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by chiliverde
Thu May 23, 2019 7:53 am
Forum: Forum 1. From Questions About ISS & Search to Anything and Everything About International Teaching
Topic: Issue with applying for QTS
Replies: 6
Views: 7764

Re: Issue with applying for QTS

You need to try as best you can to patch this up. Clearly, you would have needed a reference from this school for any other job in education that you wanted to get. Also clearly, to get these other jobs you need QTS. If you still want to pursue a job in education, I really don't see it any other way.

It sounds like this bridge was burned pretty badly. But any place you want to work at will need a letter of reference, since that is literally how jobs work. Is there any way you can fix this?
by chiliverde
Tue May 21, 2019 7:49 am
Forum: Forum 1. From Questions About ISS & Search to Anything and Everything About International Teaching
Topic: Is only using Search Associates a mistake?
Replies: 43
Views: 57357

Re: Is only using Search Associates a mistake?

Thanks. I am not from the UK myself (from the U.S.), nor have I ever lived there, so not sure how this happened.
by chiliverde
Mon May 20, 2019 6:26 pm
Forum: Forum 1. From Questions About ISS & Search to Anything and Everything About International Teaching
Topic: Is only using Search Associates a mistake?
Replies: 43
Views: 57357

Re: Is only using Search Associates a mistake?

On Search, I have been told that I am assigned to an associate within the UK office, and so don't have to pay the fee each time. Does anyone know what this is about?
by chiliverde
Wed May 15, 2019 12:35 am
Forum: Forum 1. From Questions About ISS & Search to Anything and Everything About International Teaching
Topic: Likeability/Rapport on a CV
Replies: 4
Views: 6072

Likeability/Rapport on a CV

Although I've taught abroad for almost 15 years, whenever it comes time to update my CV I always feel like such a naive noob. Trying to figure out what to put in the cover letter vs. the CV itself, and generally what schools are "looking for." For instance, I can't imagine a teacher out there in these times who isn't to some extent "inquiry based, committed to educating the whole child." But surely this needs a mention anyway. Or does it?

A big question I have now is if rapport or "likeability" is worth mentioning anywhere. For instance, parents regularly ask me (elementary classroom teacher) if it's possible to loop up with their child, and I have many reports years later that I was the favorite teacher their child ever had. Presumably this would happen to many teachers, but not all. Other teachers often comment how my children continue to talk about me with fondness years later. Is there any appropriate place to mention this, in addition to the harder data on raising reading and math scores, etc?

If this is the stupidest question in the world... go easy on me, please.

I could also bite the bullet and sign up with an advisory agency - has anyone done this with good results?
by chiliverde
Thu Apr 25, 2019 5:16 am
Forum: Forum 1. From Questions About ISS & Search to Anything and Everything About International Teaching
Topic: Feeling like I want to move my family back home
Replies: 29
Views: 32690

Re: Feeling like I want to move my family back home

In any case it will be France (definitely Paris for us, with journalism) or California after next year. Hard to contemplate two more different scenarios, although alike in expense. I'll let you all know how it goes, if I remember.
by chiliverde
Mon Apr 22, 2019 8:21 am
Forum: Forum 1. From Questions About ISS & Search to Anything and Everything About International Teaching
Topic: Feeling like I want to move my family back home
Replies: 29
Views: 32690

Re: Feeling like I want to move my family back home

Hey Fstop,

That's actually quite eerie how similar our situations are. I'm from Ventura county, but have always preferred northern California, and that's also where my sisters are. I cannot disagree with some previous and prolific posters that, when crunching the numbers, California doesn't make much sense. But sometimes the heart wants what the heart wants, and I am realizing with young kids that we are entering a period of time with extended family that we can never get back. My reality differs slightly from yours in that I am not realistically saving at the moment (although once husband starts work of some kind we can), but even then I'm not sure I'm willing to wait it out another 4 years before moving back home. But who knows. Also, hubs is far from being 100% on board. It's very unclear what he could do, similar to your wife, and he is in a very saturated industry. And university prospects in the US as compared to the free education in France... doesn't bear thinking about for the moment

That is reassuring to hear your experience in the Sacramento area. I can't believed I have never visited Sac, but we will be road tripping around Tahoe this summer and will stop by for sure. It's nice to know that there are a variety of schools. I am also not as concerned about school shootings as you are, just on a statistical level. But the US is... crazy these days, to say the least. All of this is crazy. But it makes me reassured to know that there are others who have similar pulls of the heart. There's just something about that state.

