seriously, psyguy. what gives?

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Joined: Wed Oct 26, 2011 11:10 am

Post by inman »

As a general rule, I tend to believe a lot of what Psy guy says, unless someone else comes in and says something different. If the other person is ready to argue then I'll most likely believe the them and not Psy guy as I really don't believe that there are many of us teachers who sit at home after a hard day at work thinking "great, here comes another argument".

I personally have found many of Psy guys comments to be very useful and have been genuinely grateful for his responses. He certainly does have some decent knowledge of some certain areas, and I have found some of perspectives on job fairs and interviews to be very useful, well thought out, and often quite unique. However, I feel that he often discredits himself by posting advice on things that he clearly knows nothing about, and has no experience of. When challenged on those things, it then becomes a personal battle between him and other posters and unfortunately many threads go off the original topic and end up being about him having it out with someone.

I really appreciate the presence of ISR and try to support the forum as much as I can in hope that it will continue to grow, but i am often put off from posting because I just dont want to get drawn in. Too many times already I've had to fight myself to ignore his provocative comments which, for me, take the pleasure out of contributing.
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Location: Bangkok

Post by ChoirGuy »

It must be the holidays! Everyone is being so nice to PsyGuy!

I agree with just about everyone in that PsyGuy has given some good advice and some not so good...but as long as the reader keeps an open mind and tries to sift through all the answers from all the posters, makes an informed decision and then goes from there, the forum continues to be an invaluable source of information for all of us.

Happy Holidays!
Posts: 159
Joined: Sun Sep 04, 2011 4:54 am

Post by hallier »

[quote="inman"]As a general rule, I tend to believe a lot of what Psy guy says, unless someone else comes in and says something different...However, I feel that he often discredits himself by posting advice on things that he clearly knows nothing about, and has no experience of. When challenged on those things, it then becomes a personal battle between him and other posters and unfortunately many threads go off the original topic and end up being about him having it out with someone.

I really appreciate the presence of ISR and try to support the forum as much as I can in hope that it will continue to grow, but i am often put off from posting because I just dont want to get drawn in. Too many times already I've had to fight myself to ignore his provocative comments which, for me, take the pleasure out of contributing.[/quote]

I agree with your point about helping this forum to develop. I feel it is even more useful than the reviews on ISR which may often come from folks with large axes to grind.

Having once fallen into the trap of trying to engage PG, I realized it is a waste of time and not what the majority of posters want to read.

So my strategy is to try and redirect to the original post. (in the event I have something useful to contribute).

I do appreciate Walter's inputs - although hope he is not actually as steamed up and aggravated by PG's posts as his words appear.

The bottom line is that any teacher who considers themselves up to the task of teaching students in the digital age, should be able to read across the threads on this post and exercise their own judgment about any of these comments.
Posts: 217
Joined: Wed Nov 29, 2006 2:25 pm

Post by interteach »

The fact is that many long-time posters (like myself) who used to contribute regularly to the forum have given up due to the misinformation from psyguy and his belligerent attitude.

There's far less diversity of experienced opinions in this forum than there used to be, largely due to one obnoxious user and the often ludicrous over-generalizations and frequently offensive unsupported assumptions he makes - and the support ISR gives him by often removing posts/threads about him they don't like.

It leads me to wonder if psyguy has become an ISR admin.
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