry is a strong field to be in, and many many jobs are yet to be posted on Search because schools still have not had their teachers submit intent letters. However, there is no guarantee. As my friend said, often the fair you don't go to is the one you should attend.

Friends of mine went to Bangkok last year and saw singles, IB teachers and teaching couples with no children getting offers. They have three kids and came away with nothing. However, they went to LONDON a little later in January, came away with three possibles, followed them up, and ended up at a great school this year which embraced them and their three children.

Have you considered trying to do London in later January and then Dubai at the end of February/early March? Emirates flies out of Beijing to Dubai directly...

Just a thought.
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Post by heyteach »

I think you'd have a pretty good chance of both getting something at the fair. The fact that you can teach chemistry at the AP level says something, and with good chem teachers in demand, a school would probably be perfectly willing to hire and train you for IB.

Maybe my experience is skewed, but my first overseas job was at a well-established, full IB school, and they were quite happy to hire IB virgins and train them themselves.
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Post by DCgirl »

I'm in the same position. I'm registered for the Bangkok fair but I don't know if I'm competitive. It's been keeping me up at night. I have 2 years teaching (Learning Support) in an international IB school and 3 years in the US. I also am single with 2 dependents. I think that I really should be going to Cambridge, but Bangkok is more economical and earlier in the season. I'm worried that if I go to Bangkok and don't get anything then it will be too late to get into Cambridge and I also don't know that I can get any more time off from work.
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Panicking Over Bangkok...

Post by shadowjack »

Heyteach, just out of curiosity, how long ago was this?

For the OP, my friends still say that if a school finds the right candidate they will pay for the training - but again, if you are willing to do it on your own, maybe that would tip the balance?
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Post by heyteach »

Shadowjack, that was 2007.
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Post by PsyGuy »


Have you had any contact from recruiters attending the BKK fair?
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Post by durianfan »

The problem is that once you've chosen your associate, you pretty much have to go to the fair that they are organizing. So if you choose Williams or Deelman, you go to the BKK fair, but they don't have many invitations for the Cambridge fair (I already asked, and they said that they only handed out a few, and the waiting list is very long).

I'd much rather go to the Cambridge fair, but I can't because I'm with Williams. I have 2 years of IB experience (English), lots of qualifications and a few IB workshops under my belt. But I have a trailing spouse so I'm not really competitive. I emailed both Williams and the associate in charge of the Cambridge fair. They both said the same thing: I'd be better off going to the BKK fair. I'd love to go to the Cambridge fair even though it would be costly, so I just hope that I can get something at the BKK fair.
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Post by PsyGuy »

I realize that's your experience but its not really true. It's easier for an associate to get their own candidates into their own fairs, but its any and every associates interest to get you hired as quickly as possible. It's of little use to anyone to keep or send a candidate to a fair that they aren't competitive for. What the real issue going on is that its still early, and its not really possible to deign its someone to a fair, so associates need and want to keep invitations available for future candidates who really would benefit from it.
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Post by seinfeld »

You can worry all you want but it won't help!
Try to chill out, keep an eye on schools positions, go to school websites if they don't have positions on Search.

And at the end of the day, it's also a matter of luck if the right school with the right positions are looking for teaching couples like you.

We'll most likely be going to BKK this year, I don't feel like stressing out. Just yet!
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Bangkok fair

Post by viper1b »

I think this makes 4 people that are in the same boat. Teaching couple with year old, 2 years IB, 5 years at various other teaching spots, Abu Dhabi(ADEC), Korea (ESL) plus 3 years in the States at a real school. Are we shooting too high by venturing into the Bangkok fair? PE and elementary are our fields. Thanks.
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Post by PsyGuy »

Fast answer, no your right at the cut off. The ESL experience doesnt mean anything. Your a couple, with only one child) (plus), you have IB experience (plus), you got around 5 years credible experience (neutral), you have international teaching experience (neutral), your fields arent in high demand, and a PE teacher isnt much of a front card (negative). You will make it in the door, but your not going to be the top of anyones list. Your not likely to get an offer at the fair, but afterwords sometime before, during, or shortly after the Boston. Recruiters are going to go to Boston, see whats available, and then give you a call.
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Post by DCgirl »

It's been silent for me. I already see about 4 positions posted that I'd be seriously interested in (including my #1 school). Would love to hear from someone but I was thinking (hoping) that it may still be a little early for that.

Has anyone else using Search been contacted by schools for next year?
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Post by PsyGuy »

Ive had 4 advance invites and even though I work for DoDDS now, I have done one interview already (there are still schools id leave DoDDS for).
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