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North Jakarta ? Quality of life ? Nice beaches ?

Posted: Sun Jan 29, 2012 8:52 pm
by missy
Has anyone ever worked in North Jakarta , Indonesia ?

Are the beaches nice ?
What is the air quality like ?
What did you like about the place ?
Is the cost of living high ?

Posted: Mon Jan 30, 2012 1:15 am
by SciGuy
Are the beaches nice ?
What is the air quality like ?
What did you like about the place ?
Is the cost of living high ?

Since you asked about North Jakarta, I assume you're talking about NJIS in Kelapa Gading. Am I right?

1) Jakarta is a HUGE city, with some 10 million residents. During the day, that number swells by a couple million with commuters coming into from the surrounding cities. That number of people creates a lot of waste, so no, the beaches in Jakarta are not nice at all. In fact, Java's beaches are not generally as nice as you would hope for from a tropical island; the Seychelles or Tahiti it is not, but there are some decent ones around (Thousand Islands & Carita being the closest).
2)The air quality in Jakarta is pretty poor, although it doesn't really bother me personally. Lots of people I know here have asthma or other respiratory problems. People smoke everywhere. If that bothers you, this country is probably not for you.
3) I love Indonesia and Jakarta. It's a wonderful place, but not without problems. I enjoy the Indonesian people, culture and food. The weather is great, but hot & humid. Being single & male in Jakarta was a lot of fun. Kelapa Gading is a pretty nice part of the city, with great food & shopping, but it tends to flood. Some other areas of North Jakarta, such as Tanjung Priok or Pejaringan are pretty bad neighborhoods.
4) The cost of living is harder to define without more information about your lifestyle, but in general it is relatively inexpensive. I would estimate it to cost about half of what it costs to live in Sydney, or about 65% of what it costs to live in Los Angeles. International school teachers in Jakarta tend to have a pretty comfortable life.

I hope that helps!

Posted: Mon Jan 30, 2012 2:54 am
by indogal
There are no beaches in Jakarta that you can actually swim in. The water is polluted and filthy. For real beaches, most would recommend you go to Bali, not difficult to get to, but not in your backyard, as you might be picturing.

Also, since your name is missy, I am imagining you are probably female. The experience in Jakarta is much different for males & females. While I tried to makes the best of it & made some great friends and had some good experiences, overall I hated it & got out as soon as I could. Men love it. That pretty much sums it up

Posted: Mon Jan 30, 2012 2:56 am
by Mr.Cake
To give another opinion, I hate Jakarta.

The food is bland and the choice limited, the traffic is bad and prices are not particularly cheap or value for money.

I can not think of one thing that I would recommend about the city.

Beaches? Try Bali...

Posted: Mon Jan 30, 2012 5:31 am
Even the beaches in Bali are nothing to shout (although it's a lovely place to visit). For the better beaches you need to get to the islands of the coast of Lombok (I forget their names - there are three of them).


Posted: Mon Jan 30, 2012 5:36 am
by PsyGuy
Yeah men have it a lot better in indonesia then women. A lot of guys stay for that very reason.
If you want to go to the beach go to Bali, thee isnt really a local option.

I found the cost of living very low. People can usually afford a lot more then they could back in the west. 3 Bedroom apartments, a maid, nanny. were all very common. There is a lack of "middle quality" goods. Prices are either very low, for cheap stuff, or expensive for high quality items. Counterfit items are everywhere. You can get a very cheap iPhone or Rolex knockoff that wont last very long, or pay A LOT more for the real thing.

The air quality didnt bother me much, its better then Beijing, but there are still days that it reminded me of Los Angles. Id think twice if you have a respiratory problem. One teacher i worked with in Italy came from Jakarta, and sadly had developed asthma while working in Jakarta.

The worst thing though that bothered me on a DAILY bases was the traffic. It takes forever to get anywhere. Especially leaving the city, at rush hour. You can spend an hour in a taxi stopped just waiting.

There were some good parts. The food can be really good, and its almost always fresh. The people are really nice and accommodating (though thats partly because your a westerner). If you like to cook Indonesia is a great place to experiment with spices that would cost a fortune back int he states. if you get to know people, your neighbors will watch out for you. Lastly if your a single guy, you would really have to WANT to stay single...

Posted: Mon Jan 30, 2012 6:02 am
by Mr.Cake
@IAMBORG They are called the Gili Isles, I was there about four years ago. Yes pretty beaches but after Bali I found Lombok too 'Indonesian' :roll: