Any Experienced Teachers Leave a Fair...

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Any Experienced Teachers Leave a Fair...

Post by Cee13 »

without a job???? Please let me know.

The fair is over in a few hours, but I'm here for another day because of the weather. I've traveled extremely far, took days off from work and it looks like I'm leaving empty handed. Ahhh! I'm having a pity ., and you're all invited.

- 11 years teaching in the states with a Masters
- 2 years in Asia at a Low Tier 2 school (I'm still currently teaching there)
- Excellent letters of rec
- Nothing "bad" from my online confidential references (I asked my adviser)

Before the fair from Asia:
-6 schools expressed interest via email wanting to meet me at the fair
-1 Skype interview right before the fair

At the fair, but before I registered:
-1 informal interview over lunch (High Tier 2 school...I think they ended up hiring a teaching couple)
-1 informal interview over coffee (Tier 3 school...They also hired a teaching couple but I was less than impressed)

At the fair:
-10 interviews in all (7 schools were excellent)

Day 1
-9 interviews
One interview with a High Tier 2 School but they realized I wasn't the required religion (don't ask :0)
I was hyped up on coffee + not much sleep the previous two nights = not my best interviewing self

Day 2
-2 interviews
Only one school was a 2nd interview at a high-paying Tier 1 school, but I didn't want to continue with a possible 3rd interview because it was not a good fit at all.

I'm not really looking for what I did wrong during the actual interviews, but wanting to know if there are any other experienced teachers out there who left a fair (kind of late in the recruiting season) without a contract.

I'm very curious and understandably nervous, as I've already given notice to my current school.
Last edited by Cee13 on Sun Feb 08, 2015 7:59 pm, edited 1 time in total.
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Re: Any Experienced Teachers Left a Fair...

Post by MizMorton »

Yep. Us. Husband & me.

Our #1 problem was lack of jobs. The boards seemed awfully empty (was it just me?) but then to find both of our subjects in one place? I think we found four places. I'll post more about it in the Cambridge Fair thread.

I'm not really nervous, because I know there are more jobs coming, and like my agent said, the schools will *actually* respond to their e-mails now that the major fairs have passed. It's just depressing. It reminds me of when I was having dating trouble in my 20s. I told my friends that I'd just have to wait until all the good men were getting divorced in their 30s and then I'd get my chance. (That didn't happen, for the record.)

My husband noticed that when we were lining up for interviews, they'd say "how about tomorrow?" We could see that their Friday sheets were wide open, so he guessed that the Saturday interviews were for the second string, after they'd gotten answers from their first choices interviewed on Friday. Their first string wasn't even on the roster yet, though. So that kind of hurt.
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Re: Any Experienced Teachers Left a Fair...

Post by profe »

I went to the London Search fair in 2011 and left without any offers after just four interviews, and I had to work hard to get those. A few weeks later I had an offer and a job, but I certainly didn't feel great about spending $2,000 or so to fly to London and walk away empty-handed.

It happens, and they tell you it happens... but I understand how it is still a bit of a blow to one's ego/pride. I know you have heard it before, but there will be jobs out there in the months ahead. I'm still looking myself and will continue to do so for the next 3 months if necessary... and if nothing I like turns up by May then I've got some plans for a year off.

Good luck, and don't give up!
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Re: Any Experienced Teachers Left a Fair...

Post by twimih »

I don't think it's unusual, and please don't worry. You had a lot of interviews! That's a good sign! I also have a lot of experience, but I never land that many interviews.
I've been to fairs twice. At the first one I had a job offer on Saturday but it wasn't the one I wanted. That one came the day after the fair.
At the second I got the offer I accepted the day after as well. I think a lot happens once the fair is over, and that seems to match up with what Search says, too.
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Re: Any Experienced Teachers Left a Fair...

Post by wrldtrvlr123 »

We're an experienced teaching couple (public and int'l) with marketable areas of certification and we are only 1 for 3 at leaving job fairs with offers (and that was our first one, when we had the least experience). :S

On the upside we have always managed to find jobs when we really needed them (except for the one time the school closed and we had to go back and live the in-laws for a while). But hey ho, it all worked out eventually and we are in a great position right now.

The life of an int'l educator can be one of uncertainty and sometimes compromising what you want with what you need to land a gig. I guess the hope is that you pay your dues, do a great job and you will end up in a school/country that makes it all worthwhile.

Meanwhile, keep trying to enjoy the journey (or at least take what positives and lessons you can from what life deals you).
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Re: Any Experienced Teachers Leave a Fair...

Post by Cee13 »

Thank you to all of those who replied. It means more than you know!

@wrldtrvlr123 I love teaching internationally, but you're right, there is uncertainty and well... you know, it can be tough!

@twimih Maybe all of those interviews were a good sign, but then I wonder "What the heck did I do wrong?" But since I don't foresee any upcoming face to face interviews (as opposed to Skype) there's no use in wracking my brain. I'm trying not to worry.

@profe Yes! Spending that much money, going back to a slew of questions from my colleagues (I know they care, but I don't really know the "why?") well it just all kinda sucks. One needs some tough skin, that's for sure!

@miz I don't understand about the boards being empty. Glad your associate gave you some sound advice, I'll hold onto that as well :) You have a great attitude BTW!
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Re: Any Experienced Teachers Leave a Fair...

Post by Climberman »

Any others?
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Re: Any Experienced Teachers Leave a Fair...

