What next? :o :o :o

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What next? :o :o :o

Post by TCH12 »

Dear All,

Quick reminder of my situation… I (37 year old, white, male) opened a series of posts here back in 2020, whilst contemplating a move from ESL (Korean public schools) to IE (secondary English). The primary objective was to rescue my (now three-year-old) daughter from the brutality of the Korean education system, and offer my little family (I’m married to a non-teaching Korean national) an interesting and financially stable life abroad.

The advice I received here was instrumental in my decision to leave my family in Korea and do my PGCE at a university back home in South Africa.

Well, fast forward a couple of years, and phase one is officially complete! I’m back in Korea and have taken a job at the local office of education, just while I catch my breath. Of course, no one in Korea has the foggiest idea what a PGCE is, so my recent accomplishment doesn’t have much utility here.

I’m hoping the kind and knowledgeable folk here at ISR can help me plot a feasible way forward? I suppose my biggest disadvantage (besides trailing spouse/offspring) is a near complete lack of ‘real’ teaching experience (five years of teaching ESL in Korean public schools doesn’t count, obviously). So, all I really have to my name is the year of student teaching I did while doing my PGCE. Unfortunately, the typical recommendation of two years of domestic experience isn’t an option for me.

My strategy thus far has been to find ads on TES.com and email my resume package directly to HR. This ‘package’ consists of cover letter, teaching resume, video teaching sample, academic transcripts and certificate copies – all contained in a single PDF, which I’ve called a ‘portfolio’ (is this a misnomer?). I sent out a batch of these a few days ago, but haven’t heard back from anyone, yet (ever) :)

Would anyone mind skimming over my initial email and aforementioned portfolio – just to point out areas of potential improvement? I’ve scratched out my name/picture etc., not only because of the possibility of identity theft, but also because I’m somewhat embarrassed. Still, any and all criticisms will be gratefully received and implemented 😊 You can find the files here:

https://drive.google.com/drive/folders/ ... sp=sharing

Thank you so much, in advance!!! Hopefully posts like these can help other noobs when forging their own paths.
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Re: What next? :o :o :o

Post by limitless_te »

I'm sorry I can't help but I'm very curious with what you said about Korean education system. I have heard and read news about it but in reality, how brutal can it be?
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Post by PsyGuy »

Its been that long already?

First, lots of edus in SK know what a PGCE is in the context of IE.

Second, you need to spin the ESOL experience as K12/KS experience as you did it full time in a primary/secondary environment in an actual DS as opposed to a Hagwon. Once you get that 5 years experience passed their filter youre in a much more marketable position.

Third, you need to expand your search outside of TES, especially if youre open to being outside of SK. TIE and even SA (as an intern candidate if need be) should be serious considerations for you.

Fourth, its not a portfolio, its an application packet that youve incorporated, by default, with a portion of a portfolio, keep those separate. Youre sending too much. The rule is always follow the instructions in the vacancy post. If it says cover letter, resume and passport, send just and only that. Leave the rest for when you get passed the screening to the selection stage. Youre resume should say everything about whatever supporting documents you have without providing them at the application stage.
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Re: What next? :o :o :o

Post by TCH12 »


Sage advice, as always. Thank you!

I never considered spinning my ESL experience that way, but I suppose it's possible!

Working outside of SK is almost a prerequisite, as my wife is dying to get out for a bit (as am I). We'd probably return in the long-term, however.

I'll look into TIE and SA right away. Thanks again.
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Re: What next? :o :o :o

Post by TCH12 »


It really is very intense, from late elementary onward. School till 4:30, then off to Hagwon till 10pm... and then the homework begins! I had too many students tell me how miserable their lives were to not take notice.
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