Chances of getting hired with my subject degree from the Open University? Advice needed!

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Chances of getting hired with my subject degree from the Open University? Advice needed!

Post by cnvgraham »

I will be applying for IS positions in 2022/23.

So I studied my initial degree (LLB Bachelor of Laws (Hons)) at a brick university in the UK (well-regarded) and got a 1st. I then did my PGDE in Geography in England, again at a brick university, and got a distinction, through completing Teach First.

As my initial degree was not in Geography, I am not a "subject specialist", so I am currently completing my BA (Hons) in Geography with the Open University, which is fully accredited in the UK and many teachers here have OU degrees. The OU also has a campus in Milton Keynes, but focuses on distance learning for most courses (although some of my modules will have residential schools and field trips, it still counts as distance-learning). I know some countries in the Middle East don't recognise any form of distance learning, but how would my prospects be for finding a teaching job in Europe or the Americas? My academic career has been strong so far and I expect this to continue with my OU results.

Would love to hear if anyone else has successfully found a position with a degree from the OU! I know of one guy who went to Eastern Europe but other examples would be really encouraging! TIA
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Re: Chances of getting hired with my subject degree from the Open University? Advice needed!

Post by expatscot »

The Open University is an accredited university with the same standing in the UK as any other, so I don't think you'll have a problem with recognition.

The requirement for the 'first subject' degree is often more of a visa requirement than anything else. Where you're looking, in Europe and the Americas, it's more likely to be a requirement of the school than anything else, and certainly in Asia it's not so common (I know plenty teachers who teach subjects not related to their degree, myself included!) The UAE is one of the few countries which requires this, I think.
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Post by PsyGuy »

I dont know why youre doing all the work youre doing? In IE at least, having a PGDE in geography is suitable subject matter preparation to teach geography. Unless a first degree in the subject is a visa requirment anything else is just some ISs wish list and they would very likely consider an IT with a PGDE in the subject as being acceptable and meeting their internal requirements.

A degree from the OU is fully accredited and accepted and outside those few regions that dont recognize online degrees at all, it will be fine.
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