If you're up for it, let's keep each other posted, at least in the DMs. I am trying to get a handle on the health insurance thing, since you're right that that is such a biggie. What I've read led me to the same conclusion as you - some by the district and some by the school, for the whole family. I'm sure there is a way, with Obamacare, to have our bases covered for our families, but it probably comes at a price.

Also, if you have any tips on beating this BKK heat, other than staying inside, I'd love to hear it.

Take care
by chiliverde
Sat Apr 20, 2019 2:35 am
Forum: Forum 1. From Questions About ISS & Search to Anything and Everything About International Teaching
Topic: Feeling like I want to move my family back home
Replies: 29
Views: 32690

Re: Feeling like I want to move my family back home

Thanks Psy, I'll take what you said into account, leaving the insinuation of raging hormones out of it. I live abroad, teach, support my family, and generally kick ass, so I do in fact have my feet on the ground and my head screwed on straight.

I consider myself to have A+ classroom management skills, that said, I take what you are saying about the challenges facing US teachers in many districts, that I have yet to experience.

The Aspire group of charter schools have caught my eye for being in line with my philosophy, and generally well reviewed as a satisfying place to work which challenges the status quo.

I'll keep looking and gathering information. Thank you so much to all who have weighed in - it's been very helpful so far, from a group of people who I know walk a similar path.
by chiliverde
Sat Apr 20, 2019 1:07 am
Forum: Forum 1. From Questions About ISS & Search to Anything and Everything About International Teaching
Topic: Feeling like I want to move my family back home
Replies: 29
Views: 32690

Re: Feeling like I want to move my family back home

Africa is an absolute non starter for us just because of location, but thank you for thinking of it.

Mind is not made up for California, since even though it's an emotional pull, I know there are other things to consider, especially when you have kids.

@teach thank you so much for this really valuable and balanced input, as well as resources for me to check out. I have no illusions that salaries are not comparable to high salaries abroad, and that they won't go as far in the California economy, that even lower housing costs in CA are still CA housing costs, AND that I'll be starting from zero in terms of pension. But at least I'll have one, which is more than I have here. I am certified in the state of NJ. A quick spin through that website earlier left me with the impression that there is a transfer agreement, with some additional legwork, and that it's possible. I have also started researching healthcare and my understanding is a public school teacher is provided healthcare for herself and her family, with some out of pocket expenses. Perhaps that amount is higher than I thought, though.

Another question regarding husband and French teacher, who has Masters in Business Administration (long ago, never did anything with it) and Journalism. Presumably even after TeachNow, schools would have an issue that he hasn't studied any French pedagogy at any point?
by chiliverde
Fri Apr 19, 2019 8:38 pm
Forum: Forum 1. From Questions About ISS & Search to Anything and Everything About International Teaching
Topic: Feeling like I want to move my family back home
Replies: 29
Views: 32690

Re: Feeling like I want to move my family back home

Very welcome advice, everyone. Thank you for weighing in.

At the moment we are looking at Sacramento (proximity to family, still low-ish housing prices, many community colleges) with SLO and Mendocino county as other possibilities.

Definitely would not be a situation of 3 dependents in CA, as husband would get a job, hopefully in teaching/journalism. Could be very rewarding in the long run, but not without risk at the beginning - i.e., the US in a nutshell. Rewarding meaning fulfilling work and being close to family, not particularly rewarding financially.

I wish he wanted to get into French teaching. I'll continue to nudge him in that direction. But we do feel in our gut like he would be more suited to working with adults, as far as classroom management is concerned.

Mind is not totally made up, but leaning more in that direction. My previous posts floated Mexico as an option, but husband's possibilities are less clear. And there are so few good schools there, and I'll have 3 dependents at time of applying.

