Dual citizen question

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Dual citizen question

Post by rickkane »

I'm interested in applying to several schools in the EU. On several applications they ask about your passport(s). I'm a dual U.S./EU citizen and am wondering if there is anything I need to be worried about if I declare my EU passport...mainly taxes. Would it be illegal to not mention my EU passport and work on my U.S. passport? Has anyone ever had this issue? Thanks!
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Post by Teachermama »

If I were you, I would ask a lawyer, but I would also think that it would be in your interests to declare your EU citizenship, as it would make you a much easier hire for a lot of schools. You should probably be checking in with a tax lawyer anyway, as far as the US is concerned. Even if you don't make enough to owe something, there is a form you have to send in to declare your earnings out of the country and you have to be non-resident in a legal sense not to pay US taxes, which is actually harder than you might think. You will save your self future headaches by doing some homework about your specific situation. I am a dual citizen and I have inadvertently goofed up and it isn't fun. Good luck.
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Post by rickkane »

Thanks for the reply! I'm still not sure how I'll proceed. I guess that it depends on where the school is located. It might actually be better in some instances to be hired as a local-hire due to generous country-specific pension plans, etc. I'll have to do my homework.
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Post by PsyGuy »

You have to declare your citizenship status, including your passports, its a legal/immigration issue. An EU passport will open a lot of doors for you in WE, and there is no downside to disclosing being a dual citizen in this case.

Depending on your EU country your tax liability varries. Even if you get the Foreign tax credit your supposed to file your income tax. I personally dont, I dont owe taxes, so i doubt the government cares.
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