Post by Sudra2r2 »

My husband and I went to the Bangkok fair and came away with nothing ... and we're still looking. We both have leadership experience, and between us are exam visitors, workshop leaders, curriculum writers, examiners, online facilitators for the IB, so thought we would be well placed to get what we wanted. Each day is an emotional roller coaster! We are both looking to move into roles that are above what we currently do, so this means that schools will need to be desperate before they'll look at us. I'm happy for people who have secured jobs, but I'm finding it increasingly hard to 'keep my chin up' with having no good news of my own to share.
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Post by PsyGuy »


You likely didnt do anything wrong.

About half the candidates walk away without offers, about 80% ultimately get an offer after attending a fair. That still leave a lot of people who were unsuccessful, and of that 80% about 20% took positions because they needed a job in sub optimal or desirable schools. I would see if you can withdraw your notice from your current school.
The reality is that about a quarter of the people who attempt to enter IE dont, thats one in four. The peak recruiting season is over, BOS is the wrap .. You also sound like you have high standards and expectations, and whats left is going to be lower tier schools. There will be some upper tier vacancies but its very lunikely those wont be in your teaching field.
You need to either come to terms with what you will do and where you will work, get your current job back, or start looking at alternatives (another local position, or ESOL).


Its possible that those first day interviews were all filled in advance, and they admin just knew they had no availability on the first day.


Dont delude yourself, interviews mean nothing, only offers matter. No IT makes their bones or tells stories of the great interviews they had. You cant market interviews on your resume.

About 40 percent happens during peak recruiting season (fairs). 40% after and 20 percent before the fairs. Thats of the 80% that are successful. About 20% do not get hired.


here is a job for everyone if you will go anywhere and do anything. Many entry level ITs have high expectations, that arent realistic, and fail to realize that domestic teaching and international teaching are different fields. You can not just step out of your school where your an awesome teacher and expect a top tier school to treat you like a rock star

Agencies too often oversell a candidate on their prospects, preferring to explain and rationalize later then be open and honest to begin with.
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Re: Any Experienced Teachers Leave a Fair...

Post by shadowjack »

Cee13 - Boston, back in the day a long time ago, used to be THE fair to go to. Then along came London and Bangkok and the dynamics changed. Right before Boston is Toronto and UNI, right after Boston is San Fran for the West Coast people, a Vancouver tie-in, CIS in Vancouver, and the list goes on.

Sometimes it's not about you at all - and as mentioned, a lot of hiring takes place outside the fair. Remember, although it seems like EVERYBODY is getting a job AT the fair, only some 45% of jobs actually trade hands at fairs.

Chin up, subscribe to TIEonline as well, check out TESJOBS for their overseas positions and keep watching the websites of schools that interest you - and send a line to their HR in March expressing your continued interest if any positions in your area come up (and don't forget to attach a custom cover letter and CV).

As I've said before, I've had sets of friends, all excellent teachers, go to fairs and come back empty handed, some with NO interviews. Yet in the end, they all landed jobs. Stay positive, keep your eyes open, join a group like International School Teachers on FB (private group, you need to be added so look around for friends who might belong).

Good luck and keep us posted!

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Re: Any Experienced Teachers Leave a Fair...

Post by sciteach »

Last year - I went to the Bangkok Job Fair as a Single young person (early 30's) with around 5 years of MYP Science/Math experience and reasonably strong references and got nothing.

This was probably due to a lot of general factors - such as being too selective in the schools (only Tier 1), thinking I was a better teacher than what I was, not wanting to move to certain areas (no China or Middle East) etc...

As such, I got a good number of interviews but no contract offers. It's best to say that I was devistated at the time and it was a big wake up call on my part. I did end up getting offered another position in early Feb via Skype which was a huge relief.

I did however go to the Melbourne Fair this year and I was seen as a 'rock star' - not by myself but because I had strong references and more importantly international experience compared to other teachers I was with. As such - choosing the correct fair is very important. I'll probably use the Melbourne Fair again as it's highly convenient for me but I do hope that I don't have to go to a fair for a very long time now....
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Post by PsyGuy »

True, BOS used to be "THE" fair, back then most veteran ITs didnt use fairs it was a smaller group and everyone either knew everbody else, or knew people, who knew people, who knew people.

The issue though is the "file drawer" phenomenon. The people (about 20% a year) who arent successful, dont get known, dont use this forum or others, and so you never hear or see those stories because they just disappear.

Dump fairs are better to more inexperienced teachers, the BOS fair is a super fair, the lowest of the three, but still a super fair. If you went to Bethesda youd probably be pawed over, but again the quality of the school, their packages and their locations are more on the undesirable side.
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Re: Any Experienced Teachers Leave a Fair...

Post by Basmad6 »

SF seemed to have low attendance and many schools cancelled prior to as they'd filled jobs. There were plenty of ECE and HS science/language jobs open.
I did see a lot of candidates who seemed frazzled and unprepared and heard quite a bit of recruiters share that sentiment.
I did hear that jobs would open later In the season as some teachers do resign later in the school year and so positions do open.
Last edited by Basmad6 on Fri Feb 20, 2015 9:27 am, edited 1 time in total.
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Re: Any Experienced Teachers Leave a Fair...

Post by Cee13 »

I hope you're right @Basmad6 as I still haven't landed anything and becoming increasingly more and more nervous
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Re: Any Experienced Teachers Leave a Fair...

Post by zanyplum »

This happened to me at my first fair, though it was 11 years ago. A friend who was already teaching in Tokyo recommended I register on That is how I landed my first international job, and I signed that contract on April 2nd. Times have definitely changed since then, but I believe you will still get a job. Something always comes up!
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