Teachers Latin America

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Re: Teachers Latin America

Post by OzGrad »

Argues with PsyGuy then "Anyway, i'm not here to argue with you" :)
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Re: Teachers Latin America

Post by MartElla »

It was nice that Guy came on here to defend himself, though.
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Re: Teachers Latin America

Post by ihoward »

MartElla wrote:
> It was nice that Guy came on here to defend himself, though.

If you wish to ask Admin about my location, they will be able to tell you that I am nowhere near Mexico ;)
I'm sure they can confirm many things from my email address I used to register and my IP address.

Do you have anything you wish to discuss about the orginal post?
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Post by PsyGuy »

Thats a tailchaser, ISR admin would never disclose that information in the forums (akin to claiming you work for the CIA/MI6, but any attempt to verify it is classified). It wouldnt mean much anyway, you can use a VPN to conceal your IP and location and you can register with any email address (Gmail) to register for the forums.
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Re: Teachers Latin America

Post by ihoward »

PsyGuy wrote:
> Thats a tailchaser, ISR admin would never disclose that information in the forums
> (akin to claiming you work for the CIA/MI6, but any attempt to verify it is classified).
> It wouldnt mean much anyway, you can use a VPN to conceal your IP and location and
> you can register with any email address (Gmail) to register for the forums.

Is this really adding anything to the original topic?

YOU made the claims about Teachers Latin America, YOU need to backup your accusations with supporting evidence or experience.
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Re: Teachers Latin America

Post by MartElla »

ihoward wrote:
> MartElla wrote:
> > It was nice that Guy came on here to defend himself, though.
> If you wish to ask Admin about my location, they will be able to tell you that I am
> nowhere near Mexico ;)
> I'm sure they can confirm many things from my email address I used to register and my
> IP address.
> Do you have anything you wish to discuss about the orginal post?

Not now that I've put my feet up and got the popcorn.

Happy to watch the show.
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Post by PsyGuy »


Yes it really is adding to the discussion.
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Re: Teachers Latin America

Post by schwebb »

Hi everyone,
Interesting discussion you have going here. We certainly appreciate those of you who have stuck to the facts and come to the defense of Teachers Latin America because of your own personal experiences. However, I guess I cannot blame PsyGuy for believing his version of the story. I am Mark Webber, Guy's business partner in Teachers Latin America, and a career educator for the past 26 years. I have been working with Guy for the past 4 years and we are in our 5th year if you count the year that we took to plan our business model and figure out how to approach the Latin American market where we both live and work.

To set some things straight, Teachers Latin America represents most of the top international schools in Mexico (ASF CDMX, GDL, Monterrey, Westhill, Humanitree, to name a few) as well as some of the top bilingual schools. We only represent one language school, the Anglo, because they are attached to some international schools that we represent; Churchill School and Churchill College. However, rest assured that our main market is international schools. We also represent many of the top schools in Central America such as Metropolitan School, Discovery School, Colegio Interamericano and are starting to get a reputable list of client schools in South America as well.

Some of the main reasons that Guy and I started (or restarted for those of you who know Guy from his days as a teacher trainer) our company was to represent international schools, exclusively in Latin America, as well as the opinion that PsyGuy and many others have about recruiters. We felt that schools, and more importantly students in Latin America needed and deserved quality representation. We believe in visiting schools, looking people in the eye, shaking hands and doing business the old fashioned way, with respect and honor. We pay our taxes and we follow the labor laws of our host country and we would never pack up and leave someone out in the cold. In fact, even though it is true that the schools pay us, most of our contracts do not entail us collecting a fee for each teacher that we get hired. We work on a flat rate, year round hiring contract because our schools trust us and have the confidence in us that we will do right by them. I would also like to add that we do not represent schools that we feel that do not honor their contracts or treat teachers properly. We may never get rich doing things this way, but hey, thats ok. We are not out to get rich. We are out to earn a living like everyone else and create win-win situations wherever we can. We are building our reputation one school at a time and that is fine by us.

I would like to add that Guy and I still work in the communities that we serve, setting up substitute teacher programs, trying to find jobs for Otros Dreamers, those who have been deported from the USA, and with the Mexican academic debate community. I volunteer much of my time to Team Mexico and Guy covers for me every summer. We do this not only because it connects us to the community in many ways that are mutually beneficial but because we feel strongly that giving back to the community is an important pillar of our business.

Also, to answer the question that LibbyA asked in the first place, we have just returned from the Tri-Association conference where many new schools were excited to hear of the success of the first year of our Houston and Mexico City fairs and many more are planning to attend this year in addition to ASF CDMX, ASF Monterrey, etc. Last year we had 17 schools representing around 25 campuses from Mexico, Central and South America. This year, we are planning for at least 25 schools.

Finally, for PsyGuy, we understand your concerns about recruiters and we hope that we are addressing those concerns and building trust for those of you who may have gotten burned in the past. I would just like to invite you if you are ever in Mexico City, where I live, or Guadalajara, where Guy lives, to look us up and lets go have a coffee or a beer together. We would really like that.

Thanks for anyone who has read this far and shout out to ihoward and chillagringa who had our backs. We are honored by your trust and will work hard to continue to deserve it.
Mark Webber
26 year Career Educator
Director of Recruitment
Teachers Latin America
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Re: Teachers Latin America

Post by chilagringa »

I know it's got a good reputation but Humanitree is a silly name for a school.
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Post by PsyGuy »


I appreciate adhering to the data as well, not just the claims and positions that support your position, that you like to consider as facts because they support your position. Lets parse your claims:

You dont represent any of those IS, you are a vendor, the ISs are your client, and you are just one one vendor that approaches leadership/ownership/make your sales pitch, and then if they buy it, those ISs place an order. You no more rep those ISs than Sysco reps an IS/DS food serfice contract, or Microsoft reps an ISs ITC program. Your a vendor who took an order for ITs.

