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by ihoward
Mon Jan 25, 2016 8:42 pm
Forum: Forum 1. From Questions About ISS & Search to Anything and Everything About International Teaching
Topic: Teachers Latin America
Replies: 32
Views: 47301

Re: Teachers Latin America

PsyGuy wrote:
> Thats a tailchaser, ISR admin would never disclose that information in the forums
> (akin to claiming you work for the CIA/MI6, but any attempt to verify it is classified).
> It wouldnt mean much anyway, you can use a VPN to conceal your IP and location and
> you can register with any email address (Gmail) to register for the forums.

Is this really adding anything to the original topic?

YOU made the claims about Teachers Latin America, YOU need to backup your accusations with supporting evidence or experience.
by ihoward
Sun Jan 24, 2016 9:35 am
Forum: Forum 1. From Questions About ISS & Search to Anything and Everything About International Teaching
Topic: Teachers Latin America
Replies: 32
Views: 47301

Re: Teachers Latin America

MartElla wrote:
> It was nice that Guy came on here to defend himself, though.

If you wish to ask Admin about my location, they will be able to tell you that I am nowhere near Mexico ;)
I'm sure they can confirm many things from my email address I used to register and my IP address.

Do you have anything you wish to discuss about the orginal post?
by ihoward
Wed Jan 20, 2016 8:56 pm
Forum: Forum 1. From Questions About ISS & Search to Anything and Everything About International Teaching
Topic: Teachers Latin America
Replies: 32
Views: 47301

Re: Teachers Latin America


Really? well I never knew what networking was, thank you for such wonderful information and the lesson. People make a living from being teachers, admin, management, teacher trainers, consultants, recruiters, agents, support etc etc etc what point are you trying to make?
To have quick access to a network is a huge advantage for someone new in a country. This is especially true for Mexico, where often the best jobs are found through others. Sometimes it is the second or third job in a country that is the best fit for a person, after they have adapted to the culture, and learnt about the different schools through friends.

1. PsyGuy "Their client is the IS, and they service ISs that have no reputation, poor reputations are are various types of bilingual English programs"

2. PsyGuy "They dont care about your well being just getting you into a classroom so they can get their fee. It really doesnt matter they just want tobank the contract and move on"

3. PsyGuy "When there is a problem, these types of agencies just shut down the website, and spawn a new site"

4. PsyGuy "If you have an issue with something they will not help you outside of pointing you to a website or to your ISs leadership."

Do you have anything to backup any of these claims? maybe your experience there was different? want to share your experience with us?

1. I know that they work with some of the best schools in Mexico, I lived there for years. They also work with language schools, business English companies (which is huge in Mexico City) and very small schools all across Latin America. Some teachers want to head out to a small town, immerse themselves in culture, and are willing to sacrifice to gain that experience. Others may want access to good lower tier schools, and a smaller percentage of teachers can get into top tier schools. I have met highly qualified teachers that really just want to hang out, teach business classes for a while, and enjoy Mexico City without the pressures of school.

2. They have a business to run, what is your problem with that?
To imply that they don't care about teachers is unfair unless you have something to back it up. They do care, I know Guy personally, he is a great guy and really enjoys life in Mexico and the world of teaching.

3. Guy has been in Mexico for years, he gets invites to be a guest speaker at various places, he was a teacher trainer for years, supporting education is his career. He has never ran away once, never spawned a new site, he is well known and an easy person to find.

4. Issues can happen anywhere in the world for many reasons. Bad fit with management, cultural problems, issues with clients, personality clashes, teacher doesn't fit into the team, many many reasons.
If you have an issue, they will be there and help you find another job quickly, that is what they do. That's what you need from an agent, so you don't get stuck in a country without a job.

Anyway, i'm not here to argue with you, I joined to check out information for Asia where i'm living.

So I will leave it now but ask a simple question.
Do you have any experience of working with Guy and his company?
by ihoward
Wed Jan 20, 2016 6:53 am
Forum: Forum 1. From Questions About ISS & Search to Anything and Everything About International Teaching
Topic: Teachers Latin America
Replies: 32
Views: 47301

Re: Teachers Latin America


I appreciate that I am new here, and maybe your way of approaching a subject is different, but I actually know the guy and have spent time with him and his family. I have been to many teacher social gatherings in Mexico City and he has also been there sharing info and helping people out. He has many friends that are teachers in Mexico, he also has many contacts throughout Latin America, a network that is pretty useful for all. Everyone has to earn a living, so what is your point? some people are very helpful and stick to their word, he is one of the good people in the world of teaching.

Do you have any personal experience you would like to share about them?

I'm sharing my personal experience, and like I said, I think it is unfair to make such huge accusations about someone you obviously don't know at all.
And no...He collected no fee for arranging the the interview at the school. You know how I know that, because I was sat in his apartment having a beer with him, and his wife, when he called a friend at the school. The friend was a teacher at the school who had a word with his director.
by ihoward
Wed Jan 20, 2016 2:03 am
Forum: Forum 1. From Questions About ISS & Search to Anything and Everything About International Teaching
Topic: Teachers Latin America
Replies: 32
Views: 47301

Re: Teachers Latin America

About 8 years ago I was travelling in Mexico and stopped for a month in DF. I met and got to know the guy that setup Teachers Latin America. It is correct to say that they have many contacts for positions in language schools and teaching business classes around various cities. He set me up with one of these jobs so I could stay in Mexico City for a while.

However, it is not fair to say that they will just leave you on your own and then disappear. I had a few problems with one language school and he found me another job within a week. When I finally decided to stay in Mexico, he again set me up with a great school that offered a good package. It wasn't a 1st tier school, but it was a great school to work at. Again, he got that interview for me within one week of chatting with him, and I stayed at that school for a few years before travelling again.

I will add on top of that, the managing director (Guy) is a great guy and often helps out new teachers in Mexico.