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High schools SA

Posted: Tue Jul 16, 2013 9:43 pm
by dimnds
Anyone know of any high schools for female teachers in Saudi? Recruiter called me from Saudi today..great chap..said I had a good chance to get into a high school. Looking to go ASAP, am in the states now. Taught chemistry labs in colleges, substitute taught and ESL Asia and Russia.

Any good recruiters to use for this?

Posted: Thu Jul 18, 2013 1:19 am
by shadowjack
There are quite a few high schools in Saudi. Any idea which one? Some are avoid at all cost, others are sort of ok, and yet others are downright good.

high schools

Posted: Thu Jul 18, 2013 8:44 am
by dimnds
thanks, Shadowjack.

I just became 60 and so cannot go to Saudi. Two recruiters contacted me and let me know after they got the passport page.

Istanbul offered a job but it is not safe..per the US travel page.

China and Taiwan are calling on Skype today and Saturday about teaching in high schools.

I am willing to go to most parts of the world, just need to have it a safe country.


Posted: Thu Jul 18, 2013 11:24 am
by overseasvet2
I would not let recent troubles in Istanbul put you off, it's a great city and has always been one of the most stable countries in the region. The State Dept. pages are always a bit alarmist - they are covering their backs. Talk to teachers at the school and take those warnings with a grain of salt.


Posted: Thu Jul 18, 2013 1:06 pm
by dimnds
Anyone teaching in Istanbul now?

Posted: Thu Jul 18, 2013 2:32 pm
by heyteach
Overseas is right--don't let the recent protests, which are far from anywhere you'd be living or teaching, put you off. A friend accepted a job there recently and is still excited to be going. It's a lovely, vibrant city with some of the nicest and most hospitable people you'd ever meet.

Posted: Thu Jul 18, 2013 5:06 pm
by shadylane
Istanbul is absolutely fine. You should have no worries about going.

That said, which school?


Posted: Thu Jul 18, 2013 5:30 pm
by dimnds
ILM testing center

I prepped students for TOEFL in Korea along with TOEIC.

I am really looking hard at Zibo Experimental High in Shandong, China. Trying to negotiate the upfront travel as we speak. 8-10000 RMB and asking for $10000 ..they want me to teach ESL, and maybe algebra and the science if I choose to...and they need someone to teach writing for research papers and I have done quite a few of those. I am writing two books, a crime fiction novel and a children's novel.


Posted: Fri Jul 19, 2013 11:41 am
by PsyGuy

Istanbul is fine and perfectly safe. The DOS travel pages make everywhere sound like a danger zone. Despite the USA being one of the most dangerous places in the world. I would have no safety concerns for Istanbul outside of normal and typical safety precautions you would take anywhere.

TOEFL prep will do nothing for your resume or advancment. Its considered ESOL instruction. The China position and that school is a third tier school and would be arguably a bilingual school. Teaching ESOL there would create difficulties in having the experience count on your resume. At that pay level they really are paying as an ESOL instructor. The bottom of IS compensation is China is 20K RMB.

oh wow...where do I go to teach now then?

Posted: Fri Jul 19, 2013 11:46 am
by dimnds
PsyGuy...gotta go somewhere to teach this next month..any ideas where in the world I could go...maxed the cutoff for SE?

Anyone know any schools hiring. Just lost a son and really wanna go somewhere right away and immerse myself, if you know what I mean.

I am in a position to just put my car in storage, re-pack and go. Anyone know of anywhere I can go now pls?


Posted: Fri Jul 19, 2013 11:50 am
by PsyGuy
Go to China. It has the largest market and with the complexity of visas and relocation costs go to the school there or teach ESOL to keep yourself busy until something better comes up, which given the market and your accessibility wont be too long.
My alternative advice would be heading over to Vietnam. Several schools some of the worst in the world are always hiring. ISHCMC should be doing some last minute hiring as well soon.

tier 3, etc

Posted: Fri Jul 19, 2013 11:50 am
by dimnds
Was not too concerned about advancement; although 10 RMB vs 20,000 is pretty pathetic in the difference.

They were going to have me teach math and chemistry as well as ESL and writing. The paperwork they showed me stated 8-10000 RMB. That should not be for me since they want to utilize me for 3 subjects...but...

4 yrs of ESL with chemistry teaching in states (labs) and subbing should not get me 10RMB only

so....where to now..didn t mean to repeat..had more to bad on that ..sry folks.


Posted: Fri Jul 19, 2013 12:08 pm
by dimnds
Thanks PsyGuy.

So, tomorrow Zibo will call and see what they will give me for what they want.

had bad hagwons in SK and not too crazy about walking into another one..such as the aforementioned Vietnam.

I have a son teaching ESL in Japan and wanted to be relatively close to him. Only son left. My other son was military in Afghan..and is now in

Anyone know how quick a school can get me the visa I need to get to China? Neva said it could take a month...which would put me in hotels for 2 wks and pay a yr on registration, etc for the car which is due the first of Aug.

I don t mean to harangue anyone..just trying to keep busy as I said.


Posted: Fri Jul 26, 2013 2:55 am
by PsyGuy
Depending on the school, if you apply at the Chinese consulate/embassy either in person or through a processor you can get it the same day. It really depends how fast the school can get the work permit/foreign experts license. The invitation letter is produced by the school, a d they can overnight it DHL if they want to.

working in china

Posted: Fri Jul 26, 2013 8:20 am
by dimnds
Everyone has written back stating 61 is too old.

no one is offering any job whatsoever..not to teach chemistry or ESL.

plum running out of needs registration by next week..(*that money was being saved for plane ticket)

lease ends the first and a new person is moving that puts me in nowhere land..
too old to get anything at 61..grrrrr