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Best international schools : Which country, continent?

Posted: Thu Jul 28, 2011 11:33 am
by Zsejanko
I've been trying to find factual info / research / statistics on which countries or continents house the largest amount of really good to best international schools in the world. Mainly, I want to find out the REASONS as to WHY certain countries or continents house the best international schools. People might be quick to jump the gun and say, " Europe ", but this might not be true or factual since it's an over generalization that just because Europe is largely a developed continent that the majority of the schools there would be considered " really good " or " one of the best ".

We could also say the same for Asia ( specifically power house economic countries ) because of the global economy which always defines our lifestyle and education.

Does anybody have any info?

Posted: Thu Jul 28, 2011 6:43 pm
by Zsejanko
The reason why I ask is because I want the opinion of others...who may have the facts and information ready to go. Also, I was seeking more for published information, rather than relying on clandestine research.

Posted: Thu Jul 28, 2011 8:03 pm
by Candycane
I agree with PsyGuy. It is totally subjective.

I actually spent a lot of time researching and ranked over 100 schools on this site with my own personal ranking on a scale of 1-10.

What I consider a miserable placement might be not-so-bad for another. I found myself in a miserable placement in a country where I found the people to be awful. Others strongly disagree with my opinion and dream of living in that place.

I don't mind working hard and working beyond the school day. However, I know some teachers that would be miserable having work cut into their social life/personal time.

I also like a school that has structure and functions under a well-established procedural operation. Others might find this to be a miserable restraint and lack of flexibility.

You are going to have to do alot of research to answer this question. I also think starting with IBO exam scores would be a good place to start. I would look at the reviews on here and research the schools yourself as well.

Good Luck!

Posted: Thu Jul 28, 2011 9:13 pm
by Zsejanko
Hence I asked the question...because I think we need the objective rather than the subjective. I know that there are numerous academic journals :

Journal of Studies in International Education
Journal of Research in International Education
International Education Journal

I might just look into such journals and see if I can find the objective rather than the subjective. Everything can be quantified. 'Tis a mathematical world after all.

Posted: Fri Jul 29, 2011 9:43 am
by Zsejanko
Only in time will quantum physics and mathematics be able to determine the answer. Parallel universes, teleportation and all these " fantastical " things that people used to think as only belonging in sci-fi comics are now being studied and quantified by mathematicians and quantum physicists at MIT and other research institutions around the world. But until that time that they start to determine the question of love and soul, we are talking about international schools that are more viable to be quantified than this present moment with this present topic.

So perhaps, we can get back to the topic?

Posted: Sun Jul 31, 2011 7:11 am
by indogal
Philosophical debates aside, I can only speak from my limited experience (only 3 international schools), but I think JIS (Jakarta International School) in Indonesia is certainly one of the best.

Teachers are highly qualified and driven. Students are highly motivated (for the most part!). It truly is an INTERNATIONAL school. No one nationality dominates. Students almost always speak English on campus, because it is the only language they have in common.

The campuses are lovely. The new science labs are incredible. They have the latest technology available in every classroom. They are constantly doing renovation projects to keep the campus up to date.

Pay and benefits are very generous, especially in a country where the cost of living is low.

I also looks really good on a resume & as you travel to other schools, when you say you taught at JIS, everyone will know someone who has taught there- so you will establish a lot of connections.

Having traveled to other IASAS schools for conferences or tournaments, I think this is true of those schools as well.

Posted: Sun Jul 31, 2011 10:32 am
by Zsejanko
Thanks Indogal, for your input. JIS is actually one of the most renowned ones in terms of international schools.