A Masters that opens doors

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A Masters that opens doors

Post by cookies4u »

I've decided I want to move into administration at some point in the next few years. I know the consensus here is that an MA is an MA - unless it's from an elite uni, in which case it can open doors.

I want to look into MAs of the door-opening variety. I looked into Oxford but sadly my undergrad GPA is below their 3.6 threshold.

Perhaps this is wishful thinking, but are there any MA options out there from 'Global Iveys' that
a) Can be done partially or completely online
b) Might accept someone with work experience and a mediocre undergrad GPA ?

About me: From US, undergrad degree in unrelated field (3.2 GPA), teaching license in middle and high school math. Taught 2 years in the US (+1 as a paid intern teacher), currently on my 4th year of teaching in China.
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Post by PsyGuy »

Its a short list of global ivys to inquire upon: Harvard, Yale, Stanford (US), OxBridge (UK), McGill (CAN), Sorbonne (FR), NUS (SG). Then the maybes are: MIT, Julliard (US), LSE (UK), ANU (AUS), and maybe, maybe, HKU (HK). All told only thirteen.

If youre not suitable for those you may like to look at Harvards Certificate in School Management and Leadership:
https://www.gse.harvard.edu/ppe/program ... leadership
Its only about a year, and costs about USD$2K and they tend to admit anyone who will pay the coin and doesnt sound like a dullard. You can pair that with a masters from anywhere and get similar cache (though not equal) as a degree from a global ivy.

Oxford has also been known to make exceptions for applicants who have at least or above a 3.0.
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