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by challenger
Fri Dec 26, 2008 3:50 pm
Forum: Forum 1. From Questions About ISS & Search to Anything and Everything About International Teaching
Replies: 22
Views: 48539

Thanks for your question "lifeisnotsobad"

Hi There,

I am now currently working in my second PYP school. You may ask why someone who clearly detests the PYP programme is still working in a PYP school, and why indeed did they choose to do PYP in two schools running. (if the truth be known, I am taking the IBO down... from the inside!)

No seriously..... My first experience with PYP was so shocking I cannot put it into words without writing a 15,000 word dissertation on the bizarre practices, arrogance, nastiness, poor educational practice that became my induction into PYP.

I had heard from other people it is not that bad "really". I believe it fully depends on who is implementing the programme. I fully believe PYP can work as an amazing educational philosophy if you do not forget that your job is still that of "TEACHER"... Children cannot learn everything for themselves, also do not forget many students in PYP schools are EFL students, therefore they require a lot of extra support and implicit language teaching.

I saw out my two year contract out and moved onto a different PYP school in a new country (after initially voicing my concerns about my first PYP school I was reassured that was a one off situation). At my new school I was met with the same issues (e.g. no Language, Maths curriculum, no accountability for teachers, and students who were arriving in my class who could not string a basic written sentence together ... and I am talking about my high achievers here).

I have so many friends who are international school teachers who I have visted over the years, and wether they are working in independent schools, ICP schools, Candian Schools, British, American etc, international schools, the quality of work students can produce, their basic manners, their questioning & inquiry skills are ALWAYS far superior to those of students I have taught in two (apparently "leading") PYP schools.

Lets face it people, it doesn't work, it is just a load of jargon, gobblydegook (spelling???? Although I know you PYP teachers don't believe in teaching spelling), and tree hugging nonsense. Also don't forget the IBO is a "FOR PROFIT" organisation which is just making money off claiming itself to be a truly international education tool (hmmm I think "tool" is the operative word).

The IBO and its accredited schools just always seem to be full of not particularly nice people (usually lacking in basic people skills) but they are always such egomaniacs.... They enjoy the prestige of working for the IBO, the jetting off to Geneva or Bangkok to run a waste of time workshop.... I have really found that "real" teachers, who knuckle down, work hard for their students, challenge them, and focus themselves on their students learning are the ones vilified in the PYP (p.s. I am talking "real" learning here... not blah blah fluffy wuffy tree hugging pyp learning).

Honestly belive me... I have seen both sides of the fence (I have spent a lot of time on each side). I want students to reach their individual potential, be all that they can, yet feel safe and secure in their learning environment. While PYP students may always seem happy.... the larger questions looms.... "ARE THEY BEING CHALLENGED?"

All the best, Merry Christmas all and I hope all of you have a fantastic new year filled with [u][b]inquiry[/b][/u], displaying your [u][b]knowledge[/b][/u], being a [u][b]thinker[/b][/u], proving yourself to be a good [u][b]communicator[/b][/u], being a [u][b]principled[/b][/u] person, showing that you are [u][b]open-minded[/b][/u], being [u][b]caring[/b][/u] to others, pushing the envelope and being a [u][b]risk-taker[/b][/u], [u][b]balancing[/b][/u] your life and remembering to take the time to be [u][b]reflective[/b][/u].

(remember life would feel quite limited if we could only describe ourselves using 10 words - imagine the limitation... the lack of scope!!! oh hang on a second, that is the Learner Profile.... what was I thinking?)

by challenger
Fri Nov 14, 2008 10:07 am
Forum: Forum 1. From Questions About ISS & Search to Anything and Everything About International Teaching
Replies: 22
Views: 48539

good to know I am not the only one....

Glad at least ONE person could respond to say that PYP does not work for them. Surely there should be a website for those suffering under this regime... I have seen so many excellent teachers who have arrived at our school and in the space of a few weeks have been told they are poor teachers by the our "so-called PYP Gods & Godesses."

The programme is a joke, and it is amazing how many parents (and good teachers) are not impressed with it. It really is like a cult, question it, and you will be vilified.

I better go before I rant further...... Just remember people, there is more to a child's education than an "inquiry cycle".... try a little something called "Explicit Reading and Writing", as well as being a teacher who is able to engage their class through Science, English, History..... etc.... Lets face it if you can't do that... you probably are a pretty poor teacher (therefore sign up for PYP where you can muddle through jargon, egos, nonsense and fluff..... at least you'll be comfortable).... xxx
by challenger
Tue May 01, 2007 1:48 am
Forum: Forum 1. From Questions About ISS & Search to Anything and Everything About International Teaching
Replies: 22
Views: 48539

A very valid question

I agree totally with you! Breaking into an IB PYP school is a very difficult thing to do. I went to numerous jobs fairs... always getting knocked back because I had no PYP experience and at my 2nd fair I received the same response. I did confront one Director about this ongoing problem and I did manage to land a job at PYP school. If an organisation likes to give off this sense of "exclusivity" you really have to question their morals.

However that being said.... please do all the research you can on the PYP before joining a PYP school (especially a hardcore one). Really make sure that the PYP education philosophy is suited to you.

I have personally found working in a PYP school a very unsatisfying experience... again the classic IBO arrogance rears its ugly head, believing they are right and everyone else is wrong... especially in terms of educational philosophy.

They happily bash every other curriculum on the planet claiming theirs to be the finest... For people who are supposed to be inquirers and open-minded they all seem incapable of stepping back at critically looking at evaluating their own beliefs and philosophies.

The PYP is a student led curriculum which is great in many respects but many PYP teachers do seem to FORGET THAT THEY STILL HAVE A RESPONSIBILITY TO TEACH THE BASICS (mostly in English & Maths).

In my experience the PYP has been more about meetings, jargon, and experimenting with educational philosophies which were trendy in the early 80's. PYP schools seem to be full of egos who enjoy the sound of their own jargon filled voices.

The new PYP planner is 4 pages long (including 2 whole pages for reflection and no space to write your actual planned activities... that would be too restrictive to the student's learning.

If you are used to an academic programme which also incorporates varied teaching strategies and methods but also pushes for high standards then the PYP is probably not for you.

Again this only my opinion........