Sweden Residency

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Sweden Residency

Post by Psychometrika »

As I near my 50's I'm considering where to land for my golden years and Sweden popped into my mind.

Assuming I already had a nice nest egg built up, how viable would it be to get a job at one of the large bilingual chains and then stick around 5 years or so to earn a permanent residency? Money would be a secondary issue as I would not need to worry about saving, and mostly I would be in it for the residency and health care. In theory, I could try to get a job at one of the better schools but as a non-EU person I suspect that would be challenging.

Is this viable at all? I have a feeling I'm probably overlooking something but wanted to toss this out there. Thanks!
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Post by PsyGuy »

The immigration and visa issue is the same whether your looking at the big IS chain of ISs in Sweden or one of the embassy ISs, etc. The chain obviously has more vacancies so that would be in your favor.

After 5 years you can apply for citizenship assuming you meet the other requirements.
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