Countries/Cities with 100K savings

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Re: Countries/Cities with 100K savings

Post by BM12 »

Can I just jump in here and ask if you both (last two posters) stop the 'I agree, I disagree' game you are playing, before it actually starts? It's pretty tiring.

Also, the entire part after his financial stuff is trolling so just let it go...
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Re: Countries/Cities with 100K savings

Post by Heliotrope »

BM12 wrote:
> Can I just jump in here and ask if you both (last two posters) stop the 'I
> agree, I disagree' game you are playing, before it actually starts? It's
> pretty tiring.
> Also, the entire part after his financial stuff is trolling so just let it
> go...

Ok, will do.
Thames Pirate
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Re: Discussion

Post by Thames Pirate »

PsyGuy wrote:
> @Thames Pirate
> No dont have to default to some expired or retired contracts. Just using
> the Vienna example.

I said Germany, and you talk about Vienna, but whatever. You are going to argue forever that you are right while the rest of us will roll our eyes and recognise that it is very hard to put aside 50K and nearly impossible to save 100K in most of WE. Argue all you want; realistically for what the OP wants, the answer is no, you should not reasonably consider WE.

> I wouldnt argue that Asia is better than the WE or EUR. What you call
> "ossified" i call a focus on classical education and learning.
> Whats wrong with doing things how weve always done them. Why meddle with
> something that works and isnt broken? Maybe these new ITs arent coming from
> such wonderful ISs with their new ideas. Change isnt always better, and
> change for the sake of change is rarely better. ITs should be hostile to
> newcomers that are trying to sabotage the current way of doing things.

I sure wouldn't want to be in your classroom! We are not preparing kids for life in the 20th century anymore. In the 1980s, when some of these ancient teachers started, the very concept of the internet was limited to scientists and computer geeks. Teaching how to use a card catalog is not "classical" education; it's a waste of precious time. Research has taught us a lot about how kids learn. Philosophies on the purpose of education are also different; we are no longer preparing kids for a single career. Change for its own sake isn't better, but change based on what is best for kids' needs absolutely is.

But hey, I recognise that you are arguing for the sake of arguing and that you want to troll the discussion into whether or not the field has or should change at all. You know full well that I am not saying there is something wrong with studying Oedipus; you are deliberately being obtuse and misunderstanding the point so that you can argue. Well, if you want to put words in my mouth and then argue with them, you don't need me for that.

The reality is that Vienna is not inherently better or worse than Singapore or Manila or Tokyo; there are elements that are better in each place and for each person. And schools in one part of the world or another aren't inherently better or worse; you might have ossified staff in one place and overworked in another. No school is perfect, and there are good and bad schools in every region. But you knew that this was my point, too.

I think the OP has enough to make an informed decision on WE as a place to save a lot of money, and bickering with you over your trolling comments won't alter that.
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Re: Countries/Cities with 100K savings

Post by BM12 »

Thanks Heliotrope.

And just a general comment on this thread. Don't feed the trolls..
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Post by PsyGuy »

@Thames Pirate

No, its just TPF (Thames Pirate Fallacy).
Yes, I used Vienna as the example since it was provided by other contributors, but Germany specifically is no different.
Yes because your going to do a hair flip and whine about your right.
No, i didnt state that it was easy, I wrote it was possible, and not possible in a win the lottery way but given the conditions that i wrote, which were
"You could do it in some parts of the WE (IE. Germany) but youd have to again be on the upper stages and band and mitigate the cost of housing. Such that your living cost and taxes eat less than half of one salary".
Then its demonstrated that Austria, a region in the WE has an upper scale salary that would permit 100K savings on two ITs salaries. I dont even have to mitigate housing, a 1LDK outside the city center is €667/mth with utilities another €105/mth.
Yes I will argue all I want, because its true and youre just wrong, more TPF.
No, reasonable isnt the standard, possible is the standard.

