Search October Virtual Fair

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Search October Virtual Fair

Post by elizamina »

Those attending, how are you finding it so far?

On my end, I'm finding it entirely disappointing. We're a math and English couple, and so far, we've gotten 3 rejections or ignored totally. Kind of ouch, tbh, but I keep reminding myself that it's still really early and schools are being super picky right now. (Still though, kinda ouch.) We've had good luck at two fair in the past (Bangkok and Cambridge), but this one just feels like a waste of time.

Anyone having better luck? Or is it a total write off? Or something else? Let's hear it.
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Re: Search October Virtual Fair

Post by speedracer »

Same boat here.

We are a teaching couple as well (but with two kids)

I think that only 2 schools had positions for both of us. Even so, I applied to some good schools that only had a job for me.

Perhaps it is my own hubris, but I have over a decade of experience with MYP and DP, am a workshop leader and examiner. I thought I would at least get a couple of interviews.

Absolutely nothing.

Pretty deflating but maybe it is still early.

Re: Search October Virtual Fair

Post by just.the.truth »

Same here. Total wash. I'm really disappointed, and I was trying to be optimisitc, but I also think it's still super early in the year. All the schools I was really keen to interview with declined my request. Some of them were courteous enough to send a polite message along with the declined request.

I have to say, I am really disappointed at the lack of professional courtesy from the rest of them. I had schools decline my invitation at the 11th hour of the job fair. I understand that there must have been hundreds of requests, but still... I think there is something to be said about showing professional courtesy, whilst still balancing the needs of your school, and managing the many requests they must have received. I'm not saying I expect a sweet little rejection note, with a pink ribbon, but to leave someone hanging until the end of the fair? Come on!

That said, I found the whole experience a big fat waste of time...and now I feel cheap. *sniff
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Re: Search October Virtual Fair

Post by elizamina »

I'm thinking that if we were turned down an interview request at this wash of a fair, it's okay to reapply later if the positions are still open?

For one, I highly doubt any school is going to remember any single interview request they turned down (unless you wrote them an angry, frothing email, I suppose). For another, at a later date, their needs might have changed and they are less likely to be as picky later in the recruiting season.


Anyone going to try their luck at the ISS-Schrole iFairs, the Search December or January fairs, or GNC? I'm signed up for Search January, but I gotta wash the taste of disappointment out of my mouth first.
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Re: Search October Virtual Fair

Post by shadowjack »

The truth (as seen by SJ) about this recruiting season? Forget any other year you have gone recruiting. This year will not be like that. Schools hiring NOW for next year? Like Spotted Owls - very rare. Everybody is kicking tires, everybody is hoping that they can line up something - schools, teaching staff, and even parents who are dealing with the global issues of COVID. At my school, if we seriously start recruiting before February, I'll be surprised. And there are other schools out there in the same boat. Bigger schools might know openings are coming - but nobody HAS to tell them yet. So they are kicking tires - meeting the really high end candidates who they MIGHT make an offer to later. It is a crazy, COVID, contrary year that makes many of us glad we are locked in, or we have security.
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Post by PsyGuy »

First, Its still early for virtual fairs compared to the dates of BKK and BOS. Its still early recruiting, Unless have a confirmed meet and greet or are a superstar IT with strong leads than early recruiting is generally unproductive. Second, virtual fairs are almost always underwhelming, unless its a pretense for a large organized interview thats arranged in advance they are most likely to be disappointing.

@Sid and I disagree on this point, their position I that every contact deserves a response, and mines of the position that cold contacts dont warrant a response.

I tend to concur with @SJ, this year will be very different (as last year was), prime recruiting time will probably shift forward closer to Spring.


Its absolutely appropriate to apply for an open and posted vacancy, regardless of applying in the past. Many ISs dont track that type of contact very well, and even if they did, they dont know if youre still available and its not worth the effort to chase down past leads when there are current perspective applicants as well as their needs may have changed or the applicant pool less impressive.
A refusal however may be remembered and the recruiter/leadership may consider it a snub, and uninterested in engaging with you again. They may feel that their position is week, or they may feel offended or jut burdened with an abundance of ego/pride.
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