Bethesda job fair

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Bethesda job fair

Post by tdaley26 »

I'm signed up with Search and have had a few interviews via skype. Due to my work commitments the only fair that is possible for me to attend is this one. Does anyone have any experience with it? Was it worth attending?
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Post by overseasvet2 »

My only experience with that fair was being surprised by the couple of top Asian schools that were there one year. They each had unexpected last minute openings. It can be a good fair for a single who is flexible about location.
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Post by overseasvet2 »

My only experience with that fair was being surprised by the couple of top Asian schools that were there one year. They each had unexpected last minute openings. It can be a good fair for a single who is flexible about location.
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Post by PsyGuy »

The Bethesda fair is the "summer scramble" its the last minute, hard to fill, third tier job fair.
Third tier schools show up to cleanup the teacher candidate leftovers. Teachers who waited to long for their dream job. Those teachers who left their lasts school late in the year. Teachers who cant do any better, or have issues tend to find "something at the Bethesda fair.

You find schools from europe, mainly public or state funded schools that dont really know whos leaving and whos returning until late spring/summer (Spain, Italy, and Germany, mostly).
Every year theres some "surprise" schools, high tier one schools that have last minute recruiting. Though there arent as many.

The atmosphere is this weird quit desperation. Everyone knows this is the last chance but everyones trying to play it cool. You hear teachers say "Oh I have some options lined up" and youll hear recruiters say "Were still looking for the best candidate", but everyone knows that the start of school is weeks away, and this is it. Some people have gotten offered contract when signing up.

If your real mobile, and flexible, you can easily walk away with a job, though it may not be the job you want, or your ideal region. Couples dont do as well, because there usually arent vacancies for both, which means someones a trailing spouse. Recruiters are also hesitant with "new" families, as they usually just arent ready in time to leave. Thats a recruiters greatest fear really, that the teacher wont get on the plane. Lastly, most teachers are already committed one way or another by the time July is coming up, and recruiters often ask themselves (if not during the interview) why are you still looking? Still at a certain point a recruiter/admin needs to put someone in the classroom.
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Post by lightstays »

Utter waste of time. Schools at this fair, for the most part, have something drastically wrong with them to be hiring this late in the season.
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Post by upintheair »

I asked my Search recruiter the same question. His replied to me, in short, that 125 schools attended last year's (2011) Cambridge job fair. Only 14 attended the Bethesda fair. The difference is stark.
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