I sure wouldnt want you in my classroom.
Card catalogs still exist, and its only a waste if ownership thinks its a waste, but this is more TPF because i never claimed teaching the use of card catalogs should be in the curriculum.
What students need is defined by what ownership and to that extent what the curriculum says is important and thats true if its card catalogs or calligraphy or whatever. More technology is not a substitute when students dont understand that 1/3 Kg. is more than a 1/4 Kg. even though 4 is a larger number than 3. Those needs arent for @Thames Pirate to decide, until and if there ever becomes a @Thames Pirate curriculum, if that day ever comes Ill be introducing it to my circular filing receptacle.

I recognize that you just cant admit when your wrong, and that youre just going to keep arguing TPF like a troll.
Yes you were stating there is something wrong with studying Oedipus. No, youre just trying to step it back, thats more TPF.

Yes, Vienna is inherently better than Manilla, SG and JP, its the WE.

No, thats TPF. Theres nothing wrong with "ossified" staff, thats called experience. Overworked is just a derogatory term for committed.

No thats TPF. There are ISs that are closer to perfection than other ISs, that the scale has a theoretical ceiling doesnt subtract anything from it still being a scale. Of course thats because your a subscriber to the belief that tiers dont really exist and they are merely perceptions and subjective.

I think the LW has enough information now too.
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Re: Countries/Cities with 100K savings

Post by sid »

Card catalogues still exist?
Umm… technically true. Many old ones now still exist as repurposed accent items in home decor.
My school doesn’t have one, need one or want one. I’m trying to remember the last time I saw one in use.
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Post by PsyGuy »


Yes they still exist, and not as repurposed furniture. There are a number of rural areas, such as in the USA, that do not have access to high speed internet with small libraries that still maintain card catalogs. Private libraries also maintain card catalogs or an equivalent. The Vatican maintains several such card catalogs that are not accessible or inventoried on a central data system, the only way to consult them is to know of their existence and location. However such libraries must maintain and print their own cards as the company that did so no longer provides them.
Thames Pirate
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Re: Countries/Cities with 100K savings

Post by Thames Pirate »

Always fun when PsyGuy is back in full force. I had forgotten that I had my own abbreviation from him. Good times.

The "save 100K on 107K" is right up there with the Japanese school that needed a three way Olympic equestrian who was a BE instructor and a teacher.

Anyway, I think we all know that some people are arguing just to argue (the card catalogue statement wasn't actually about card catalogues per se, and we all know it), and the rest of us understand that while theoretically possible, it's not realistic to expect to save 100K in WE. Most of us understand what is meant by an ossified staff. Most of us feel the question has been answered, and if that answer is TPF, well, just celebrate with me that I get my own abbreviation.
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Re: Countries/Cities with 100K savings

Post by sid »

Ahh, the Olympian. A mythical thread, to be sure.
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Re: Countries/Cities with 100K savings

Post by unsure »

How does he know so much about Vatican library practices ?

Re: Countries/Cities with 100K savings

Post by Illiane_Blues »

Wow so much nonsense in a single Psyguy post. Usually that takes him about 2 or 3 posts.
Thames Pirate is right: no teacher couple will save that much in Germany, Austria or at the boarding schools in Switzerland that Psyguy seems so fond of.
There are a some places where a teacher couple might save 100K: Beijing, Shanghai, Taipei, Singapore, UAE, Saudi Arabia. But in some of those you'll have to live very frugally to archive that goal.
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Post by PsyGuy »

@Thames Pirate

Yes, up there in the same category of being demonstratively true.

Yes, we all know some members just want to argue, even when they are shown to be wrong, they just wont give up. Very TPF.

Yes, we understand when we look at the statements and claims made against the evidence that its possible, and not just in some you have to win the lottery realm of possible to save 100K in Europe. Hard, difficult, but not impossible, as I previously wrote.

Yes, it was answered very early in this post and remains true.
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Re: Countries/Cities with 100K savings

Post by sid »

unsure wrote:
> How does he know so much about Vatican library practices ?
You should see how much he claims to know about the care and upkeep of horses.
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Post by PsyGuy »


Quite a bit more than @Thames Pirate
Thames Pirate
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Re: Countries/Cities with 100K savings

Post by Thames Pirate »

Yep, that was a classic. When I put some questions to him that were not immediately answerable on Google, he somehow stalled out. I still laugh at that.
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