Suppose I'll need to find a forum for teachers in CA to ask more specific questions there. That's a great suggestion to reach out to a district too to ask these questions - sounds very obvious, but I didn't think of it. That's where so many doubts stem from - I moved abroad right after graduating college, and 15 years later I have absolutely no idea of what to expect teaching in the public sector.

Husband has not worked with AP - I will ask him to reach out to them. We have at least one more year here, so a good chance to do some transitional work that could set us up better for a potential move.
by chiliverde
Thu Apr 18, 2019 9:20 pm
Forum: Forum 1. From Questions About ISS & Search to Anything and Everything About International Teaching
Topic: Feeling like I want to move my family back home
Replies: 29
Views: 32690

Re: Feeling like I want to move my family back home

Thanks to everyone who has weighed in so far. It helps to just hear from others and be able to talk things out.

Undoubtably, moving back home is a very emotional decision. I am lucky to have a more supportive than most family, who I know is really feeling the pull of us being far away, as am I. Siblings are younger and haven't started having children yet, but will in the future. I already see the benefits of living in Bangkok for my very active two year old, with the culture and all the things to do. But I keep thinking how that benefit would be matched and maybe exceeded by being so close to a loving family, and California absolutely has a wealth of things to do in its own right.

Another factor that complicates, but also compels this urge, is husband's job. While a very accomplished freelance journalist, I'll leave you all to guess how that career choice fares in the world at the moment. His only real chance to continue on that track would be to move back to Paris (he's French), a city that we both balk at (we've lived there before) and he repeatedly mentions how all his friends in journalism there are "miserable". He's at the point now of wanting to reinvent himself, which is not really a common or easy thing to do in France. Possible in BKK, but it still leaves the problem that we are far away from both families. Can he reinvent himself in the US? It wouldn't be an easy road, but people do it all the time. We are talking about him getting into community college teaching as a possibility. His English is excellent, albeit accented.

As for staying in Bangkok, or abroad, I'm at a good school but by no means a dream school. Great salary, health insurance, flights, community, but no pension or housing. Summer is only 5 weeks at my school, so not really long enough to spend quality time in both the U.S. and France. And this long distance travel with one young child is already killing me. I'm supporting our family comfortably, but we are not saving anything. Considering I have 2, soon to be 3 dependents, I think the only way for me to level up would be to move to a "hardship" situation like China or the Middle East, which we are not willing to do. I have been abroad for 15 years. I appreciate Bangkok for all it has to offer, but the thrill of the international life is what's gone for me. I miss California. I miss my family. I want to raise my kids in California. Husband is slowly warming to the idea, but still very unsure (the French, as we know, are prone to pessimistic ennui).

I'm curious to know if anyone has knowledge if my years of teaching abroad will be credited in the CA public school system. I read something that said they are desperate for qualified teachers (I also have a Masters) so I'm hopeful. I read so many headlines about public school teachers in the US that do make me fearful, so I'd love feedback on that too from anyone who's been in the trenches. But if I could land in a good district, if we could live out of the major urban centers, if I could earn a decent salary with a pension/healthcare for us all, maybe we could just make it work. Yearly summer trips to France. Family would be able to help shoulder some daycare costs in the early years, if needed. Like I say, I know I'm lucky.

Thanks all who have been listening and again, admin, I know this is the inverse of international teaching, so please delete if not appropriate.
by chiliverde
Thu Apr 18, 2019 2:22 am
Forum: Forum 1. From Questions About ISS & Search to Anything and Everything About International Teaching
Topic: Feeling like I want to move my family back home
Replies: 29
Views: 32690

Feeling like I want to move my family back home

Admin, feel free to delete if this is not appropriate for this forum.

Well, after teaching in Europe for years, relocated to BKK this year, I'm feeling such a strong pull for home now that I have a young family. Trouble is, I have never taught there, and have an EU spouse in a difficult field. Job prospects are kind of bad for him wherever we are, so that's kind of a non-factor. I'm an elementary classroom teacher with two young kids.

Anyone else ever felt this way? If anyone can give me some insight on the reality of teaching in California, I'd welcome a chat in the DMs.