Bilingual ISs are Language ESs, You dont see a French Lychee adverting their a bilingual program despite these FSs having English and International academies and other programs. Your elevating these language schools status as bilingual schools as if that somehow changes what they are.

"We felt that schools, and more importantly students in Latin America needed and deserved quality representation"

Exactly my point thank you for agreeing with me, the ISs are your client you work for them, nowhere in that statement do you mention quality representation for ITs, because they are the commodity not the client. More martyrdom talk about everything revolves around the students.

You are exactly what i wrote before, recruiters and leadership are always trying to take credit and extract some nobility out of the ordinary things they are supposed to do. Youre supposed to pay your taxes, because its the law, and its the right thing to do. Your supposed to follow the labor law because, its the law what do you think your supposed to do with it, put it on a frisbee and call it a pizza? Do you want a parade, for doing what youre supposed to do?

Who cares if you want to look people in the eye, thats what sociopaths are good at doing, thats why they are sociopaths. Does shaking hands mean anything, you cant shake hands, and lie? The old fashion way? What do you send contracts by horse? Do you not use mobile phones, email, social networking? Do you use a mimeograph machine and carbon paper? Do you use printers, and photo copiers. Is your file management system a box of legal pads and files, or do you use computers? Bunk, just more smoke and mirrors. If it looks like poo, and smells like poo, its not a chocolate covered Twinkie. You really expect the forum to believe the ITs you have given the cold shoulder youd advertise and admit too, (and there are such ITs). They just dont have a voice, because you divorced yourself of them.

Respect and Honor, what a joke. So those ITs that left your placements did you dump those ISs, did you get those ITs their full contract salary. No you shook your head, said poor you, and then maybe shuttled them off to another IS, and collect another fee.

Which brings us to your fee structure, you have a flat fee contract, but you still make your quota and/or add numbers to your revenue sheet by placing ITs, its still just a spreadsheet with holes you fill with ITs, and nothing about your claims changes the FACT that you work for the IS and you take their money to provide a service which they are in the position to determine their degree of satisfaction with your performance.
Of course you will do right by them, they are the money. So if it comes between the IT thats on the side of right and the IS that has the coin, the IS wins, because thats your business right, its a business not a charity, its about the money.

More BS, "We do not represent schools that we feel that do not honor their contracts or treat teachers properly.", all that means is you have very low standards for what constitutes appropriate treatment of ITs, you will hear the same claims from SA, ISS, and everyone else in the recruiting profession, because thats how it works. Again your building your reputations one IS at a time, not one IT at a time, but one IS, Im sure those ISs are very appreciative with the purse, in being the front man and the hatchet man.

Blah, blah, what does your alleged philanthropy mean to the data. It could be nothing more than a front, or a line item on your advertising and marketing literature. Sure you network, thats how business works, establish relationship, human trafficking syndicates do the same thing. Sociopaths go to public events, do charitable works, and work to make their communities a better place, because their community reflects them, and that image is something they can market, and thats exactly what you said "we feel strongly that giving back to the community is an important pillar of our business", because again its not altruistic, its just business.
You aid deportees, isnt that just criminal outreach? These people violated immigration law. If I was in Japan past my visa, and I didnt voluntarily present myself to immigration id be jailed, and deported, because thats a crime, and it would be like that in a LOT of the world. Whats their to support? I dont associate with known criminals.

TAC, is a club, nothing more, and 17 ISs is nothing to brag about, its a country fair, a handful of noncompetitive ISs, that use the phenomenon of restricted range and scarcity to create the illusion of status. Take those ISs and put them in a room on a global stage and they dont get any attention.

There are a lot of recruiters and leadership who would like to know who I am and have a beer together, Ill add you to the list.
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Re: Teachers Latin America

Post by chilagringa »

PsyGuy, you're out of your area of knowledge on this one.

To someone SPECIFICALLY interested in Mexico (as in that is the only place they want to work), then it's a good choice. Many people specifically want to work in Mexico, because Mexico is awesome. They don't represent enough top schools in Central America at this point to say it's a good company for beyond Mexico.

I also have enough experience in the region to know that the company has a good reputation.

However, if you are interested in more than just Mexico? I would go with another company.
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Post by PsyGuy »


We disagree, and no its not if a candidate is specifically interested in Mexico, than SA, UNI, and AASSA are options Id endorse of Teachers.

Many candidates do NOT want to work in Mexico, some do, some is not many. Many IT candidates want to go to JP or the EU, not Mexico.

Mexico is not "awesome", but thats by my definition of awesome. Mexico is fine for a Holiday, not living there, unless your retiring out and have a lite retirement.

No they dont have a good reputation, not based on my experience and resources. if you are an ESOL IT fresh out of Uni and just want to do a working vacay/holiday I may steer them towards Teachers, otherwise no.
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Re: Teachers Latin America

Post by nalfc »

I will be looking for a job in Mexico in 2019. I am an IB Coordinator in Asia at present, I like your writing style, your clear professionalism and direct way of conducting business. I was with Search Associates previously but they cover the world, where you cover the area I am specifically interested in.

Come 2018 I will be looking to sign up with your company, Teachers Latin America. Thank you for coming on here to represent your company, I was and am impressed.
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Re: Teachers Latin America

Post by Walter »

"There are a lot of recruiters and leadership who would like to know who I am and have a beer together, Ill add you to the list."

Well I've told quite a few who you are, Dave, but I don't think they want a drink with you. Especially not the guy in Taiwan....
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Post by PsyGuy »


You dont know what you think you know and never have.
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